ED is not a fad, it's not a life... stop wishing for it.



  • I know how hard it must be for you. I did use to wish I had an eating disorder. I think people say that only because they are on this website to be thin and the fact that they can not control their eating is keeping them from that.

    I used to think that if only I had the will power of an ana girl I would be slim like one and beautiful. It is a deep problem and whether you are successful at it (become thin by over restricting food) or it becomes yet another dieting failure (percieved) you lose.

    I often thought I was a failure because I couldn`t be anorexic. Instead I was just fat.

    Of course you feel the opposite, it`s not something anyone should want, having experienced it yourself.

    We just need to be able to empathize with both sides.
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    ... but all of a sudden in Jan my heart started racing! & I started having pains in my chest, back, arm, up the front of my neck, & head... My heart WAS pounding!!! U could see my heartbeat jumping in my wrists & I could hear my heart echoing so loud in my head & I was getting twitches all over my body... I ended up losing 30 lbs (down to 105) in about a week to 10 days w/o stepping out of bed except 2 use the restroom... It was SO scary!!! I was admitted 2 the hospital & put on a med 2 bring my HR down & I had 2 wear a heart monitor for a month & am seeing a cardiologist... From what I understand I have a weak heart...

    hi, I am glad you are finally getting a handle on this and wish you all the best.

    If you don't mind me asking, did you ever suffer from oalpitations/pounding heart before? I have had this intermittently since a child/young teen (I can't specifically remember when it started) and recently it has got a bit worse. I tried to give blood the other week at a donor session and was turned down, but they seemed very concerned that except for one ECG a couple of years ago (which showed nothing) I am not having any investigations orvtreatment from my GP.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured lot's of people come here to find advice and tips.

    Lately I have been seeing so many people being 'pro ana' or starving themselves as a quick start to be skinny without knowing the true complications of what this disease entails.

    It's not a fad diet like those "ABC" or "Skinny girl" diets make it out to be. It's not that simple.

    It's fear, anxiety, pain, hurt, anger, disgust, exhaustion and hate. It's a slow and painful death sentence. It's not fun to wake up every day obsessing about food, or looking in the mirror to see a facade; a lie. It's not a way of life to have panic attacks when you eat to live in fear over the consequence of food.

    Is that what people really want when they go one VLCD!? It irks me that people seem to make this a joke because I don't think they fully understand of what it really means.

    It hurts my heart.

    It's not worth the pain of starvation to be skinny. And this is coming from someone who knows, someone in recovery. I had an obsession, and I loved the control... but I ended up messing with my fertility, my hair, my body because of how obsessive I got and I still live in fear everyday when it comes to food. It's not a joke, nor is it a fad.

    And it is definitely not worth it. Lose weight the healthy way. Don't mess with your body.

    I don't wish this **** on anyone, ever. You shouldn't want it either.

    :heart: Sophiee.

    How did you overcome it?
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    *stands and applauds*
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    hi, I am glad you are finally getting a handle on this and wish you all the best.

    If you don't mind me asking, did you ever suffer from oalpitations/pounding heart before? I have had this intermittently since a child/young teen (I can't specifically remember when it started) and recently it has got a bit worse. I tried to give blood the other week at a donor session and was turned down, but they seemed very concerned that except for one ECG a couple of years ago (which showed nothing) I am not having any investigations orvtreatment from my GP.

    That's not normal... Tell your GP and get a cardiac stress test.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    ... but all of a sudden in Jan my heart started racing! & I started having pains in my chest, back, arm, up the front of my neck, & head... My heart WAS pounding!!! U could see my heartbeat jumping in my wrists & I could hear my heart echoing so loud in my head & I was getting twitches all over my body... I ended up losing 30 lbs (down to 105) in about a week to 10 days w/o stepping out of bed except 2 use the restroom... It was SO scary!!! I was admitted 2 the hospital & put on a med 2 bring my HR down & I had 2 wear a heart monitor for a month & am seeing a cardiologist... From what I understand I have a weak heart...

    hi, I am glad you are finally getting a handle on this and wish you all the best.

