How do i jumpstart my weightless?

*^ weightloss - oops.

A little background: I was in the gym for 5-6 years pretty consistently, got fed up with it, and gained a lot of weight. I did cardio/weights consistently, never put on much muscle at all. Weighed around 165-175 for years. After 6 months of basically throwing everything out the window, I was at 205 at the beginning of this year. I have had symptoms of hypothyroidism, but not enough to be technically diagnosed. Anyway, I've been trying pretty hard for the past month/month and a half with little to no results, and I know what it takes, I've lost this weight before.

I try to eat pretty low carb, because I've noticed that anytime I eat meals with high amounts I start feeling light-headed, tired, etc. So generally I try to stay away from breads during the day and maybe have a piece with dinner or something. Usually most of the carbs I get come from fruit...but I'm wondering if I should even cut out fruit? But I'm to the point now where I'm trying to cut everything out that's unnecessary, because NOTHING is working. I have a closet full of size 32 shorts that I can't wear. I'm stuck wearing 2 sizes up. So my wardrobe is gone, and the shirts I have feel tight, so this is constantly on my mind. Just walking around I can feel it. Which I know, is not good for weight loss.

Anyway, over the past month I've eaten much better, and worked out at least 5 times per week, usually more. I'll usually do 10 mins of HIIT 4 days a week, with 2-3 weight loss sessions, and 1-2 steady state cardio sessions (these have worked for me in the past). I'm just looking for some ideas/plans/things I can try. I'm so frustrated that I can't wear any of my clothes.


  • themotto
    themotto Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone? I just weighed myself...and I'm STILL at 205. I don't understand what to do besides go to the doctor. Am I working out too much? Should I limit it to just either one cardio or weight session per day? I notice my clothes fit a little better than they did when I started. But the scale should be dropping eventually, I've got 35 lbs to lose.
  • sdav1997
    sdav1997 Posts: 19 Member
    I used to be a cardio junkie and now I actually do more strength training and less cardio. That has actually changed the shape of my body. I look smaller even though scale says otherwise.
    Also, look hard at your diet. It is imperative to watch calories. When you start to gain weight or plateau, the food log is something to check with a fine tooth comb.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Eat better.

    You don't need to exercise in order to lose weight.
  • themotto
    themotto Posts: 15 Member
    Eat better.

    You don't need to exercise in order to lose weight.

    I've heard this and done the research. It's different for everyone. That being said, what would you suggest I eat? What relation of proteins to healthy fats to carbs?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Have you estimated your TDEE? Figure that out, then eat that minus 20%.

    Eat a minimum of 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass (requires you know/estimate body fat %)
    Eat a minimum of .3g of fat per lb of total body weight
    The rest of the cals can be whatever.

    Do that for about 6 weeks and see what happens, then you can tweak if necessary.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I have had symptoms of hypothyroidism, but not enough to be technically diagnosed. Anyway, I've been trying pretty hard for the past month/month and a half with little to no results, and I know what it takes, I've lost this weight before.

    For 2 years, my thyroid levels were "technically" normal. My doc at the time kept telling me I was fine. However, I changed doctors, and my new doc tested 3 hormone levels together (not just the 1 level, which is a standard test). First make sure your doc is testing all 3 to get a more comprehensive picture of what's going on with you.

    Number two, some folks do not HAVE to be way below normal to have thyroid issues / symptoms of hypothyroidism. Everyone in our family who has had hypothyroidism was "technically" within normal range, but always at the LOWEST end of the normal range. Once I was put on thyroid meds, I felt like a different person (energy levels improved, metabolism came back, etc.) I've been on meds for 2+ years so far, and I've lost 20 lbs. using MFP.

    You could still have undiagnosed thyroid issues, and that makes it nearly impossible to lose...ask some more questions, and good luck!!
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    If you're getting light headed when you eat carbs, I'd definitely make an appointment with the doctor. It never hurts to make sure you're all good. Ask your doctor to evaluate your weight and have him help you set rational goals.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    You should open your diary so we can take a look for a better idea.

    I second the thought of going to your doctor, as well.
  • Thomakk
    Thomakk Posts: 25 Member
    Try drinking a gallon of water a day.

    I didn't change my exercise routine or my net calorie intake, just doubled my water. I wasn't getting anywhere with my weightloss and now I am consistently seeing results.