sdav1997 Member


  • Peel and freeze a ripe banana and then throw them in a blender or food processor. It will look like ice cream. Mock banana ice cream for about 100 cal. Also take a banana and mash it, add 1/4 c. egg whites, sprinkle cinnamon and/or vanilla. mix and make dollar size pancakes.
  • I like the Gloria vanderbilt jeans sold at Costco. They have bootcut with flap back pockets to give illusion of backside, a little bit of stretch, forgiving in the waist. Best of all their jeans are all under $20. Make sure it is bootcut. i can not speak for the other styles. I do not like to wear skinny jeans because with…
  • They do not taste that great but the only plus to it is that it has a lot of fiber.
  • Thanks to everyone who posted. I did make sure to drink enough water the night before and then during today's class I sipped one bottle. There was less running today, less exertion compared to the previous class. As for the HIIT, I called it HIIT because there were components of it within the class, but the entire 45…
  • I was not sick or anything. The only thing I did right before was drink down a secnd bottle and normally I drink just one during class and finish the second bottle while driving home. This particular session was so intense for me because there was more running than usual. Would the added running and the chugging down of…
  • I had PCOS. I was weighing 205 lbs at the time when I started weight training 3 times a wk with a personal trainer. That and following Phase 2 of South Beach Diet did it for me. My daughter was born the following year. I was under the care of various fertility specialists and tried for five years.
  • I love hot breakfast, and I didnt want to skip my egg. Thanks on the microwave tip. Thats a great idea.
  • I had infertility for five years and long story short, my hormone levels were a mess due to my obesity at the time. For my situation, I was in carb overload. Once I started monitoring and balancing my carbs, proteins, fats and incorporating strength training and interval training, things improved. I hope that helps. It is…
  • You already started the diet. Do not eat anything else because then there will be no point. This is just a juice fast for two days and you can lose UP TO 10 POUNDS, but for you, it may not be as much because of your start weight. I did this years ago and I lost five pounds, but it is basically a waste of money. You can…
  • I have an apple shaped body. I am exercising and decreasing my calories to decrease my waistline. In the process, I am losing from areas I do not want to lose such as my thighs and butt. What can I do so that i do not end up with a flat butt when I get to my desired weight and waistline?
  • South Indian low calorie is not easy. I suggest incorporating more brown rice instead of white or better yet, opt for chappati. Biggest issues I see with that region food is the high usage of white rice, coconut, potatoes, and frying vegetables in oil. Sambar is good, too. I have also made chicken curry (using Melem brand…
  • You need to wait 7 days and then weigh yourself.
    in Advice Comment by sdav1997 May 2012
  • I used to be a cardio junkie and now I actually do more strength training and less cardio. That has actually changed the shape of my body. I look smaller even though scale says otherwise. Also, look hard at your diet. It is imperative to watch calories. When you start to gain weight or plateau, the food log is something to…
  • My best way to get through a plateau was with some high intensity interval training types of exercises while keeping my caloric intake the same. Tabata is good for plateaus. I see the drop after about 1 or 2 weeks for me. Not sure what other folks have experienced. What are you eating everyday? I see you lost weight and I…
  • I did it under doctor supervision. the upside of the weekly supervision is that they monitor your blood pressure and other vital signs in the hopes that your pressure is normal. You do get dry mouth, and extra energy. Calorie intake was about 1200 a day divided into 4 to 6 meals. To be honest, you can lose just as much…
  • How many squats and lunges should be done and how many days a week? how long before you see a difference?
    in Flat butt Comment by sdav1997 April 2012
  • I just started myself. First step is to get your target calories. I used the guidelines set on MFP. Then plan out what you are going to eat today and tomorrow. I stick to egg and toast for breakfast, a veggie and a meat for lunch, a veggie and seafood for dinner. I calculate the size of my portions and logged…