

  • I'm almost 63. Feel free to send me a friend request. I've lost 18 pounds, yoyo up and down 5 usually. Its hard going for me, I have a lot of back and knee issues, but refuse to give up...having knee replacement in sept. If you like to mix dedication and having fun, add me
  • I'm much older than you are, but as women I think we all have that problem. Have you tried reverse crunches? Lay on your back, knees bent, pull legs up toward your chest while keeping the top half of your body flat on the floor. You should be able to really feel it after just a few. To help with the sides more, bring upper…
  • Honey, all I can say is "BRAVO"!!! You are an amazing woman, strong, confident, and very beautiful!! You're a survivor, I'm proud to have you as a friend. (I will continue this in a pm, later)♥
  • From Neenah!! Born, raised and will probably die in Wisconsin!! Haha! Love to travel, but always glad to come home to Wisconsin. best place in the world. And Yes the GB Packers are the greatest!!:wink:
  • Praying for you hun, what a wonderful thing you are doing with your life.
  • I do, and also do low carb so its easy to keep it at 1200. Sometimes I actually have a hard time getting it to 1200.
  • bump, need to try
  • bump, love stuffed mushrooms
  • Add me!!! Im am the biggest jelly bean addict ever! M&Ms too. Actually anything sweet and thats just not gonna change. But i have some tricks. I have a cute little bowl (my snack bowl) only holds 1/2 cup. I count out so many jelly beans and add healthy to it, almonds or a piece of dark choc. When its gone I'm done.
  • Welcome to MFP Kristen! It's a fantastic site. I've been part of it for about 6 weeks and my only complaint is that the friends I have made, I will probable never meet in person. I have the most wonderful, supportive group of friends. Feel free to add me if you wish, I would be glad to be your pal!! I try to go on here 2…
  • I experienced the same thing. Lost 7 pounds and then nothing for 3 weeks, even gained a little. I started watching my carbs and started to loose. I was very strict the first 2 weeks and now this week I will start to introduce some "healthy carbs" back into my diet. For me this works, I'm a carb addict! Love my pasta and…
  • Hi, I will be 62 this year, joined MFP 5 weeks ago and love the support and encouragement. Being this age has its challenges especially if you have any health issues. I've tried to find some supportive friends around my age and that helps. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Did the same thing today. Talked myself out of going to the gym. I'm in wk 5 now and having some crazy cravings, I want some chocolate and some good old salty chips!!! Grrrr. It will pass though, don't beat yourself up over today, go home after work and talk a walk eat a healthy dinner and relax. Maybe you just need to do…
  • paw247 Joined Mar 2012 Posts: 14 Tue 04/17/12 10:21 PM hey..hey there!! I am 61, do Zumba and pretty well i might add, can still shake it and do NOT yawn through it. Just kidding, but there are a few of us "grannies" out here that are still alive and kickin and enjoying every minute of it!! Edited by paw247 on Tue 04/17/12…
  • hey..hey there!! I am 61, do Zumba and pretty well i might add, can still shake it and do NOT yawn through it. Just kidding, but there are a few of us "grannies" out here that are still alive and kickin and enjoying every minute of it!! Meant as a reply to jjnt007
  • Pauline, I would be happy to be your friend!! Send me a request. I am over 50...way over 50! Actually 61, and you are right we face different issues and challenges in our journey to loose weight and be healthy. I have some other pals that are in the over 50 group and its so nice to have that bond. hope to see you on my…
  • Add me please. Love water but have a hard time getting in 8 glasses every day.
  • I'm currently 61, And for the first time in my life I've joined a gym and work out 3 to 4 times a week for about 70 minutes. Of course I was physically stronger at a younger age but as you get older you realize the saying "use it or loose it" is true. I'm loving where I am in life now, and wouldn't trade it for anything.…
  • Hi, I'm fairly new too and have lost 7 pounds, have 30 to go so we're kinda in the same boat !! Although I'm twice your age, I think we're all here for the same reason, weight loss, health and finding a way to change our old habits. Add me as a friend if you like, we can loose 30 pounds together
  • First of all 53 is NOT old, I'm 61 and don't consider myself old. Some days I feel like I'm 80 but that's another story!! I have bad knees, started 10 or so years ago with creaking and snapping with every step, no pain. Now painful to go up and down stairs, have no strength and trying to work through it at the gym, finding…
  • you can friend me if you like! 61 years young, ya right!!! Been here with MFP for 11 days and counting.
  • 40 amazing and sometimes crazy years, known each other for 44 years!! It takes work but it's so worth it, can't imagine life without him!!
  • Very Funny!!! You haven't lived til you've worn a Cheese Head!!!
  • Sent you a friend request, I'm new too, there's nothing to be nervous about. We're all here for the same reason.
  • I had a double cervical fusion 14 months ago and wore a hard collar for 3 months, night and day. Also have a 3 curve scoliosis so I've have to adjust my activity. Walk as much as you can. I do circuit training machines at the y, and started working out to my Zumba dvd yesterday in my own home, that way I can do as much or…
  • You are such an inspiration!!! Wonderful job....amazing. Congrats!!