My whole body looks gaunt exept my pregnant looking belly



  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    why do people keep insisting i am underweight and have a health issue? let me set the record straight...i have been to the doctor, including the obgyn, and i am in great health, except for the hypothyroid, and i am not considered underweight....yes i am on the low end of the bmi scale but still in the healthy area.

    i guess muscle really does weigh more than fat because i think that is what i am lacking here....

    now onto figuring out how to ger into a lifting progam.........
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Do you have any health issues? Have you spoken to a doctor about it to make sure it's just fat? There could be some other underlying issue. Definitely speak with your doctor if you're that concerned, especially if the area is firm.

    I had fybroids - they made my stomach stick out I had them removed and now look a bit better I would check in with your doctors and find out
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    Have you ever been pregnant? Sometimes after pregnancy you can get what's called diastasis. It's basically a separation of the stomach muscles and no matter how hard you try, the only thing that can repair that is surgery. Just a thought ...

    ^^^This is what I thought of. I had diastasis recti after having my second baby and no matter how small I got my belly stayed really round and pregnant looking. I tested myself for DR and realized I had like a three finger gap which causes our stomachs to protrude like that. I've since started doing lots of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and ab wall (I believe) and while my stomach still has lose skin its no longer round or pokes out. Traditional ab exercises make DR worse so there are special exercises you can do to help strengthen the deeper layers of ab muscles which will in turn pull in your abs. I'm currently doing a Lindsey Brin workout specifically for DR and it has really helped, but there are plenty of free online exercises if you just google it. You can also google how to test yourself to see if you have DR. GL

    *edit: I also recommend the New Rules of LIfting for Women, I'm currently doing it and the lifting has helped to tighten up my body after pregnancy. There was a point I had started to look gaunt and frail after my second baby, which was due to a loss of muscle. I do weigh a lb or 2 more now, but I look infinitely better since I've started lifting weights. I would suggest getting a gym membership though. I know its crazy to find "gym time and money" being a mom of two but getting out of the house for a workout does wonders for my mental sanity and my ability to focus and get alot out of my workouts.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Don't worry about it, I am underweight by BMI, its not an accurate measurement at all. But my body also doesn't look great (but i'm getting there now) due to the lack of muscle. I don't really care whether I end up weighing more, less, or the same as long as I look better, I suspect you are in the same position.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    Well I did the test and am happy to report that I don't have diastasis recti...I have only one finger width between those muscles...:happy:
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    If you find that you are low on muscle tone, then why not start with some planking, pushups (modified if regular are too high), and squats/lunges. It's a good way to ease into muscle growth, and you will be able to challenge yourself using your own bodyweight.

    Just a thought...
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    If you find that you are low on muscle tone, then why not start with some planking, pushups (modified if regular are too high), and squats/lunges. It's a good way to ease into muscle growth, and you will be able to challenge yourself using your own bodyweight.

    Just a thought...

    thank you for those is what i need because i looked into joining a gym and between the cost of membership and added cost of childcare, not to mention finding time to go when they are open having something that will build up my muscle at home is a much better option.
  • Saucy_Yoda
    Saucy_Yoda Posts: 23 Member
    Maybe look into the YMCA in Santa Rosa? They have youth fitness programs, so that your kids wouldn't just have to sit around. Plus, they have a decent weight area and usually affordable membership fees.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member

    those websites are awesome! thanks for the suggestions. i will try to either add these to my treadmill routine or do them instead...thanks again :happy: