Need Support for the long haul


My name is Mandi,

I am 26 and overweight! I'm looking for someone to be there to support me! I am 255lbs and I have got to the point in my life that I'm tired of being tired, not feeling good and not being able to shop for something that I see at the store and think it so cute cuz I know there is no way it would fit :(! So I have been a member on MFP for a while and its been like a yoyo I would be tracking everything and I would see the pounds coming off and then it was like I was starving myself and I would start eating like i was before and drink pop ( like up to 4 cans a day :( ). Now I'm back to wanted to get back to losing again!!!!! i know i can do but I need the support! My husband does support me but its not enough! I need positive support from anywhere i can get it!!! I have had people on here "supporting me" but stop chatting or deleted me off their friends list! So if there is anyone in the same spot as me, feel free to add me! I'm ready to be done with this being over weight business. The more we support each other is better!

I am looking for other people that share my need for support. so we can do this together and lose!

Cheers Mandi


  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    mandi, you can do this. by joining the site and posting, you have started your journey.

    there are some terrific people here, all interested in supporting each other through healthy goals and eating habits.

    my advice would be to pick through topics on the message board that interest or specifically apply to you and friend a few people.

    with any journey, have fun with it!
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
    The race doesn't go to the sswift nor to the strong but to the one who endures! Don't give up! Pray often.
  • mandifriesen
    mandifriesen Posts: 35 Member
    thanks pteque and bug taylor! Any little words of wisdom will help! :smile:
  • anmhep1162

    I've been there and done that! When I hit 255lbs 8 years ago, I just sat down and cried! We went to the Outer Banks, NC w/ my husband's entire family and (besides his dad) I was the biggest person there. We walked everywhere (except for Dad) and I was so winded and slow and couldn't keep up. I decided to change all that....It lasted about 1 year. I got down to 188lbs and it came back because I kept saying 'Oh you lost a lot a weight, you can eat anything again.' WRONG I went up & down for years. I've started over and you can, too! I crept up to 241 and, even with 2 months off because of surgery, I'm down to 229. Try to walk, jog, or run everyday. Eat healthier foods, but don't starve yourself. Limit your 'junk' foods, but don't eliminate them, because you're more likely to overindulge in them if you do. I splurge on a treat once a week (ice cream, a few cookies, a piece of cake) I have 24oz or less of soda almost everyday.....ALOT less than the 2 Liters of Mountain Dew that I used to drink everyday. I drink mostly water, but not just water. Most of all....Don't lie to yourself! If you went over your calories 1's ok, just try a little harder not to go over the next 5-6 days. Don't be looking for fast results, slow and steady is best! (Remember the hare and the tortoise?)