ED is not a fad, it's not a life... stop wishing for it.

thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured lot's of people come here to find advice and tips.

Lately I have been seeing so many people being 'pro ana' or starving themselves as a quick start to be skinny without knowing the true complications of what this disease entails.

It's not a fad diet like those "ABC" or "Skinny girl" diets make it out to be. It's not that simple.

It's fear, anxiety, pain, hurt, anger, disgust, exhaustion and hate. It's a slow and painful death sentence. It's not fun to wake up every day obsessing about food, or looking in the mirror to see a facade; a lie. It's not a way of life to have panic attacks when you eat to live in fear over the consequence of food.

Is that what people really want when they go one VLCD!? It irks me that people seem to make this a joke because I don't think they fully understand of what it really means.

It hurts my heart.

It's not worth the pain of starvation to be skinny. And this is coming from someone who knows, someone in recovery. I had an obsession, and I loved the control... but I ended up messing with my fertility, my hair, my body because of how obsessive I got and I still live in fear everyday when it comes to food. It's not a joke, nor is it a fad.

And it is definitely not worth it. Lose weight the healthy way. Don't mess with your body.

I don't wish this **** on anyone, ever. You shouldn't want it either.

:heart: Sophiee.


  • iconrunner
    iconrunner Posts: 57 Member
    Excellent post. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on this.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    This is a wonderful post, and truer words could not have been spoken:
    And it is definitely not worth it. Lose weight the healthy way. Don't mess with your body.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
  • Amen to that girlie:)....by the way congratulations on surviving your obsession!!!!You kick butt!!!
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    thanks doll! Im trying.
  • lindacollins78
    lindacollins78 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for sharing. There are lots of young people who need to see it.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I thought I was the only one who said Hurts my heart! it does... there are better ways.. trust me! just send me a message... don't wish for this... I nearly lost my sister :brokenheart:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    So true. I had an ED when I was younger than you, thankfully not too bad and I sorted myself out. I think talking about it to to others is a big part of ending the cycle so good on you. Keep going, you're heading in the right direction. Know you are worthy of life and beautiful no matter what your weight. :flowerforyou:
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    I say hurts my heart always! Its a very awful way to live life.
  • Jaine86
    Jaine86 Posts: 36
    I nearelly died from anorexia (my parents were told to come into the hospital and say goodbye to me that i wouldnt make it through the night) so I know first hand the devistating effets not only on your body and mind but on your family it has.

    Its not only the person who has the eating disorder that suffers but the whole family suffers too maybe not the same way but they all suffer.

    Its nothing to be proud of, it's nothing someone should ever want.

    I dont believe that part of you ever goes away either personally I think I still have those thoughts and have to fight the body distortion daily still but now I have a family of my own I know I could never go backwards!

    Nor would I want to, I have the daily reminders. Arthritus and other problems because of ana so no I wouldnt want someone to want to exist that way. I say exist because its not living.

    Thats just my opinion from my first hand experience. Others may view it differently.

    oh I had it from grade 11 to 22 years so I lost a lot of my early teen years and normal experiences due to being in hospital a lot of the time. People think being so skinny is good but you miss out on a lot and once you recover you still have a long way to go to be where you should be.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories, both of you. And congratulations on the progress you've made.
  • thank you for sharing such personal info about yourself. I don't suffer from anorexia but another ED
    you are an inspiration and keep up being your amazing self.

    add moi if you'd like :)
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Very inspiring! - And I love the part of a VLCD, I am actively trying to discourage my friend from continuing on one :devil:
  • Txglitter
    Txglitter Posts: 178 Member
    I don't think you choose I believe it chooses you, its about control. I was skinny when I started throwing up I was 10 and it was 1979. there was no fad no group. It lives in you and you fight around it.. Good look and big love too anyone who is struggling.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    :smooched: for OP!
  • Well said!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    well said Sophie!
    People shouldn't make fun of it either.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    I was never what u call anorexic but for most of my life I didn't eat healthy at all... I didn't really even know what healthy meant... When I was very young I would go on so called "diets" from time 2 time that would consist of seeing how long I could go w/o any food at all... I think the longest I went was 8 days & then I broke down & had a piece of bread... & I also hated water 4 some odd reason so I didn't drink any at all for yrs... Then there were the times that my "diets" where writing down anything I consumed (which wasn't much) & my exercise I would have 2 burn off how ever many calories I ate with the exercise (which now I know wasn't leaving anything 4 my body 2 function)... but eventually I did stop doing that... I did gain weight... I didn't eat healthy at all tho & didn't drink water but after I lost my mom & stepdad I just lost feeling hungry all 2gether & I quit eating breakfast & lunch & was only able 2 eat a few bites of dinner... So I was WAY under eating again... I lost quite a bit of weight at that time... I was prob around 135 - 140... but all of a sudden in Jan my heart started racing! & I started having pains in my chest, back, arm, up the front of my neck, & head... My heart WAS pounding!!! U could see my heartbeat jumping in my wrists & I could hear my heart echoing so loud in my head & I was getting twitches all over my body... I ended up losing 30 lbs (down to 105) in about a week to 10 days w/o stepping out of bed except 2 use the restroom... It was SO scary!!! I was admitted 2 the hospital & put on a med 2 bring my HR down & I had 2 wear a heart monitor for a month & am seeing a cardiologist... From what I understand I have a weak heart... I feel so lucky 2 be alive & am eating btr & I luv learning all about healthy eating now & I'm trying 2 build my heart back up... Oh, & I drink at least 7 cups of water per day now! ;-) I'm starting 2 feel SO much btr but it's a process... I just don't want 2 see any1 else go thru what I have... I really didn't know the dangers of what I was doing 2 my body... It sounds dumb but I really didn't & I'm so thankful 4 this site & the others like it I have found & also 4 the advice & kindness from ppl I have met here... & 4 my MFP friends like Sophie who care about others & wanna bring these subjects 2 attention so that maybe others will take these types of things more seriously... Sorry 4 the book but it helps me 2 share my experience... Sorry if I bored any1... Best of luck 2 every1!
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