RobynMWilson Member


  • 42, soon to be 43 right here! Feel free to friend me!
  • No shrinking your stomach is not a fallacy. I managed to do it by decreasing my portion sizes and eating more frequently throughout the day. I cannot eat as much in one sitting as I could when I was in 6th grade! lol And like someone said above, sipping at water throughout the day also helps. I've never found water to help…
  • Eating too little most certainly can cause weight gain and slow your metabolism to a halt! Dk where she got that from but I see it every single day!
  • I just sent you a friend request with my thoughts :)
  • I had jury duty for the FIFTH time last year and I felt like Andrew in "The Breakfast Club" pulling out all my food and my protein powder and shaker cup from a! I also found myself at nice spot at a table near a plug so I could work. I'm self employed so didn't wanna miss work that day.
  • Being called Big Bertha in high school. Kids are cruel. Lost 70lbs that following year. When that boy who started it tried to friend me on FB a few yrs ago, I declined without saying a word lol Yay me for restraint of tongue! lol!!
  • Being called Big Bertha in high school. Kids are cruel. Lost 70lbs that following year. When that boy who started it tried to friend me on FB a few yrs ago, I declined without saying a word lol Yay me for restraint of tongue! lol!!
  • So do I, OP. And extra points for restraint of tongue and pen. I totally lack that ability and would have wasted time going back and forth with this idiot all night! lol You know your body and don't ever think for a second that getting healthy has anything to do with pushing yourself to the point of puking, not being able…
  • It took me 9 months to lose 70lbs at a rate of 1-2lb per week. I've kept it off since the mid 90s. Slow and sustainable wins the race!
  • You can add lemon to your water. I actually started with Crystal Light (it was the 80s lol) and worked my way to water from there. Here's a great site full of yummy healthy recipes: My whole freezer is stocked with her recipes lol
  • Muscle burns fat!! Pick up those weights and you will burn fat around the clock as opposed to just burning fat during your workout. My body fat has never been as low as it's been since I focused more on strength training/lifting rather than just cardio. welcome! :)
  • Welcome and great work so far! Just sent a FR :) Y'all can feel free to add me too!
  • Not just the just happened while I was in my food diary. I don't even know where to report this!
  • I went to one too many college parties, or any parties for that matter, and ended up in AA by age 27 lol. Take it from someone who hasn't had a drink in over 14 yrs and don't miss's not worth derailing your goals and also putting yourself in bad situations. Partying these days isn't like when I was 20 back in the…
  • Thanks everybody and please be nice! For the record, I was really trying to eat more. I had food issues as a kid and really worked to control my portions and "shrink" my stomach the non-surgical way back in the 80s, and so I added extra meals and snacks rather than bigger portions so as not to "stretch" the stomach back…
  • I have to agree. I can be lazy, believe you me! lol But exercise is as non-negotiable for me as brushing my teeth. I wanted it badly enough to push myself to do it for the first 30 days. After that, it became habit. It's been a habit now since 1997 and I cannot imagine my life without exercise now! If I can do it, you can!
  • Thank you! I did have some friends who are much bigger boned than me doing this program who are also focusing on weight loss, and they have not bulked up and both saw better results with this program than others they have tried, including primarily cardio workouts. That being said, the majority of women, barring hormonal…
  • Everybody is different but the magic numbers for me are 40/30/30. And the best "diet" is NO "diet"! Diets are a temporary fix for a lifelong change, which is why they don't work! I also EAT to fuel my body rather than starve my muscles. Healthy happy muscles = fat burning = metabolism on FIRE!
  • I personally have had the best results at 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat, although I do tend to go over on fat often lol. That seems to work best for me and it's usually what I recommend to start, but everybody is different and it does depend on the quality of your foods and the workouts you're doing and also eating…
  • You wouldn't use a GPS without plugging in a destination, right? So why are you approaching weight loss without setting goals? Don't be afraid to fail. Set reasonable, realistic mini goals. I had my big goal of losing 70lbs, but I would also pick dates to be at a certain weight by. So, like March 1987 I wanted to be 170,…
  • You need to eat more. I had sent you a FR the other day by the way. If I'm 42 and a former obese kid and I'm eating 2400 cals per day to maintain, you DEF need to eat more!
  • This has been a way of life for me since the mid-90s. And I allow "indulgences" or "cheats" or whatever you wanna call them about 15% of the time and "behave" the other 85%. I have a fitness routine that fits easily into my schedule no matter what b/c I've made it convenient for myself and it's a priority for me. The word…
  • I just sent you a FR so we can talk one on one, but 1000 cals is not near enough unless you're about 4'9 and even then it may not be enough. You did a beautiful thing by being a surrogate so please see that beauty within yourself b/c there are many woman out there who would not go through all of that for a friend. Also,…
  • I am a P90X and P90X3 2 time grad and X3 WILL challenge you! I got better results with X3 than any other program and I've been doing at-home workouts since 1997. My results are in my profile pics somewhere, but I loved X3 enough to do back-to-back rounds, which I never do with any program! Good luck!
  • Just sent FR :)
  • I always have carbs before a workout. I usually have to Kodiak Cakes flapjacks dipped in a bit of pure maple syrup about 2 hours before my workout and a banana or strawberries about an hour before my workout. Carbs aren't the enemy. Fad diets that are anti carb are the enemy! lol
  • Unfortunately, I lost my weight back in the 80s when girls didn't lift weights and all we knew was cardio. I lost slowly but did cardio cardio cardio and also I just genetically have crappy skin, even when I was 15! lol Weight training in recent years has def helped where the loose skin is! I lost 70lb, though. And I am a…
  • Just turned 42 yesterday! And I did start in my 20s but staying fit in your 20s and staying fit in your 40s are two entirely different beasts! lol Sending friend request now :)
  • P90X3!!! I got BETTER results with X3 than I did with original P90X, you can modify it, it's a half hour per day, and I LOVE it! I did 2 rounds back to back and I never do back to back rounds of the same program! lol Message me if you have any questions..I know the program in and out! And here's the bonus...if you go with…