

  • Here is what's been working for me. I got serious about tracking my food and macro's when I hit a plateau around 255. That's actually how I came across MyFitnessPal. It's helped considerably and having the iOS version lets me make on the spot food choices so I don't really need a 'meal plan' for the day. My Macro goal…
  • This ^^ Nice pre-workout. Just make sure you drink lots of water.
  • Try getting more sleep - at least a solid 8 a night for a few days. If that doesn't help, got see a doctor.
  • Eat a banana and drink about 8 oz of water. bye bye sweet craving.
  • I would say this is true. Basically what you want to do is eat every 2 hours if you can. 3 squars and 3-4 'snacks'. This will keep your body digesting and metabolism going. Your body will only process so much carbs, protein, etc. at one sitting, so figure out your calories for the day, divide the calories by the number of…
  • Changing your diet is going to be the single hardest thing you will do on your weight loss journey. i used to sit down and eat an entire bag of chips-ahoy cookies as an after dinner treat. A couple of ultimate cheeseburgers and a shake for lunch. I'm surprised I only hit 300 lbs honestly. I used to try the crash diets,…
  • Try every other day for your workout day. Glutamine is fine, creatine will help too (use Kre-Alkalyn). I only do legs once a week but do them pretty intense. I figure that i'm walking and doing cardio with them the rest of the time. Like Neo said, your body will adjust. Which is also when you'll want to mix up your routine.
  • Take pictures weekly and measure yourself - the scale will lie as you start to add muscle and burn fat. Cut down sodium, drink water, sleep more. Nobody said it will be easy, stick to it for a few weeks and you'll notice a difference and the motivation will kick in.
  • Drink until you have 2 clear urinations a day. That should about cover it.
  • For water: Make a habit to just drink it - if you have it handy, you'll drink it. I keep a case by my work desk and home desk. For the hunger part, i eat a banana and drink a bottle of water - curbs sweet tooth.
  • I can't really tell you if the number you're getting is wrong without knowing your stats, height, age, weight, activity level, exercise make-up over a week. What I can tell you is that generally speaking losing more than 2 lbs a week is not healthy. However for those of us (like me) that started morbidly obese it is very…
  • This is the best peanut butter i've tried and I looked into a lot. http://www.naturallymore.com/ Trader Joe's has an almond and peanut butter very close to the same profile.
  • Please tell me you didn't watch that 'supplement' news broadcast. Just like anything, there are good companies and bad companies. While nothing will replace whole foods there is nothing wrong at all with protein, just make sure it is quallity protein from a quality company. Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard 100% Whey…
  • The first couple of weeks will be the hardest for you. Slowly but surely the cravings will start to go away, make changes to your diet slowly (mine took about 2 months to weed out all the garbage) - if you cold turkey everything you will rebound. Also, carbs are not bad for you, nor is fat. You need to have a balance of…
  • Pictures are a far better way than just using a scale to see your progress. Alot of people obssess over their weight on a scale and not by how they feel and more importantly how they look.