

  • No need to buy a brand new one. I would try Craiglists first. There is a ton of equipment posted there that people buy and then never use. Almost like gym memberships.
  • 1 hour a day 4-5 days per week would be plenty. Try to remember to change up your workouts a bit, as your body can get used to the workout schedule over time.
  • You've lost 41lbs so far, think of the dedication it took from you to get to this point. Don't give up now. Otherwise, in a couple of months, you'll be thinking about having to lose the new additional 41lbs you gained back. Just think of it as a bump in the road and keep moving forward. Everybody falls off the wagon now…
  • 14lbs is a great start. You should be congratulating yourself. It will take time to reach your goal, remember you didn't gain all the weight in a month, it will take more than a month to lose. Having goals for weight loss is great, but I also think if we treat our weight loss, as just a way of life change, it might be…
  • You should probably start, it would help you build your lean muscle mass, which burns fat. Too much cardio without the proper nutrition will burn both.
  • I imagine you're not doing a whole lot of weight resistant exercises. You may want to add some in addition to your cardio rountine, add some calories to your intake....mostly protein and some carbs. You are probably burning too much lean muscle mass....which is not good. And why are you jogging for an hour? Are you…
  • Hey me too. Congrats to you!
  • It shouldn't. You might miss some time working out, but I'm sure you can still eat healthy and document your calories. Its good they caught your problem when they did.
  • Welcome! This is a great place to track your success. Good Luck. A.S.
  • Welcome to the site. I think if you enjoy keeping a journal, logging in data and seeing results, you'll enjoy this site. I've been a member just over a week, and I can feel that I've lost weight already. That is the key, "how you feel", not always what you weigh. I haven't started my exercise routine just yet because I'm…
  • you're always going to have days like this, but remember if you have a huge meal, you'll just feel more un-motivated. Go take a walk and breath in some fresh air.
  • Thats awesome in 4 months you lost 89lbs. Congradulations! I am just about where you were 4 months ago. My goal is to lose 30lbs per month, as I've done it before and know for me its attainable. The one thing I didn't have the first time I lost all my weight was a fitness journal like this one. When you're in shape,…
  • To me this site is wonderful. I love spreadsheets and entering data. There is nothing more than I hate to have to skew the data by eating "bad food". I know it will happen somewhere on my journey to lose 160lbs, and when it does I will balance out the following date before it gets out of control again. See by keeping a…
  • It's pretty much all the same thing, showing muscle tone.
  • Linzy, When you say you fell off the wagon, are you eating more and not exercising? If you're still eating the same back when you were losing weight, but maybe added lifting weights, you could be adding lean muscle, not fat.....which is what you want. Added lean muscle will burn fat the fastest.
  • Thanks for replying to my posts, and congratulations to the people that have already lost weight, and started their journey to a healthier life.
  • Wow, what a great free service. This should really help me. I was un-aware how quickly these calories counted up. Does anybody know if this service stays free, or do they start charging after 90 days?