Sasssy69 Member


  • Try this website: I use to get meal ideas for healthy eating. I've also found them to be economical. If you're cooking for just one, you can portion out your leftovers for…
  • Same. No regrets.
  • I confess that I dance alone in my classroom during my prep period. I also confess that I have been caught doing this by my teaching partner and my principal.
  • This year I gave up Facebook, and I also am refocusing on my hunger cues. I only eat when I feel hungry, and I eat mindfully. I'm a non-denominational Christian, and our pastor told us that when we are feeling our "craving" or missing what we sacrificed, to take a beat and lift up someone in prayer. It's a nice way to take…
  • When I work out, I always try to incorporate some calisthenics in my routine - whether I'm doing cardio or strength training that day. I have a certain routine that I do, but I also will throw in new stuff. I love this website you shared. If I were you, I would pick 5-10 of the exercises (I do 6-8 different exercises when…
  • Can you go to a second hand store and pick out some new clothes? I think your curves were hiding under all that fat. Nothing wrong with curves. I have a very small waist and a bigger butt. My waist is 10 inches smaller than my hips. It is what it is. Embrace it. Love your body and all that it does and all that it is. Set…
  • Thank you for being so open about your depression. So many people, men especially, are afraid to admit these feelings. The reality is that you need to talk to your doctor about your feelings, and possibly (probably) see a therapist. Not a psychiatrist, but a psychologist. When I was experiencing episodic depression, my…
  • If anyone ever tells you that you eat too many carbs, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
  • You need to give 100% to yourself, and the rest will fall into place. I work full time, and then some (as a high school teacher), I have two kids (think sports and activities) and a husband, and I belong to a plethora of committees. But what I have found is that in order for me to take care of everyone else, I MUST take…
  • He skipped more than one range: Infant: o-1 year Baby 1-2 years Toddler: 2-4 Years Child: 4-9 years Tweenager: 9-12 years Adolescence: 13-18 - And even those years are very different as they grow. I teach middle school and high school. Huge difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old. Having said all that, this is…
  • I teach 8th-12th English, Senior and Junior AP English, and I facilitate an online Spanish class. I have six different preps - I teach at a very small school. I get up at 4:30am every day to walk for at least 45 minutes. No excuses. I NEED to exercise - It makes me a better teacher, and a better person. :smile:
  • Exactly - I don't feel I was objectified, nor do I feel I was "verbally molested." Gaaaahhhh... I suppose it would have been more gentlemanly if they had pulled up along side me and said, "Excuse me, Maam. We just wanted to take a moment out of our day to compliment you on your back side. It's very pleasing to our eyes. We…
  • Last May, I got a new teaching job in a small town - It was a huge adjustment for many different reasons that I won't bore you with; however, the anxiety was overwhelming, so my doc put me on an anti-anxiety med, and I gained about 10 pounds in a month. Over the course of the next 6 months, I gained at least 10 more pounds…
  • What concerns me the most is that he wants you to take diet pills - those things can kill you. Look, if you were obese, and he was concerned about your health, and he tried to actually help you by trying new recipes, cooking together, and working out with you, that would be one thing (this is what my husband and I are…
  • This. I met my husband online 6 years ago, and we were both fit and thin. Time moved on, and we gained weight (I gained about 35, he gained about 45), and three months ago I said, "Enough. I'm not going to be overweight anymore). Honestly, if he'd had that extra 40 pounds when we met, I probably wouldn't have continued…
  • For YEARS I've had to buy the large Victoria's Secret bikini undies (and if you know anything about Victoria's Secret - Even their larges can be small - which they were for a VERY long time). Last week, I bought mediums - and I got some super cute ones that look amazing on me - and they fit perfectly. It's so nice to pull…
  • :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • But the ENTIRE article was about WOMEN. She could have used the three females at the airport to begin her argument about fat acceptance, and then move on to the word "people"; however, she did not. She stuck to females. And women are the ones who feel the impact of fat shaming the most. I want to say first off that I do…
  • Can I just...can someone PLEASE just bring me some pizzas??? I live in a teeny, tiny town. NO pizza joints. NO PIZZA. Crickey. Now I want pizza. :love: <Me. When I eat pizza.
  • Maybe try setting a different goal that is fitness based - something you couldn't do when you were over weight. I know I'd love to be able to do a pull up. Like, just ONE. We don't have a gym yet where I live, but it's coming. Once this last ten pounds comes off, that'll be my new goal (along with maintaining). Try…
  • Thanks for this. I don't have a gym where I live, so I have to use my own body weight. I just popped on this website - This looks great. Tons of exercises to mix and match. I'm going to mix up my work out tomorrow! :drinker:
  • Yes. Absolutely. A week ago, I got on the scale (2 days before my period), and I was 135 -down 25 pounds. I knew I was going to start, so I waited until yesterday to weigh myself again - up 2 pounds. Weighed myself today, up ANOTHER 2 pounds. And I have been meeting my calorie goal - no way I ate 14 THOUSAND calories worth…
  • ^This^ I might also add, small boobs, pale skin, and gray hair. *SMDH*
  • I use this calculator. I find it doesn't over estimate the calorie burn like I believe MFP does. And it has a lot of activities. I figure it's better to under-estimate, than to over-estimate...especially if you are eating your exercise calories back.
  • Needed someone else to say this to me. I've been beating myself up today because this week hasn't been the greatest food-wise. I keep telling myself "Give yourself a break. It's not like you gained back 24 pounds. Just keep going." Because it is just life. Thanks for the positive post!:drinker:
  • ^^^This^^^ I say this all the time. It actually is very effective.
  • Friend request sent!
  • My oldest was seven when she asked me. Her step-mother was pregnant at the time, and apparently the step-mother told her babies were "a gift from God and God put the baby in my tummy." I was like, Uh, no. They are a gift from God, but there is a very biological function that happens to get babies there. I was honest and…