Daily Chat Thread



  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Today is a weight training day! I've also decided to incorporate a daily WoD that I have sent to me as a "warm up." I've decided to do a mud run in June so I need to start upping the training in that aspect a bit. I'm slightly concerned about calories. I know based off of the book (and yes I know not everyone is the same yadda yadda yadda) that generally one would consume about 300 cals more on a lifting day. When I mix in these WoDs I'm not sure how to track it. The WoDs are anything from sprints, thrust ups, burpees, jumping chin-ups, wall balls, etc. that I know are burning SOMETHING, even though not as much as straight cardio. I'm debating whether or not to stick with what I have or just listen to my body and eat when I feel like it and keep my fingers crossed I don't gain too much. Oh the joys of figuring out how to have a workout plan ... work!

    Also, today is a deadlift day and I need to increase the weights. I am thinking of switching to the Olympic barbell today. It's time. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    emgel!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on all the PR's!! What an awesome Monday!

    kat - got your streak challenge update....and, congrats, too, on your increases!!

    LB2LL - glad to hear the OB is on your horizon!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Wow, I'm really behind now. So much going on in here

    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    My hip is finally starting to feel better (I was a little worried after my last chiro appt when it hurt even more afterward for the next few days). I tried some light lifting this morning, just to test it out (65 lb squat plus BP and rows). It's still not quite right, but I have another appt today, so hope to be back to normal soon. Now I'm off to yoga.

    Great job ladies on all the determination and PRs. You all are doing so great!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Samntha, Glad you found a good instructor! Things like that make a huge difference.
    Congrats to those who are increasing weights and hitting new PRs!
    LB2LL, maybe get a HRM? I found that my HRM was actually pretty accurate even for the weight training- it usually showed I burned 200-300 for a lifting session. It would give you a great idea of what you're burning overall for your workouts.

    Hoping to get a lifting session in today and Wednesday. That will be my last two workouts of Stage 6! Can't believe I'm almost done. I'll take measurements/weigh on Feb 1 and then it's streak time! I know NOT weighing seems like a weird challenge, but if I'm not weighing I *think* it will put me in a better mindset to keep focusing on workouts, macros, etc, instead of just that number.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Chubby, I am thinking about getting one. My main issue is that from what I've read they aren't very accurate for weight lifting and tend to overshoot unless the weight lifting includes circuits. So I guess, in my case it would be worth it since my WoDs are more circuit based.

    Basically I'm a very indecisive person and too new lol!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Last Stage 5 A workout: DONE. Thank you Lord. I want to do some regular lifts again. Regular old deadlifts and regular old squats. I haven't done a barbell squat since Stage 1!!! Will start Stage 6 or 7 next week.

    Trying to decide if I'm doing Stage 6 or not. Any recommendations yay or nay -- Cowgirl??? I'm scared of the negative chin-ups!

    LBLL - do it. I wish I had started heavier on my deadlift. I started with just the Olympic Bar, but I held back. I'm up to 115 now for DL's but know I can probably lift 135. Push yourself!

    I'm not doing the challenge this go 'round. Right now just doing my best to lift 2x/week, get in a run or two and keep my stress levels at bay...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    kmsai - I would do Stage 6...

    in fact, I'm totally wanting to do Stage 6, sometime, this year, just on its own (I only got 1/2 way through when I was doing NROL4W, due to injury)

    jennie - hope yoga helps with your hip!

    chubby - if fat loss isn't your goal, I'd totally go for the "no scale watch" as a streak challenge.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Haven't been here in a while. Still been doing the deal just been absent mostly from the forums. mostly.

    Beeps I totally want in on the streak! I am going to pick protein. getting all my protein in.

    I am on stage three, holidays really jacked it all up, I feel like I should be farther along. I am also going to start running again soon because I have a few events I want to participate in this spring and summer and I need to make sure I am ready.

    Welcome to all the newer NROL women! I hope you all love it. I love lifting and while some of the exercises are not my faves I am still trucking along and enjoying it for the most part. lol
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    LBLL - do it. I wish I had started heavier on my deadlift. I started with just the Olympic Bar, but I held back. I'm up to 115 now for DL's but know I can probably lift 135. Push yourself!

    Agreed. I'm in the same boat, but I've stalled at 115 for my dl because of my grip . Any suggestions for that?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    kat - try a reverse grip - meaning, one hand overhand and the other hand underhand. Switch that grip up for the 2nd set and then switch back, again, for the 3rd set.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    gadenni - I've got your streak challenge entry!

