blacknivory Member


  • I'm on Stage 4 and 53 years old. Just thought I'd mention that your weights don't look pitifully low to me because I'm well below the weights of a lot of people here. Squats and step ups - I started with body weight only and have gradually worked up with dumbbells before getting to a barbell. Push-ups - I do on the Smith…
  • Hi, I'm toward the end of Stage 4. I'm a bit heavier and taller than you with 26% body fat. I weigh myself every week but I'm caring about the stats less and less. I feel great, have more energy and I'm confident that if I continue with the strength training I'll go down the last few kilos that I'd like to. But I don't…
  • Great to hear. That's next on my list too. Keep posting to let us know how it's going.
  • Stage 4 Workout A Day 1 I couldn't wait to get back in the gym after an unintended rest between stages. Front squat/push press - I found a new method: I felt much less awkward doing it this way which is a little different to the book. A guy that works at the gym gave me some useful advice. He…
    in Stage 4 Comment by blacknivory May 2013
  • I'm interested in your criticisms. I'm still new to all this myself and thinking about where to go after I work through NROLW. Appreciate any advice.
  • I actually really like them because I think they are good for my rotator cuff which gets sore if I load up too much or don't move correctly. Especially the Y & T seem to make me pinch my shoulder blades back which is just the sort of work I need for my posture. I've always been the sort of skinny hunched winged-shoulder…
    in Stage 3 Comment by blacknivory May 2013
  • Stage 3 done This took time but just thought I needed to mark the occasion. My final results for Stage 3: WORKOUT A A: one armed dumbell snatch 7kg (15.4lbs) B1: Dumbell sigle leg Romainia deadlift 14kg (30.8lbs) B2:Barbell bent-over row 25kg (55lbs) C1:Dumbbell single arm overhead squat 6kg + 3kg (13.2lbs) C2:dumbbell…
    in Stage 3 Comment by blacknivory May 2013
  • You will see a large fan base here for New Rules of Lifting for Women (NROLW) and it has its own group. Have a look at that. I am on stage 3 and really enjoying it. The book is incredibly encouraging and straightforward to use (if you are prepared to study it carefully and plan ahead by reading other posts and getting the…
  • Maybe just buggered after the BWM. They took me so long the first night that I went home washed up and got dinner on before the second set. I was very excited though about getting through them -I'm 53 and it occurred to me that if I wasn't doing these I may never have jumped again! I'm enjoying this journey, the first time…
    in Stage 3 Comment by blacknivory May 2013
  • "Thanks I really appreciate that as I am so new to all this stuff, never lifted weights, basically only thing I ever done was walking and i still do that but now I am motivated to tone up and you guys are very motivating " ______________________________________________________________________ You might want to have a look…
  • Well done for you. You look great. I have just finished New Rules of Lifting for Women Stage 2 and finally getting a bit more energy after having fatigue issues for years. I'm reading Rippetoe at the moment.
  • Thanks for that. I read up a bit on it and will take a more conservative approach with the calories as you say.
  • Lot's of encouragement in the other comments. I'm only in Stage 1 and it looks pretty impressive to me. Just two things to add: I wear a heart rate monitor - seeing the calories burnt gives me a very precise picture of how hard I'm working. I found Rippetoe's advice on gripping the bar useful:
  • good luck. i've got about 4 workouts of Stage 1 to go. I repeated a round as I get exhausted easily if I push the weight increments up too quickly. I love it more each time and it's completely different all the time as I learn more about form.
  • Do most people start out squatting the bar? 45lbs sounds like a lot to me.. that's over a third of my bodyweight haha. I'll give it a go I guess.. or maybe I should start out with hand weights or something? [/quote] I started body weight and a few weeks in still only on 8kg dumbells. I wasn't very strong obviously but…
  • You can join the Aussie, Aussie, Aussie group.
  • I'm an OCDS for 10 years too. Fitness and exercise isn't a big topic of interest for Carmelites whenever we have rare opportunities to talk so it will be nice to have this group.
  • Wow only four members and no posts yet. I may as well step in on something at the beginning. I am a secular carmelite. While Catholics haven't traditionally had a great relationship with their bodies mine hasn't been doing so well over the last few years so I've had to get it moving and well nourished just to be able to do…
  • Oh yeah, and I also take the book with me when I go to the gym. It's amazing that no matter how much I read through the program there is still some little detail that I overlook and then the question comes to me just as I'm about to do the exercise - e.g. whether to alternate legs on the step ups.
  • I didn't find it too confusing but I was well prepared. While you're waiting for the book, go back and find some old posts where members set it out step by step and provide links to workout sheets. I cut and pasted this info into a document and collected excel files so I was all organised when it was time to start. Before…
  • I've done 2 weeks and just having a week off this week while I'm travelling so you can count me in as a friend.
  • The nutrition part of exercise has mucked me up in the past i.e. not getting enough of the right nutrients. I'm on week 2 as well and this time I'm following the NROLW pretty carefully. I'm measuring my calories but particularly focusing on keeping my protein up. The caseine shake before bed is really good because your…
  • Do you just set your own goal and join the list? My goal is to do three NROLW workouts each week (or substute exercises when travelling).
  • I tend to find my own little patch. Just starting out there is absolutely no competition for 10-20kg weights so I take them to another part of the gym out of the central weights area. I also believe with the money I'm paying for the membership I have just as much right to be there as them and ask questions of the owner on…
  • It's a day late but hope everyone is having a lovely Australia day weekend. I was driving across the state most of the day but couldn't help gasping all day at how beautiful this country is and how blessed we are to live here. Do you think starting a group might be better way of connecting?
  • I'm in. Female from central west NSW, just started strength training. This is a great idea.
  • I've just started my first 2 workouts of NROLW. I'm just using body weight or light weights to get into the program as I've had fatigue issues with exercise over the last couple of years. I think a part of the problem was nutritional so now I've got the cupboard brimming over with whey protein. I feel confident this…
  • Yes add me. I'm just reading the book now and can't wait to get started. I've been down the gym a few times to get prepared. I know a lot of people are saying they feel anxious going into the men's area of the gym but it's not bothering me too much. I'm the only female there but I figure it would be worse being a boy…
  • I'm newish too. I discovered strength (ie free weights) earlier in the year when I was looking for some alternative to gym machines. I found a woman who did personal coaching in olympic weightlifting by skype. Unfortunately she stopped doing it after I only had a few sessions so I drifted away after that. Here is the site…