cynthia_h Member


  • Follow up! My IBS was resolved, for the most part. FODMAPS, specifically fructose is what set me off. After elimination I was so much better! Turns out eating multiple peaches a day is not OK for my body. So, high fructose fruit is limited to one a day and I am OK. Oh and lactose is far reduced in my diet as well. Ah well,…
  • I am also in the "daily" camp. It keeps me accountable and lets me react more quickly to negative weight results.
  • I thought the distilled water thing was just my location. Guess not. Also no lactose free milk. Might have to do without as long as I can get my yogurt! Got Pfizer vax and Moderna booster. Will probably get Pfizer for the second booster, when I'm due and keep swapping, just to mix it up and increase reactivity. Even though…
  • Add me, if you'll also encourage me! <3 Cynthia
  • Hey! I've got about 12 lbs to go. I am happy to check in with you all! Sending request.
  • Greetings! I am recently diagnosed IBS-D. Learning my way through the FODMAP diet. In elimination phase right now, one week in. Doing great actually! There are so many choices of ways to eat rice these days, LOL! I live in the US, Maryland, outside Washington DC. Cynthia
  • Water and protein, a serving of almonds (1 oz)... But water is the first thing to try. as said before you may actually be thirsty.
  • I'm not sure yet. I've mostly ignored the 'added calories form exercise' but I'm only a week into using my flex. But you read this, right? Don't log stuff on theFitbit side.
  • I guess the question is, what's your goal? I can't speak to the benefits of KB, but it seems to me to have the cardio and weight training aspects to it. Whether doing these challenges will burn fat better than gain muscle I don't know. I searched kettlebell exercise philosophy and here's the result: mainstream folks need…
  • Google maps shows it to be about 2 minutes. Went with a bunch of teenage girls. Something for everyone! Loved it. deli food is a must in NYC. Asked a man working in Charlotte Russe where he recommended and this was the place.
  • God bless you both, 8 kg?! I'm starting with 5 lbs. or 2.27 kg AND that is PLENTY.
  • Hi, new-ish to KB. Been with MFP for over a year now. Just bought a fitbit flex and started to exercise. I dabbled with KB last year and liked it. I'm trying to be serious about exercising now as I'm, frankly, middle aged now. I need to be fit to avoid all the unpleasant issues my family has, like high blood pressure, high…
    in Intros Comment by cynthia_h June 2014
  • I wear both on my non-dominant hand. I have the Flex looser and more toward my shoulder than my watch. I use a wrist rest for typing at work, to reduce the vibration. I get no step reads while sitting at my desk or in the car, etc.
  • I'm new as well. I love the sleep tracker as well. It shows me that I really do sleep well most of the time. I'm inclined to one nihgt allow my ex to use it for that. I think he needs to be seen for sleep issues. Then just delete that night.
  • I'm new to the Flex but have used MFP in the past successfully. I've noted they do seem to pull form each other. I logged a circuit training with estimated calories based on METs in MFP as the Flex doesn't record the more non-moving stuff. I may actually have an over estimation of calories burned, but it appears the MFP…