

  • Nope. I mean, when I was a kid I was at 115 some point in time. I may try to go down to 110, but I'll probably stick with 115.
  • I'm about 5'8", medium-large frame. Started out at 151, currently hover between 127-129, my goal weight is around 115, and then I'll go from there :3
  • I'll have cheat meals occasionally, but only if I've worked my a$s off for it. Sometimes though, I have a cheat day and don't work for it, however these are more of a binge for me, because I don't start the day thinking "I'm going to have a cheat day today!" it just kind of happens. So I avoid total 'on purpose' cheat…
  • I'm in the same boat >.< I thought once I got down to 128 like I am now (5'8" in height) I'd have that sexy bikini body I've always wanted, but because I lost it so quick, I'm no where near the sexy bikini bod as I have a lot of loose flab on my stomach. I started doing ZWOD and I can…
  • #1. Needing size small in shirts and pants/skirts, and coming out of the dressing room and saying "it's too big". AMAZING feeling. #2. Enjoying exercising #3. Having people who know what I used to look like say "You've gotten so skinny!" And actually asking ME for tips on diet and exercise, instead of giving them. #4.…
  • Wow, you look great! Good job!
  • The majority of rude comments, have in reality just been dirty looks, pointing at my stomach, and laughing. From when I was about 8-11 years old (when I gained weight, before that I was always really skinny), my mom worked at a gas station and we're really good friends with the manager, so I came with my mom and helped her…
  • Thank you, everyone! That balsamic chicken and the dessert recipe website sound great!
  • Hi everyone :) I'm Kelsie, and as of one day ago I'm going gluten free. I have all the symptoms of celiac, so I'm not eating gluten anymore and seeing if those symptoms go away. But today is my first day 100% gluten free, so I'm brand new to all of this. Breads, cereals, granola, pastries, pizza, etc. are my biggest…
  • I'm in :) I started doing the 6W6P on the 13th, actually, but have only done it a total of 2 1/2 times. Combined with Zumba and this yesterday, my stomach was absolutely horrid feeling this morning, and though It's better now, I'm taking a break from exercise today, but will start again tomorrow. But yeah, I'm in, I'd love…
  • I love to dance, so I spend a lot of my time when I'm on the computer swinging my upper body all back and forth, twisting, shaking, etc. just while I'm doing my normal stuff on the computer. And then my actual hip hop dancing I try to do for an hour every day. I don't do it specifically for the calorie burn, but it's…
  • Mmm this sounds delicious! Do you know how many calories are in it?
  • Some days if I'm feeling reallyyy crappy I don't exercise besides my normal dancing/horseback riding/etc, and sometimes not even that, but usually I still do because it actually helps ease cramps and everything. My periods last 5 days, so I can't really take off that whole time. I don't think it's bad to miss a day or so…
  • I -love- the 30 day shred. I've done it well over 30 days as part of my daily routine for most days. I can't accurately say how much it helped me loose, but it definitely has. When I started, I was just doing some walks, crunches, things like that, nothing too vigorous, so it was for sure a big step up for me and really…
  • I didn't choose it. It started as a desperate need to loose weight thinking "okay, I'll just not eat for a while, and eat again when I loose weight" and it has gone to "I ate 200 calories today. *kitten*, I'm a fat a@s" Mentally, I can't eat without feeling like total crap about myself. I did -not- choose to be like this,…
  • I am very open with my eating habits, and will admit, I am anorexic. I've lost 21 pounds, and plan to continue doing so. Thank you for responses, everyone, however no one can change my mind as to my choice of lifestyle. I did not wish to become anorexic, but it has happened, and I'm not going to change any time soon. But…
  • At 130 pounds I can still grab a chunk of weight around my stomach and I still have a bulge. 700 calories is, to be honest, pushing it on the high end of calories I would like to eat.
  • I'd like to be 115. I'm at 130 right now, I'm 5'8" and big boned, and I think I could be happy at 115. If not, then I'll go lower.