    If you don't mind me asking, did you ever suffer from oalpitations/pounding heart before? I have had this intermittently since a child/young teen (I can't specifically remember when it started) and recently it has got a bit worse. I tried to give blood the other week at a donor session and was turned down, but they seemed very concerned that except for one ECG a couple of years ago (which showed nothing) I am not having any investigations orvtreatment from my GP.

    No, that was the 1st time but now I get them occasionally still & it always starts with the chest pains & then I'll ck my HR & BP & they'll be up & it seems like if I work out too hard or too long it brings them on... or the couple times I tried 2 have a couple drinks with a friend & on my anniv with my husband it got really bad & didn't stop 4 a few days... For some reason even the tiniest bit of alcohol aggravates it... I have a hard time sleeping on those nights because it's so freakn Loud!!!
  • nhenryoliver
    nhenryoliver Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you for your disclosures. I hope people who need to hear this come across this thread.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    Sophiee.....I have ZERO experience with ED.....but you make my heart swell xx
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Hugs. I agree wholeheartedly and I am glad you are in recovery. Please continue to treat your body well and I wish the best for you. Stay strong. Best of luck.
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    Tomg - I am hypoglaecemic (low blood sugar, not diabetes) and I have read that it is a symptom of that, so I guess my GP thinks the same? He must have had a doubt though to bother with an ECG, I guess.

    XApril - thanks for replying. I am with you on the pounding heart keeping you awake thing - very strange feeling! Mine doesn't often come on with exertion, but it does when I am feeling hungry (see my comment above), but I wonder if sometimes a bit of anxiety can trigger it too, as I have noticed it when I am nervous or get a fright!
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    Right Sophie

    I see that you have found a truth - and because of this I want to share my knowledge with you. I am an old man now and face other demons like death from old age. At my time you look in the mirror and see what age has done to you. But although this gives you feelings of sadness you can look at your children and see what you have really done with your life.

    We all have to let go in the end. In your case the whole of life's journey is ahead of you. In mine well I have a huge weight problem and do not wish to go out the thing I have become. So that is why I am reducing my food and consuming much less. It is my last tango if you like.

    You are quite right - it is important for you to concentrate upon your hair, skin, heart right now. Nutrition is the answer and not the lack of it. Raw foods, no dairy and plenty of starch heals your body as well as reducing any excess weight. To take away your fear of food you need to understand how to eat and stay normal. Look up Dr J mC Dougall.

    Thank you for your story and let it be a warning to all young people
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    :heart: Yep.

    You're amazing :drinker:
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured lot's of people come here to find advice and tips.

    Lately I have been seeing so many people being 'pro ana' or starving themselves as a quick start to be skinny without knowing the true complications of what this disease entails.

    It's not a fad diet like those "ABC" or "Skinny girl" diets make it out to be. It's not that simple.

    It's fear, anxiety, pain, hurt, anger, disgust, exhaustion and hate. It's a slow and painful death sentence. It's not fun to wake up every day obsessing about food, or looking in the mirror to see a facade; a lie. It's not a way of life to have panic attacks when you eat to live in fear over the consequence of food.

    Is that what people really want when they go one VLCD!? It irks me that people seem to make this a joke because I don't think they fully understand of what it really means.

    It hurts my heart.

    It's not worth the pain of starvation to be skinny. And this is coming from someone who knows, someone in recovery. I had an obsession, and I loved the control... but I ended up messing with my fertility, my hair, my body because of how obsessive I got and I still live in fear everyday when it comes to food. It's not a joke, nor is it a fad.

    And it is definitely not worth it. Lose weight the healthy way. Don't mess with your body.

    I don't wish this **** on anyone, ever. You shouldn't want it either.

    :heart: Sophiee.

    How did you overcome it?

    I started recovery due to the personal reason of wanting to be a mom when I am older and the loss of my period it started to shock my system, my drive for that. I know I need to eat to help my body function.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    OK, so am I the only one that thought ED was 'erectile dysfunction' and not 'eating disorder?'
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    OK, so am I the only one that thought ED was 'erectile dysfunction' and not 'eating disorder?'

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