

  • This is exactly me right now, i'm 231lbs &wanting to be about 135. I'm 5'0 Today is my first day starting back up, I worked out for about 20mins [I was tired after that, lol] & been eating/counting calories like ate watermelon, a few crackers etc..
  • They could have told me, it was an emergency surgery and I was in a ton of pain so I have no clue what they said, lol. I never really noticed it until about a month after surgery [When I started dieting] then I noticed that fatty foods got to me.
  • Yeah I kinda thought that, hmm well then i'll be learning what types of foods do that to me over time and be staying away from those.
  • See I kinda notice pants feeling a bit looser on me, i'm always doing the annoying pulling them up thing. I just wish I saw more looking down at myself etc... I was 220 now at 204-205.
  • I started my lifestyle change a month ago, and am down 15lbs. I'm/was looking to lose about 90lbs. I have been going to the gym daily [Almost everyday] Treadmill mainly. I eat 1,200 calories a day, NO fast food, and no soda. I cut out soda/fast food about a month ago when I started all this and I think that's helped the…
  • Yeah, as of tomorrow it'll be a week at the gym and i've done like two days of strength training, but going to up it. I meet with my personal trainer on Sunday, so once I know more of what he wants me to do i'm going to start on that. I am going in for a 45min work out tomorrow, nothing to major because I have a Chiro appt…
  • I'm going on the bike and tredmil. I've never been this active in my life, i've never had to gained a lot of weight after having three kids. Now trying to get rid of it. So i'm not running or anything, just walking on the tredmil, and biking at a pretty decent speed.
  • MFP says 1200 calories a day. I'm suppose to burn 480/day. [I've only been burning 150-200 a day. I go to the gym for an hour, a day. [Yesterday twice a day] But not able to totally get a full on work out going so I burn about 100 each time. This morning it was 140, I burnt.
  • I'm looking to lose 90lbs. How did you do it? I am tracking calories eating 1,200 a day, drinking water. Working out everyday at the gym. I've lost in less than a week 6-8lbs.
  • My problem is being so picky, i've just been having turkey sandwiches, pb/jelly sandwiches, corn, chicken, and that's pretty much it.
  • You look AMAZING!
  • Wow! You look amazing! How did you do it? I'm just starting out today, i'm going from 220 to 130.
  • I don't know why they're so big! I just had my Daughter 9wks ago, and still look pregnant. I hate it. I also had Gall bladder surgery 4wks ago.
  • This is a HUGE thing for me to post pictures. =/
  • Trying to figure out how to post pictures.