

  • I've been told lots of things, but I learned a phrase that usually shuts people up - 'I know...God loved me sooo much that he made more of me!' LOL I used to think like you, 'I'll show them' and I still do, but do this for yourself and no one else. Good Luck!
  • Mandi, I've been there and done that! When I hit 255lbs 8 years ago, I just sat down and cried! We went to the Outer Banks, NC w/ my husband's entire family and (besides his dad) I was the biggest person there. We walked everywhere (except for Dad) and I was so winded and slow and couldn't keep up. I decided to change all…
  • Thanks cor the info and motivation! I'm not shy about myself and I think part of my problem is that I had a complete hysterectomy and major scar (adhesion) removal, so my body chemistry is off-balance. I no longer like the taste of mountain dew (which was my addiction) I drink mostly water now. I'll have to try blueberries…