sempertracy Member


  • Simple: Children-if gym has a kid's club that you take advantage of you can't leave the building in case of an emergency.
  • If you are muscular you won't see the scale move as much now but your measurements will show results. Have you taken your measurements?
  • Ditto above and frivolous lawsuits-if Americans only knew how much money it costs them when people file non-existent cases.
  • Lifting weights, especially focusing on the arms, shoulders and chest really helped me after breastfeeding 2 kids (and I wasn't as young as you). I also ran about 25-30 miles a week for cardio and it seemed to work. If you can afford it a trainer is wonderful in developing a program tailored to your chest.
  • It's not that you are eating wrong, but you might want to re-examine your protein intake like others suggested. What type of surgery did you have? Are you able to do arm exercises, legs or maybe an easy yoga position? Our goal is not to burst your weight loss bubble but I think many of us have been in your spot and learned…
  • I'm very short waisted and the babies had no where to grow but out either in front or to the side on me. I fight the same problem after 2C's. So for some of us women who have more elastic skin and/or gained an excessive amount of weight, the issue could be excessive skin or skin that was stretched during pregnancy. Diet…
  • Kudos to you for showing your self confidence! Something he clearly lacks due to his inability to face you with his comments.
  • "Ditto" is the word I would use. I'm 5'2 with a total of 68lbs to shed (with 26lbs down). I was within 13lbs of my goal weight last year when a hip injury sidelined me for almost 6 months. Amazing how fast the weight comes back when you can't exercise. I think we just need to find our focus and always make time for Mom. If…
  • I'm in! This is the best time efficient DVD I have ever used. I did the 30 day challenge last year and saw the rewards. Let's do it!