

  • I agree with you, I think whatever is most peaceful or quietest is the best way for everyone involved. I wish his neighbors would have just been a bit more respectful. If someone were to ask me instead of just calling law enforcement or jumping in my face I would have thanked them rather than being a jerk.
  • Some of the responses I've seen make me think that maybe there is a reason pot is illegal. Somehow the intelligence of a person drops quite a bit -- then they say things that don't make sense like that. Then people just get annoyed, disturbed and angry. Who needs that? :P A-f*%&ing-men.
  • Making an inquiry and filing an actual report are two different things. Unless they are just ridiculous all he has to do is ask what the best option would be in his case. The person he's speaking with will either give them a personal opinion (which in most cases is what happens) or some cookie-cutter out of the book…
  • I highly doubt that one report would result in a "raid" -- he could just inquire and ask for advice from the police, or ask that they just stop by and place a warning. Its not always some huge flashy show. Most likely just one visit will give them the intimidation factor to just take it inside.
  • For the love of God, read more. He is not arguing whether or not pot is good or bad or whether it should be illegal or legal or even (from what I've seen -- there is a lot to go through) voiced his opinion on it used recreationally. It's all about the business his wife worked hard to get and could lose parents over…
  • I think this thread and the replies are really just flying over your head a bit. Or you're just not reading. Or have a problem with comprehension. Either way, still though, great job!
  • +1, finally someone with a bit more intelligent argument and understanding insight. I used to smoke pretty often -- but in my case it was primarily for medical purposes. It became more recreational after. I don't as much anymore just because of my own personal reasons -- not because I think its in any way worse than…
  • I think these posts are my favorite --- and the reason I keep returning to this thread. You're really making it look good for people who smoke weed and aren't *kitten* about it. Good job! (/sarcasm.)
  • To add to everything else that is pretty rude about this situation --- I had acute asthma as a child. My Mom was constantly on about how much smoking around me wouldn't hurt me (because she didn't want to stop smoking inside :P) but it still triggered a lot of problems for me when I was young. Made me pretty miserable most…
  • I was on MFP for almost a year before I even started adding friends. When not used as in a social setting, MFP is still just a great tool for keeping track of calories and exercise -- and its free and the ui is clean and simple. When I figured out that it was good to add friends and meet new people I liked it even more.…
  • From what I've read most people would say to mind their own business but are concerned about the wife's business. It's not easy to get a license for a day care, and its also not very easy to gain customers after that. I think they're more concerned about compromising what they've worked hard to achieve rather than the…
  • Yea wow, that's some great, very well thought out advice. Thats about as good as "EFF THEM CALL THE COPS" or "JUST MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS" because offering a proper response and possible solution is so far fetched.
  • No, because cigarettes are legal. It's silly that pot is illegal, but thats how it is in most states unfortunately. If I were a mother though, as I stated before...I wouldn't want to take my child to a place with a stoned (or drunk) individual there. That is for adults. I also wouldn't want my child around a lot of…
  • I agree with this post -- if it weren't hurting business for your wife I would say just let it be because it really doesn't hurt anyone (more so than alcohol or cigarettes anyway). Most mothers don't want their children around inebriated individuals or around cigarette smoke so them not wanting pot smoke is pretty valid. I…
  • I'm 26! Anyone can feel free to add me. I am a plus size lady who has already lost a lot and still has a way to go! My story is different than a lot of peoples but I still can offer encouragement and advise :)
  • As far as I can tell there is a very wide range of ages! However, if you want to find friends that are your age and gender you can actually put a filter on and search: On your home page at the top navigation there will be a tab that says "Community." After you click the tab -- directly underneath will be a sub-nav bar that…
  • I'm not a fella! But I do have quite a bit more weight to lose. I've lost over 100lbs and its very possible. :) I'll be happy to help support you through your journey! I will add you if you like. :)
  • Hello! I'm Skye! I've been signed up for MFP for a while, but after some big life changes I've decided that this was my favorite and best tool that worked for me. Also, there are so many people who are supportive here. I'm so excited! There will be ups and downs and hardships -- but I'm ready to face them. So I'm Skye, I'm…
  • I really have no idea if guys do that..but I doubt its the "ugly" friend. I think it would more be like the "embarassing" friend -- it wouldn't even be about his looks I don't think. I think it would be about his sociability and masculinity. At least thats what I would assume! I don't own a penis nor have I ever been apart…
  • I've been having such a hard time lately -- and when I looked at this thread I laughed. THANKS! I really needed it.. :PHaha. Salsa is really just fine (I use it to cook a lot). I saw where someone said thats asking for trouble. If you're good about limiting yourself to a certain portion its fine, there are also other…
  • Hello! My name is Skye -- and I'm a pretty huge gamer/nerd. I started off with an SNES and went on from there. I play MMOs, FPS, Console, PC, whatever kind of game I really think is interesting. I'm also a pretty big old school gamer fan -- I modded my PSP in order to play old school SNES games (sorry guys -- atari just…
  • Yea I started steroids when I was younger and dealt with a lot of different medications. I continually got worse though, and it was a prettty much had to do. Its anyones decision -- but sometimes I relly do wonder if I would go back to it.
  • I was officially diagnosed with UC at the age of 16. I had the symptoms long before, it just took a while to figure out. Unfortunately with UC you get the crappy end of two ends. You gain weight from steroids, or you lose weight from the mal-nutrition. When I was 24 (I am 26 now). Like you had problems when I changed my…
  • I'm looking for encouraging friends too! Feel free to add me anyone. :)
  • I've had quite a few. Just like everyone else. One of the things that stuck out with me the most was when I was in Jr. High and I walked into a classroom to give a teacher something -- and two guys in the class started making "crushing" noise every time I took a step. Like I made the earth rumble because I was walking. It…
  • I was 10 pounds when I was born! I've been overweight my whole life. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with UC, and recently had surgery to correct it and they threw in a gastric bypass. Unfortunately I had complications and four surgeries later I've lost 111 pounds. I know how it feels to be a kid and over weight and…