Recipes with no bread/grains

WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
I need meals with no bread or grains. Cutting it out of my diet for now.



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Breakfasts: Eggs, yoghurt, cheese, smoked fish
    Lunches: soups, salads
    Dinners: Chicken with veggies
    Snacks: Nuts, fruit, humous with dips.

    Why are you cutting out bread and grains?
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Breakfasts: Eggs, yoghurt, cheese, smoked fish
    Lunches: soups, salads
    Dinners: Chicken with veggies
    Snacks: Nuts, fruit, humous with dips.

    Why are you cutting out bread and grains?

    Thanks for the reply. Any recipes that don't require a ton of ingredients?

    I just read up on it and feel it will give me the best results to lose the last few pounds. I eat too much bread and I'm sure that's the reason why my stomach always feels pretty bloated.

    Edit: Nvm.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I know what you mean! I made that connection when I was feeling bad after having toast for breakfast, a scone mid morning, sandwiches for lunch and then feeling awful all afternoon!

    I haven't totally cut out bread and grains though, just really really reduced them.

    Do you really need a recipe for soup or salad?

    If you eat fish, an easy dinner dish is to cook it in a parcel. Wrap a fillet of fish (salmon, tilapia, cod, sea bass, doesn't matter) with some herbs (fresh or dried - parsley, coriander/ cilantro, dill, whatever you have) a couple of slices of lemon and a little black pepper. Use tin foil if you're baking it in the oven, or baking paper for the microwave. About 20 mins in the oven, 2-3 minutes in the microwave until the fish is opaque and can be flaked with a fork. Serve with some steamed asparagus, green beans, broccoli, or a large salad.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    It's possible that you may be slightly gluten-intolerant if you routinely have these symptoms.

    Might be worth trying gluten-free pasta, bread or grains to see if that makes a difference - more sustainable in the long run that just cutting these out completely.

    For recipe ideas, my favourite gluten-free website is
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    I am trying to cut back breads/grains too and refined carbs because I think that is where my extra weight comes from, plus just trying to be healthier. Even though I am cutting them back I am not cutting them out completely, but I am substituting things like whole wheat pasta for regular, and not eating pasta as often as I would.

    What I have been doing, and it seems to be working to keep the hunger pangs away, is brakfast: cottage cheese and fruit, eggs and fruit or whole wheat english muffin. lunch: tuna salad, 3 bean salad, greek salad, soups, green salads with lots of extra veggies. dinner: lots of grilled chicken, steak, or fish, lots of roasted veggies, and I will add some small read potatoes or yams in the recipe sometimes.I have kids and a hectic schedule so I don't have a lot of time to cook therefore my cooking time has to be short...which kinda means my recipes are simple as well. You don't sound like you want a lot of complicated recipes so this should work for you as well....just go to the store, buy what's fresh, and grill or roast it with lots of herbs and a little olive oil. Through together a salad or slice tomatoes and use balsamic vinigar and salt and pepper. I can still cook rice or something pasta or serve bread with a meal for my kids but just not eat that myself, and instead fill up on the other goodies. I tend to eat fruit or nuts as snacks.
  • lilpaws2u
    chilli is a great recipe... look up pintrest there a chhese cake.egg recipe made into pancake.. lots of soups, steaks,turkey..i on this too..trying to find things that work.. yes my doctor put me on this diet/.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    chili with ground chicken/turkey, canned tomatoes, onions, and peppers.

    wraps with canned chicken or tuna and romaine leaves with feta, and tomato.

    turkey patty with fried egg or egg whites.

    steamed brocoli with pasta sauce over it.

    spaghetti squash.

    tomato / cucumber / feta salad.
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    I have to agree..don't cut them out completely, your body needs carbs. Just start picking "better" carbs, and eat in moderation. there are carbs in veggies, you can eat a whole lot of raw veggies for low cals and get loads of nutrients and energy outta them. eating fewer fruits, and less refined/processed carbs is an idea. and measure out your portions.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies.

    I looked around and found a couple great sites that have recipes that do not include grains in them.

    Also I didn't know coconut flour, almond flour, bean flour, etc were all used for grain free recipes.

    And +1 for chili. I will never get bored of chili. :bigsmile: