my family is ruining my christmas with food



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Sounds like torture ....... do the best you can ........ and when you finally sit down, eat veggies & protein first ...... also, if you watch everyone else shovelling food in their faces, it might help you stay in control !

    Merry Christmas, anyway !

  • kimmeyjo
    kimmeyjo Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sorry, but rude or not I will eat when I'm hungry no matter what anybody says. I would grab something to eat out of the fridge whether they liked it or not. End of story!
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    OP fasting occasionally is good for you. Don't worry about it and just control your portions when you are served.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    21 not old enough to drink? Dang, what part of the South are they from? Most of us have our alcohol baptism by the age of 12.

    Being the youngest of my siblings, I have run many covert operations to provide pre-holiday meal sustainance for the elder kids, even causing myself to have a nosebleed too close to the pumpkin pie one year :happy: . That caused a big stir among the hens in the kitchen!
    Unfortunately, this is a Southern thing, although I am not sure why, because the women were always in the kitchen testing the food. Eventually, when we could no longer rely on my cute-factor, we learned to hoard snacks like hamsters in anticipation of such days. Now that you know this is a liklihood on holidays, just make yourself a stash, in your luggage, bedroom, somewhere safe, of healthy snacks to tide you over without hurting anyone else's feelings.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    That's a strange family tradition, but you can't pick your relatives. I guess you'll never convince them that eating small meals throughout the day will help prevent overindulging at the main meal. Hopefully, you'll have your own family before too long and make new traditions. I hope you made it without getting too out of sorts. Merry Christmas!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm thinking 21 makes you old enough to bring your own snacks and make decisions on whether you can eat them or not and when.

    No one in my family really eats how I do. I take responsibility for the choices I've made big picture, and therefore the decisions I make on a smaller scale.

    I just did Christmas with 12 folks, including a 95 year old, a vegan, three people who won't eat "anything green" and a guy who "hates cheese". We made stuff. Everyone knew when it would be served.
    And everyone know they'd have some stuff to eat, and some stuff they hated.
    And, we eat took care of ourselves til it was time to eat.
    For me, that meant having some cheese while we were cooking, and a bit of celery. Oh, and I had a protein bar in my bag if needed.
    It's christmas. It's one day.

    To me, the way to make a "lifestyle change" as cliched as that sounds, is to take responsibility for your eating choices, with the constraints you face. And on this one day, you punt. You do the best you can.

    ps: I went for a 5k run this morning
    and a 40 min walk after dinner.
  • from now on, hide non-perishable snacks in your purse, like contraban. and remember, when you take that trip to the bathroom and stand by the bathroom door to eat, that you are doing yourself a favor. it doesn't seem fair that their obese habits need to be shoved down your throat. I understand the show of respect, but it works both ways. It doesn't sound like they have done anything to deserve respect. So do a couple trips to the bathroom, eat a protein bar.. and drink loads of water. It's not much, but it might help the next time that you are in that sitch. Family can be a downer. :( Merry Christmas tho :)
  • I know this doesn't always work, but have you tried explaining your dietary needs to your mamaw? Just tell her that you are trying to maintain a healthy way of thinking about food which includes eating small portions throughout the day and refraining from binge sessions. Tell her that to ensure that you do not binge when you do eat, you need to snack throughout the day. Explain that you would be happy to bring your own snacks in the future but whether she provides the snacks, or you provide the snacks that she cannot dictate how and when you eat. You are a grown woman.
  • I am sorry. I would go for a glass of Milk if avaibale that would fill you up alittle. In your Grandma's eyes you are still a kids. My son is 32 and I treat him like a child too at times. Then he reminds me he is an adult. On the flip side it is hard for me at times as I have a 9 and 11 year old
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    from now on, hide non-perishable snacks in your purse, like contraban. and remember, when you take that trip to the bathroom and stand by the bathroom door to eat, that you are doing yourself a favor. it doesn't seem fair that their obese habits need to be shoved down your throat. I understand the show of respect, but it works both ways. It doesn't sound like they have done anything to deserve respect. So do a couple trips to the bathroom, eat a protein bar.. and drink loads of water. It's not much, but it might help the next time that you are in that sitch. Family can be a downer. :( Merry Christmas tho :)

    Fasting isn't an obese habit....
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    This is so difficult. Hope you're going to be alright. I would be worried about your blood sugar. Not eating for hours is serious. It's not a joking matter.

    I guess I would pack a few non-perishable snacks next time. It doesn't help right now. I wish I had an answer for you. Sorry you're not being respected and that you're going through this. It doesn't sound like an enjoyable time with your family at all.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Not knowing at times when food is going to be available is one of the reasons that I've learned to carry Atkin's shakes in my bag and luggage. *HUGS* Good luck!
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    This sounds really insane. I hope that today is less insane. I am grateful that my family a. is far away and b. was not that kind of crazy. Better today?
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    Fasting to gorge is, however.

    (sorry! this was a reply to occasional fasting isn't an obese habit. Simply fasting if that's something your body can do? Cool. Fasting to gorge? Not so much, IMO)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sounds like it's over. Next year bring a few granola bars and eat them alone in the bathroom.
  • aliez
    aliez Posts: 11
    some people probably wish their family's fasted all day my family starts off with bloody mary's and a huuuge breakfast then it's mimosas and appetizers then dinner at 3 eggnog and cakes after it's pretty much and all day fat fest ugh and if you don't join in your like the black sheep or being rude but it's only one day a year so why not it's nothing that can't be fixed just high protein and do a little extra calorie burning over the next week and it will even out