jupityjupe Member


  • everybody else has commented on your lack of food, but I will also point out that you need to drink more water..you only posted 2 glasses yesterday...I drink 8-16 a day and it's not even hard, although I pee like nobodies business lol but you should try for the 8 glasses recommended by MFP, it will help flush out salts,…
  • you (or anyone else) can add me if you like...I tend not to post a lot on other people's pages but if you want someone to compare food and exercise diaries with or progress gains and setbacks my stuff is all public. maybe filling out your profile so people can get to know you a little bit will attract lots of people to…
  • this is exactly the inspiration I need, as well as the advice! I look almost exactly the same as your before pics and I really needed to know it could be done!
  • It's nice to see a bunch of women who had their tummies go back to normal after delivery but I think it has a lot to do with genetics or age or just plain luck. I had my first son 8lb 12oz 10 days early and gained about 60lbs with him 3 days after my 41st birthday, my second son 7lbs 12oz and a week early and gaining about…
  • OK, thanks for the advice, I guess I need to buy some weights I can keep here in my living room :)
  • I should add that I can't get to a gym (kids, work, and no $$$) so I can't do anything with a weight machine or barbell, etc. I have a treadmill and some small weights and a pilates mat. I should also say that whatever exercise I have tried for my glutes I NEVER FEEL IN MY GLUTES. Anything that will actually make my…
  • if you don't feel the intensity or see the change, then you are probably not working hard enough, or lifting enough weight. if you don't have the money and space for a barbell and plates, look into kettle bells. they are very versatile pieces of equipment and can be used for a lot of upper body work outs. [/quote] I think…
  • those websites are awesome! thanks for the suggestions. i will try to either add these to my treadmill routine or do them instead...thanks again :happy:
  • thank you for those ideas...it is what i need because i looked into joining a gym and between the cost of membership and added cost of childcare, not to mention finding time to go when they are open having something that will build up my muscle at home is a much better option.
  • Well I did the test and am happy to report that I don't have diastasis recti...I have only one finger width between those muscles...:happy:
  • why do people keep insisting i am underweight and have a health issue? let me set the record straight...i have been to the doctor, including the obgyn, and i am in great health, except for the hypothyroid, and i am not considered underweight....yes i am on the low end of the bmi scale but still in the healthy area. i guess…
  • Thanks for the replies....I guess I need to figure out how to start lifting... And for those concerned for my health, no it is not a tumor or anything...it really gross, jiglly fat. :embarassed: My only health issue is hypothyroid, but for that I take medication. I am inspired by the lifting idea though as I do want to get…
  • Hello to everybody who says or is going to say I look thin.....YES! I do look thin in that picture because it is only showing me from the chest up! As I said in my original post, the fat is ONLY in my belly. I am telling you I have a fat belly! Gobs of it, as you can see if you look at my measurements (since telling you…
  • I am trying to cut back breads/grains too and refined carbs because I think that is where my extra weight comes from, plus just trying to be healthier. Even though I am cutting them back I am not cutting them out completely, but I am substituting things like whole wheat pasta for regular, and not eating pasta as often as I…
  • i was trying to quote part of the earlier post, but i can't figure out how to use the quote feature, so the top part of that last post is not my words, but from the earlier poster...
  • Seek help if you are not already doing so. Focus on your mental health, sensible healthy eating and exercise and being a positive person. Be thankful for what you have....there are others out there with more challenging obstacles then a layer of belly fat. [/quote] you really have no idea what challenges i have in…
  • thanks for everybodies replies. i want to reiterate that i know i look thin in my picture but i actually do have a sloppy, fat, ugly gut. i would just never post a pic of that...i can hardly stand to look at it myself. i would love the person who suggested surgery to pay for it for me lol but mostly i would just love some…
  • i did it half way into the second set of dvds. i didn't use her meal plan, but instead did my own diet and lower calories. i didn't lose one damn inch, anywhere, and it was killing my knees. i know others may have better results because i am not technically overweight, but i thought it would help me firm up and lose inches…
  • chest pain or pressure upon exertion but relieved when the exercise is stopped is the very deffinition of angina. you did not give enough information to make any kind of accurate diagnosis, and women typically do not feel cardiac related symptoms the same as men but i would still suggest seeing a doctor and getting checked…
  • Thanks for all the helpful replys....i just remeasured and it's worse than I thought...34" ugh! i know it will never go away, and I will never be firm but I thought I would try. Feeling less and less hopeful every day. What's the point? If I exercise and do HIIT and diet and nothing changes, then really, are any of the…
  • Yes I look thin because my picture only shows my face and the top of my chest...as I said, my belly has always been a problem...I am not just some whiner thin person trying to make everybody tell me how great I look, I really do have a problem here.. I can grab handfulls of fat from the front and sides of my belly. IT IS…
  • your abdomen looks amazing!!...how did you get it so flat? mine is all loose skin and wrinkly and i fear it will never look like yours
  • no tats but thinking about it....never thought of one i would be sure i'd like when i'm old and wrinkly so i don't know that i will ever get one...i have my ears pierced, and used to have several ear piercings as well as my nose and my lip but i let the nose, lip, and all but the center ear lobe piercings close up years…
  • since i just started phase 2 and have only done the first workout i don't know about the cardio but the first part of workout 5 where you do that yoga maneuver was nearly impossible (and i can't figure out how to modify it) as well as other parts...i did find that my knee has been incredibly sore since about the 3rd week…
  • i'd like to know what customer service does about it...please post back if you think about it..
  • i got the cheap green one and it is impossibe to use as it is too short...my 9 yr old can use it because he is only half my height but even if i don't loop it around my foot i can't get my arms fully extended to do the exercises with this one...i've been using weights instead but will purchase a new cord do do the workouts…
  • i don't cry during the workouts but i do shout at jillian sometimes..(i am not a fan of her personality) i cry when i look in the mirror...that's what keeps me doing them
  • always looking for new healthy and easy recipes, thanks for sharing
  • i have been upset about this program too concerning weight loss as i am just about to start phae 2 but have only lost 1 lb and no inches but i will try, i say try, very hard to reserve judgement until the whole program is over. i am trying to look at it as my body is not the same as anyone elses and will do what it does…