Neighbor smoking pot. What would you do?



  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Things are different where I live (Washington) because it's legal and I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    I'm guessing though it's illegal where you live. Since the kids don't care - talk to the mom - she may not be aware this is going on. If she is and she's okay with them smoking pot - ask if they could possibly do it after daycare hours are over. If that does not work, then you should call the cops.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    For F@#KS sake call the cops...EVERY...SINGLE...TIME! Take it from someone who grew up with druggie/alcoholic parents; its better to end this not and with finality.

    a bit harsh to immediately call in the cops and potentially ruin some teenager's lives.

    i would talk to the mom, and make clear you will be calling the police if they don't move their activity, or stop altogether.

    I disagree that this is harsh. They're doing something illegal that could potentially cause the daycare to lose its liscence and livelihood. Oh, and they wouldn't be ruining the teens lives; the teens are doing it just fine on their own.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Stay out of it each to there own as long as it doesn't cross you're front door leave it but hey it's just advice !
    Well, technically, the pot smoke IS crossing into my back yard.
    This is where a legal business is run and is subject to spot inspections by both the state (infrequently) and the health department (sometime three times a month)
    I mean, if they were shooting up heroin, I could care less because it does not cross onto my property but the smoke does and, as a result, my wife could get her business shut down.

    Your wife can't be held responsible for this, she's not causing the smell!

    Even if she's not shut down by the state it could bother the parents enough to pull their children, in which case it would still affect her business.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    BTW I still love it! I'm just on an extensive break. My job does not allow, nor do my children. However.......Once I retire/change jobs and kick the kids out of the house there's gonna be a big F***ing party over here. lol, j/k. maybe
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    This is a no brainer. If it isn't something that is legal where you live and it is endangering your wife's job and children, call the police...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Talk to the mom, then call the cops. I live in Colorado, so things are a little different 'round these parts... but the mother should be given a chance to rectify the situation before involving the police, IMO.

    I agree with this advice. However, I also live in Colorado. It's still not legal for teenagers to smoke pot. And for whoever said it wasn't unsafe for kiddos to be around--do you really want your day-care aged child to inhale ANY kind of smoke, legal or otherwise?

    Child care programs deal with a lot of licensing regulations and this could be considered a health risk if the children are anywhere near the smoke.
  • Ryanmariem
    Ryanmariem Posts: 46 Member
    Stay out of it each to there own as long as it doesn't cross you're front door leave it but hey it's just advice !

    Well that is the problem, when the smell crosses over into your yard then well it is your problem and not doing anything is not an answer when illegal activity is involved. Even if it were say Cigrette smoke, when you are running a daycare it needs to be a smoke free zone which means No Smoking within so many feet also a Drug free zone.

    As for some advice:

    1) I would first talk w/the parents as obviously talking with the "kids" did not work. I would also let the mother know that if something is not done, you will be forced to call the police.

    2) If nothing is done. Call the police.

    This is about your job of running a daycare part of your income, explain that to the mother as well. I know I would not want her to loose her job either, but she is the parent and if her kid does not want to stop she has the choice to tell him to quit doing it on her property or move out.

    A hard situation to be in regardless... my prayers go out to you and good luck!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    That kid should apply for a job at the daycare. Just burn one and run around playing with kids and toys all day? Maybe a little nap and some juice and cookies? Sounds aweosme
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    1 then 2 would be my choice.


    give her a chance to deal with the situation....
    if no change, then call the cops.

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Things are different where I live (Washington) because it's legal and I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    I'm guessing though it's illegal where you live. Since the kids don't care - talk to the mom - she may not be aware this is going on. If she is and she's okay with them smoking pot - ask if they could possibly do it after daycare hours are over. If that does not work, then you should call the cops.

    Legal for adults, just like here in Colorado...but it's not still legal for teenagers. Is it?
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    What amuses me is imagining that in this situation, if pot was replaced with cigarettes, would it still be this big of a deal?
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    No offense to you or your wife, but if a day care center opened up next door to me, I'd probably need some chemical help to get through the day too :laugh:

    In all seriousness though, if you can't get anywhere with talking to the neighbors, contacting the licensing agent might be a good next step (to protect compliance). Depending on the situation and where you are, the police might not make a big deal out of it...or they could be medically licensed to smoke it.
    Well, thats why I can't work from the house anymore.
    I have no idea how she does it.
    But, in all fairness, she was running the daycare BEFORE the new neighbors moved in.
    The Mom is a REALLY nice lady and, as a school teacher, she really is a hard worker.
    It would have been an easy call if she was a total b***h or something but she isn't.
    Yeah, I will give her a call on my way home from work and see if I can talk to her for a few minutes.
    My wife has tried to be nice about all this.
    I guess it is time for me to get involved.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    If you can smell it, then obviously you are breathing it in.That is about as basic science as it gets.
    yeah, so basic you got it wrong.

    If they are smelling it, they're breathing it. Perhaps your point is that they cannot get high just because they smell it.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i say call the cops anyway, if the mom doesn't want to deal with the punk kid of hers, then thats her fault if it affects her job.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    What amuses me is imagining that in this situation, if pot was replaced with cigarettes, would it still be this big of a deal?

    I wouldn't want my children in a day care where they were constantly breathing in second hand smoke, either. However, here pot is illegal and cigarettes are not, so calling the police wouldn't be a solution.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you can smell it, then obviously you are breathing it in.That is about as basic science as it gets.
    yeah, so basic you got it wrong.

    If they are smelling it, they're breathing it. Perhaps your point is that they cannot get high just because they smell it.

    If breathing in the smell of a substance is so harmful, why are kids allowed to hug their cigarette-smoking relatives? Surely the stench is in their hair, their clothing, their car, and their home, so everyone who visits or gets near them is breathing it in!! No, they can't get a nicotine buzz but it still must be bad because they can smell it! Oh, the horror!!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    The point to me is not the legality of the whole thing, it's that the OP's wife might lose business because, right or wrong, the children's parents are concerned about drug use within a few feet of their children.

    Talk to the mom.
    Call the cops if necessary.

    Their "victimless" crime is victimizing your wife's and her business.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    Stay out of it each to there own as long as it doesn't cross you're front door leave it but hey it's just advice !

    That's just it, they are unable to stay out of it as the bloody stink from the pot could threaten his wife's business!!!
  • lynda3y9
    lynda3y9 Posts: 62 Member
    i can understand the dilemna when running a daycare... definetely not something you want drifting into their play area.
    maybe suggest they go for a walk somewhere instead? offer them some chocolate chip cookies if they take it away....that may motivate them.

    they would be better smoking it in their house....less people would smell it.
    is it considered 'unsafe' if it was cigarette smoke?
  • Pink_Pandas
    What amuses me is imagining that in this situation, if pot was replaced with cigarettes, would it still be this big of a deal?

    No, because cigarettes are legal. It's silly that pot is illegal, but thats how it is in most states unfortunately. If I were a mother though, as I stated before...I wouldn't want to take my child to a place with a stoned (or drunk) individual there. That is for adults. I also wouldn't want my child around a lot of cigarette smoke either. So depending on the situation, I would find my child a new daycare regardless.

    I know that in Texas, at least in larger cities (i'm in the Dallas area) -- Smoking isn't allowed indoors or within a certain range of a bar/restaurant/or really anywhere else. So most parents would probably uproar about cigarette smoke being close to their children just as much. Over protective mothers anyway.
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