iamkimmie Member


  • ...not to say that it's still not bad for you, though. haha
  • If you decide to get pizza, thin crust has fewer calories. Also, get veggies on your pizza and not meat. The meats get you! If you can special order, ask them to go a little light on the cheese. You still get the pizza taste and it's really quite good, and it's not nearly as bad for you as a regular pizza is.
  • Yep! I gain at least 10 lbs the week before my period and it goes away while I'm on it. My doc said that when you start PMSing you crave salty foods and if you give in, it can add to the water retention. Drinking extra water and exercising while I'm on my period/PMSing helps make it go away faster and tends to help me with…
  • http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/what-you-didnt-know-about-tomatoes/
  • Pasta is my biggest weakness. I could eat it as a meal daily. I also only eat the whole wheat pastas to incorporate a little bit of nutritional value into my poor meal choice. Eating a lot of pasta, especially after not eating it for awhile, makes me feel squishy and tired. I have noticed that when I do eat a larger…
  • I know it would be really difficult and may not have a desirable outcome, but you should tell her what she's doing. She may or may not know she's doing it. You don't have to be rude when you talk to her about it, but it's prefectly reasonable for you to tell a friend that things they say to you hurt you. If she really is a…
  • Don't worry if you're gonna make me go to the gym, I'll make you go! We both need to lose our baby weight... just in time to put more baby weight back on! haha Oh how I'd love to start out skinny my next time around!