

  • I am 5'5" and currently at 155 pounds. All I know is that in the triathlons I am in, I am almost always one of the biggest girls there and my fat is hanging over in my bike pics. Not cool.. At one time I was skinny at 115 pounds, but not as fit as I am today.. I want a middle ground, strong and muscular and fit, not too…
  • I am on Day 4 of the Challenge and I am down 3 pounds today. Best part of it though is how much better I feel. I suffer from Depression and have been really bad lately. Today I woke up thinking what a great day it was going to be and even ran/walked 2.5 miles before I went to work (and I NEVER get up early). This is the…
  • bagel thins and laughin cow cheese wedges greek yogurt with Cool Whip Free, and some fruit - also nice as a dessert!
  • I tried it last year and didn't lose anything. Very disappointing. The Bee Pollen pills, I am having good luck with. That is so strange they make you tired! I can only take 1/2 of the recommended dose because they gave me too much energy and made me jumpy/shaky!
  • Thanks everyone for your comments. I really got some smiles out of them today. Yes, it was mindless eating while I was watching tv. I don't even remembering tasting much of it. In fact I was very surprised when I reached into the bag again and it was all GONE! Not feeling any effects of it today, thank goodness. I was…
  • I go by what the Wii Fit says. It says 2 pounds for light clothing and 4 pounds for heavy clothing. But I don't think that included shoes, a coat, and a purse. So take those off! Also.. I can count on a 2 pound fluctuation throughout the day based on food/drinks and fluid retention. So it is best to weigh yourself first…
  • I hate to say it, but it is GOOD TEETH at first. Since I usually end up with *kitten*, I guess I put too much emphasis on looks. I am hoping to put more emphasis next time on someone who is charitable and smart (and still has a nice smile!)
  • I was having the same problem at first and I was extremely frustrated because I was staying under 1200 calories and losing nothing!! . Now I drink much more water and I stagger my calories. So I might have 1100 or 1200 and then a big calorie day of 1800 and then continue the cycle. I also added more protein to my diet and…
  • Hi Tonya. I see you have lost 7 pounds! Congratulations! This is going to sound funny but when I first looked at your picture I swear it looked like a pic of me from several years ago! :) 3 jobs, a husband, and 3 kids? When do you even have time to eat??
  • I'm sorry you are so frustrated. I was like that too a few months ago. I started this website I think 4 months ago and I was not seeing much progress and I slacked off I gained back the 6 pounds I had lost so I decided to try again. This time I lost 14 pounds in a month! I didn't worry so much about hitting my target…
  • 597+ 14 = 611
  • I know how good that feels!!! I was just saying the same thing - "I can't believe the scale is FINALLY going down!" I was stuck at the same number forever.. Just keep going, no matter what!! After a while, I hope you find you don't even want that much food anymore. Keep up the good work!! You should be very proud of…
  • Thanks for posting this. For a long while I was eating anywhere from 800 to 1100 calories and not losing any weight. I thought maybe I wasn't measuring quantity correctly or I just wasn't moving around enough and that's all my body was burning. In the last couple weeks I upped my calories to 1200-1400 and find the scale is…
  • The Wii Fit accounts for 2-3 pounds for clothes, doesn't it? That's why I thought it was lower than my scale. I might be wrong but that is what I have been telling myself. I'm not as concerned about the actual number it says, as I am the fact that the number must go DOWN from there!!
  • Thank You for posting this. You are not alone. I felt like I was reading my exact story. I have clothes anywhere from a size 5 to a size 14, all for this reason. Food makes me feel good. It fills me up with whatever it is that I am missing, maybe joy - I don't know. When I am happy and all is well in my world, I forget to…