Weighed in at 182.2 Lost 1.2 pounds this week. Still going down.
Starting weight 186 Current weight 183.4
My name is Terry. I am a lawyer living in Indonesia and I work closely with the Indonesian government on rule of law issues. What inspired me to do this was the fact hat I recently weighed in the heaviest I have been at for the last ten years. I became concerned about my health - I have two kids I need to get through…
My experience is that intense workouts just make you eat more - first, you feel you can eat more because you've just burned lots of calories off, but 2. You actually are really hungry. I still work out intensely because it is really important for your health . And when I did stop , the weight just piled on fast. So now, I…
I want to stay under permitted calories each day of the week - a perfect week !
I am much too busy to have a particular plan. I will be watching what I eat, and trying to eat healthy and vegetarian, and work out whenever I can. I joined because I think it will keep me focused and I am motivated by what I see other people doing. Good luck to all. I don't plan on being the best at losing weight or…
My initial weigh in is 186. Like the 16 weeks. Gives us a chane to really make a difference
My initial weigh in is 186. Good luck all.
I think marriage is difficult and I feel your pain. I think the reality is that difficult situations like this often manifest themselves - at least for me - in unhealthy conduct such as eating too much because I am stressed out. I do believe that action - any action is better than simply suffering. You need to move forward…
Jakarta, Indonesia.