RLCoach Member


  • lol, didn't see that coming.
    in Hard one Comment by RLCoach January 2008
  • Thanks all, what I am hearing is that 1 or maybe 2 a week won't be harmful, and that is about what I do. I also agree with bamboo, I am almost 100% water for my drinks now, and only occassionally have a craving. 1 month ago and before it wasn't unheard of for me to drink an entire 2 liter of sprite or diet coke or mountain…
  • I read somewhere that you should stay away from all soda, why are the diet drinks like Diet coke so bad for you. I need some help here as I have been treating myself once or twice a week and will stop if it is hurting me. Thanks in advance for any information.
  • Welcome, I live in South Carolina now, but moved here 3 years ago from Kansas. I have lived in Salina, Wamego, and Emporia while in Kansas. Good to have another Kansan here. This site is great and the people who post here are motivating and insightful. You will love it.
  • It is starting to get harder to lose weight. The weight fell off the first few weeks, now I am on my 4th day at 238. My calorie deficit over that time shows about 6500 calories. For some background info, I am slowly giving up coffee, I was about 35 oz per day and now I am down to about 24, I am going slow so I don't get…
  • Same thing is happening to me. First time I stayed the same for 4 days. Thanks for writing as it helped me hear from all of you.
  • That happened to me to. I lost a bunch the first two weeks, now I am about a pound every 2 to 3 days. Someone said something about the release of water weight or water in your cells being removed when you eat more healthy and drop your sodium content.
  • Just interested, but what is a pagan?
  • I tracked the last 21 days, from Jan. 1 to Jan 21. I had actually started before that but just did the tracking at that time. I was at 257 on 1/1 and dropped to 239 on 1/21. I am very happy with that, BUT..... I tracked my calorie deficit during that time using this sites program and I had a deficit of 27, 557 calories.…
  • Thanks to all for your help, I appreciate it. I may eat 4 bananas and 3 apples a day is why I asked. I try to eat fruit at each meal and as snacks, so when I saw the sugar amounts I was alarmed. It looks like I should add pears and grapefruits since I like them both.
  • can someone help me on sugars in food. I am trying to cut down my intake of sugars as they are wasted calories. I have been eating a lot of bananas and apples, but when I was looking at the food chart, I noticed that they had a lot of sugar. Is there good and bad sugars, or should I be laying off these fruit items too.…
  • From 262 to 172. 90 lbs total. I am a month into it and have lost 22 lbs.
  • Mine sounds very similar: 1. Use non fat spray and grill 1/2 cup or 3 oz. of fat free ham, fish or chicken, sometimes more than one and sometimes up to 2/3 cup, I cut the meat into small chunks. 2. Boil fresh cut carrots for just a bit and add them to the grilled cut meat and let them grill, add squash, green peppers,…
  • where at in South Carolina?