sinks Member


  • I've lost 102lbs so far just exercising and counting the calories. I didn't/haven't drastically cut the calories. I try to net between 1200-1500 a day, but with extra exercise I get to eat way more than that. I go to bed every night satisfied, and I eat whenever I am hungry. I've been working at this for just over a year…
  • I lost about 47lbs on my own before finding MFP. I was doing basically the same thing, counting calories and exercising (just walking my dog at that point). MFP has certainly helped me with the tracking especially with the phone app, because I can keep track of everything as soon as I do it. Not to mention the immense…
    in -101lbs Comment by sinks March 2011
  • One thing that has helped me, is to pay attention to healthy foods that I really love. Turns out, I love blueberries, to me, they are the best food in the planet. So, if I feel like eating because I'm stressed, I can have those and still feel good about it, instead of eating french fries or something bad for me. Another…
  • About 5 years ago I was on it. I lost 50lbs rapidly. As soon as I was off it, gained it all back plus some. I've been doing simple calorie counting and exercising for the past 10 months and lost 97lbs, so far. I wouldn't recommend phentermine. This is SO much better. Now, I feel confident that I understand what to eat and…
  • I am 5'8 and I have a friend who is the same. She weighs 160 and I thought to myself, she looks pretty good. It's at the high end of the normal range for my height, but still normal, so that's how I picked it. I started at 291 so, it was so far away that it was hard for me to know what would be good for me.
  • I started taking an anti-depressant in the middle of my weight loss. And I just kept losing. Most anti-depressants have the possible side effects of weight gain initially, but that goes away once your body adjust to the medication. So, I would say, diet and exercise WILL WORK, but talking to your doctor is probably your…
  • Well, I weigh myself every morning. But I don't put too much stress on little 1lb fluctuations. I do it, just because it helps me understand better how different things affect my body, like different foods, exercises. Noticing that lifting weights might make the wieght go up for the days that I am sore, noticing that I…
  • I love this thread, btw. The first thing I did diferently was to decide, "I'm tired of being fat, so I'm not going to do it anymore." For some reason, that resonates with me because I finally acknowledged that it had always been a choice I was making, and now I'm making a different one. The second thing, I never realized…
  • I want to fit comfortably in an airplane seat. I want for someone else to be the "fat" friend. I want to like what I see in the mirror. I want to stop shopping in the plus section of the store. I want to be active again. I've always loved playing sports, but I stopped somewhere along the line. I want to go sky diving, but…
  • Went to the Chinese buffet yesterday for the work Christmas party and ate amazingly healthy. Lots of raw fruits and veggies and sushi! I thoroughly enjoyed my meal and didn't even look at the deep fried selection. I didn't want it, I don't want it. My brain has changed I look at food for how it will make me feel as well as…
  • 291 last year. 215 as of this morning!