    I'll repost the streak challenge list of who and what in a day or two. We start FRIDAY!
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    So last week I did my first workout... wasn't able to do my other two because my boyfriend had surgery... planned to try again this week so I went to the gym and just couldn't get myself into the weight room... there was a ton of guys in there and I just don't have the confidence yet :( so I just did some cardio. Guess I will have to do my workouts at home till I know what I'm doing. Any suggestions for doing NROL at home?
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    I tend to find my own little patch. Just starting out there is absolutely no competition for 10-20kg weights so I take them to another part of the gym out of the central weights area.

    I also believe with the money I'm paying for the membership I have just as much right to be there as them and ask questions of the owner on lifting advice and the best place to complete the exercise.
    It's worth talking to the guys because anyone I have asked advice of has been immensely helpful and even when I'm doing push ups at a 60 degree angle or lifting 2kg dumbbells they will tell me I'm doing well.

    I'm not making any judgements about you but for a long time I was away from the gym and heard this voice in my head blaming the loud horrible music for why I didn't like going. I knew it was one of those evil 'excuse demons' and so went back. Now that I'm enjoying myself the music doesn't bother me. Just be careful your fear of the weight room isn't an excuse demon. I know I've had thousands of them and it's taken me years just imagine I could ever be strong.

    Another tip is to try a 24 hour gym. Lots of times I go at odd hours and there is no-one there.

    Good luck (and yes getting started at home is a good move too - I have a back up home workout when I don't want to go near the gym)
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    So, last night I used the OB for my DLs! I didn't think it would make a huge difference from the weeny barbells I was using but it totally does. It's so funny because the OB is so long/big and the plates I used were so tiny. I'm still glad I did it and I think I'm well on my way to being at 100# come the end of February (currently at 75#).

    I also added in a daily WoD that I get sent to my phone. I only did a set or two instead of the 50 reps in a row that they required to avoid burnout. It was a fun change of pace and I think I will continue to do them daily.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Vicki - put your "big girl panties" on and get BACK to the gym! At the gym, you have RESOURCES - employees who can help you with "form" - personal trainers who can make sure that you are getting the exercise RIGHT. blacknivory is 100% correct. Just do it!

    LB2LL - isn't it AMAZING what we learn about our bodies when we PUSH them to do what is challenging??!!?? Great news!!

    Any more challenge entrants?? I'll update the list momentarily.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member


    We begin on February 1st!

    Any more entrants????
  • Oliver1967
    Oliver1967 Posts: 21 Member
    I live in a small town with a small gym, Nothing fancy. We have a ladies side that has older weight machines and cardio equipment and up to 15lb. dumb bells. Have been reading on the net and some say it is better to use the free weights instead of the machines. And weights are better than cardio. Would love any input. Thanks
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Just a quick hello everyone. I'm visiting my dad in sunny WARM Sarasota! Lazy morning, I'm still in PJs, but I'll shower and put on shorts and flip flops and take a walk out to the local yarn shop - it's a mile or more away. I might do some BW stuff later or tomorrow too. Hope you all are having a great week!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I tend to find my own little patch. Just starting out there is absolutely no competition for 10-20kg weights so I take them to another part of the gym out of the central weights area.

    I also believe with the money I'm paying for the membership I have just as much right to be there as them and ask questions of the owner on lifting advice and the best place to complete the exercise.
    It's worth talking to the guys because anyone I have asked advice of has been immensely helpful and even when I'm doing push ups at a 60 degree angle or lifting 2kg dumbbells they will tell me I'm doing well.

    I'm not making any judgements about you but for a long time I was away from the gym and heard this voice in my head blaming the loud horrible music for why I didn't like going. I knew it was one of those evil 'excuse demons' and so went back. Now that I'm enjoying myself the music doesn't bother me. Just be careful your fear of the weight room isn't an excuse demon. I know I've had thousands of them and it's taken me years just imagine I could ever be strong.

    Another tip is to try a 24 hour gym. Lots of times I go at odd hours and there is no-one there.

    Good luck (and yes getting started at home is a good move too - I have a back up home workout when I don't want to go near the gym)

    ditto to this! I was very intimidated when I started - despite knowing that I paid the same and get the same privileges. 2 things helped me - a trainer (you can go anywhere when you're with a trainer and no one looks twice) and working out at 5AM. The people there at that time are there to work and generally only pay passing attention to new folks.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Kat, ditto to what Beeps said and I also have added VersaGripps! They REALLY have helped me!