Starting over after surgery

Hello Everyone!
I'm somewhat new to fitness pal. I'm 36 and have tried losing weight and getting in shape for a while. I started at the gym in February, but then had major abdominal surgery on June 27th and couldn't workout for over a month. I'm having trouble getting motivated again. my abdomen muscles are still sore and I seem hungry all the time. I've gained most of my weight back. =( Any thoughts would be appreciated. Friendship is even better! Thanks!


  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Hey! This is a good topic for me as I'm having surgery September 26th and will be out for awhile myself. Any tips for gentle exercises that will not upset stitches/disturbed muscles would be greatly appreciated! Stretches, meals, anything would make me happy. <3

    Anmhep, how long did the surgeon say you would be out of exercise commission? Did they say? Have they offered you any therapeutic resources? And I'm sorry your motivation is gone! :( That's a struggle to work with. I think it would be okay for you to eat frequently, but maybe switch snacks to cucumbers, carrots, or some leafy greens. Even some fruit for some of the snacks would be a great replacement (and blueberries are packed with antioxidants, which are super great for the body!).

    I wish you luck! And I will send a friend request your way. ^^
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    I had surgery 14 weeks ago on my stomach and lower back. Joined MFP 12 weeks ago. I started off walking 10 mins 1st day and built it up each day. My stomach was quite stiff for about 6 weeks after surgery so took me awhile to build the walking up. I'm grand now. I walked 1 hr 45 mins today :). I worried at the start that I wouldn't lose weight with the lack of exercise at the start but I did. Calorie counting has really helped me. I was quite shocked at the calories in certain foods. I now make better food choice. I also bought a food scale as I was guessing the weights of foods I was very wrong with my guessing. Feel free to ask me any questions
  • anmhep1162
    Thanks cor the info and motivation! I'm not shy about myself and I think part of my problem is that I had a complete hysterectomy and major scar (adhesion) removal, so my body chemistry is off-balance. I no longer like the taste of mountain dew (which was my addiction) I drink mostly water now. I'll have to try blueberries again. More fruit sounds good....if I can find good fruit!
  • onlyevita
    onlyevita Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there,
    My name is Eva and I am a mother of 2 (2 y.o. and 5 months). I have been overweight my entire life.I will be turning 35 in a couple of months and I don't want to be fat anymore. I was at my heaviest when I started this journey at 194. I have a few goals:

    Goal 1: get to pre-baby#2 weight
    Goal 2: get to pre-baby#1 weight
    Goal 3: get to the weight it says on my license (lol)
    Goal 4: 140lbs

    Please feel free to add me
  • troselj
    After surgery your best investment would be for a personal trainer - even if for only one month. He or She will get you on the right track. Worth the money, for your health and safety factors as well as knowledge.
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a bit older,67, and the last year seems to have been one medical procedure after another. A knee replacement, shoulder repair and cyst removal. Luckily? mu surgeries each had therapy following. The best thing I can offer is to start slow with the exercise, walking biking, stationary, or even walking in water. Keep your head up and keep track of what you are eating. I scale is far better than measuring cups and spoons. As far as finding good fruit at this time of year it might be best to get unsweetened frozen fruit. They are processed at their peak and won't spoil as quickly. If you would like to friend me go right ahead. There is no picture as I'm old and not very computer savvy.