Its been so long since I have logged on I feel new. I also could use some support and plan on making my goals this time around. I will send you a request.
I do have a smart phone. I honestly had forgotten about the app. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Wow this thread created some passion lol. All of the above mentioned (good and Bad) aside It really comes down to moderation. If you already know it creates addictive behavior in you maybe it is better to stay away. If you can have it a couple times a week there is no harm in it. I think anything that creates addictive…
Thanks so much for the advice. I really appreciate it. I have been googling some stuff my self but it is nice to get some personal views on the matter. Thanks so much. I plan on putting some things to use. I welcome any input :) Have a great night.
Yikes sorry I did not realize this was a post over and over so no one else can play kinda game. I was bored sorry to intrude . I'm out enjoy....
Like I need something to make me as happy as he is. that was at djxil
Spy glasses ;)
That is harsh Kimosabe, whether you were talking to me or eelamme wrong on both! You don't get a number.
sorry sugar daddy :)
gold digger
Smooth operator
- wish ;)
same thing!!! NO eye contact grrr! lol
HMM never got Lauren before...No need to reply to me just wanted to say the other girl did not look like Michelle Rodriguez
deep in thought
I have a windows phone currently bad camera bad sound and a lot of the apps wont load. I hated the android 3 the first droid was ok and that is all I have ever had. I want something awesome I was thinking Samsung galaxy s-4. Thanks for replying
well crap
I don't think you choose I believe it chooses you, its about control. I was skinny when I started throwing up I was 10 and it was 1979. there was no fad no group. It lives in you and you fight around it.. Good look and big love too anyone who is struggling.
sorry my attempt to quote went bad :( my heart was in the right place though.
I did not read it either so I am not sure what approach was taken, but one should not judge what they do not know. It isn't a choice it is an illness and certainly one the masses don't need to concern them selves with, but just try having an ed and find a councilor or Dr who will take you. They throw these people away. :(…
Yea I think it is stupid but then again I feel the same away about todays music as well, so I am not a great one to comment .
Oh and Dyfive...I would have to know more about you. It is about the heart and if we were compatible yes