

  • i would love to get an arc trainer but i can't find any cheaper than like 3,000 bucks so not happening lol it seems like for the money you can get a better quality treadmill than any of the others i wish i could get the quality of the gym machines without spending thousands of dollars ugh no fair lol
  • some people probably wish their family's fasted all day my family starts off with bloody mary's and a huuuge breakfast then it's mimosas and appetizers then dinner at 3 eggnog and cakes after it's pretty much and all day fat fest ugh and if you don't join in your like the black sheep or being rude but it's only one day a…
  • For woman its 100 lbs for 5 feet tall then add 5 pounds for every inch over 5"1 is 105 5"2 is 110 and so on
  • Mushroom risotto cakes soooooo nomnomnom
  • i really don't like most breakfast foods but i know i should eat in the morning so sometimes i just do a carnation instant breakfast packet in skim milk or drink a bottle of boost, both about 200 calories and good protein. if i want real food in the am i'lleat stir fry or a sandwich either turkey or peanut butter or even a…
  • darker sodas are worse for you so it's better to drink diet sprite or diet ginger ale then regular diet coke or pepsi
  • there is diet dr pepper its pretty friggin good
  • carbs are what fuel your system including your brain you don't have to low carb just stick to healthy carbs whole grains and veggies people should not try to put themselves into ketosis it will ruin your liver and put you in a mental fog
  • ugh good luck it's sooooo hard not to drink I have been avoiding it as much as possible because of all the empty calories especially because all the drinks i love the most are super awful for you (white Russian, toasted almost, pina colada) one drink is sometimes half my daily calories! plus as soon as i get tipsy i wanna…
  • the idea of women gaining massive amounts of muscle and bulking up isn't realistic because we don't have the hormones to do so unless you are taking steroids you aren't going to get giant legs from working out your muscles are probably puffed up and swollen because they are healing, when you work out you get microscopic…