

  • Well finished workout B today, man I am SO sore this week! I don't think my upper body/torso has ever been this sore! I don't think it helped that I took over a week off from working out entirely, but that was unavoidable, as I've had lots of dental work done lately! I did full on unassisted negative chin ups on Monday.…
  • Karen, I'm starting 6 on Monday too! I finished 5 last Friday, but haven't been able to workout this week due to dental work, so starting 6 on Monday, and I'm a bit nervous! I don't have a clue how to start with the negative chin-up business! Edit- we're almost the same weight too, thought that was funny:)
  • During Stage 1, I did keep up with Couch2 5K and a little extra cardio 2-3x/wk, but once you get into the later workouts, they get longer. Plus, I usually will add 15mins of intervals on the treadmill to the end of Workout A when he starts putting them in workout B, just cause I felt like I could, and I like intervals. So…
  • I'm on moderate I guess? Whichever is 3-5hrs/wk on scooby lol:) And yes, I only do New Rules 3x/wk. I was trying to do cardio in between, but it wasn't helping me lose, and I wasn't getting the full recovery that I needed, so I stopped. As soon as I stopped cardio, the weight just fell off:) I will, when it's not 85…
  • I'm in Stage 4 of New Rules, and I've always eaten at my TDEE-cut, which has always been higher than the NR book says, and I eat the same every day, regardless of if it's a weight day or not. I actually recently upped my cals to barely under TDEE, and I've still maintained a steady 1+lb/wk loss, so for me, those cals in…
  • Yup, ya just gotta start making it part of your routine! I don't leave the gym without stretching, did once and will NEVER do it again!
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • This is a GREAT hip/glute stretch, my FAV for low back pain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qZ517Rw7ME&feature=related This one is a pretty good one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE6mJ0VjK7Y This is a pretty good hamstring stretch video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSbL-Z8SLoc That's all I've got for now!
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • After every workout, I stand with my feet just under hip width apart and lean forward to touch my toes, hold that for 15-20 seconds, do it again with my feet spread much wider. Those are for hamstrings. Another good hamstring stretch would be lying on your back and lifting your straight leg straight up in the air, you can…
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • Your hamstrings can absolutely give you lower back pain!! Most people that have lower back pain have tight hamstrings/glutes/backs of their legs. I'm a massage therapist, so I know how to avoid it thankfully (I stretch for at least 10mins after every workout) Do some hamstring and glute stretches, a lot! And if you can…
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • I'm no expert by any means, but I say you still need to eat more. And just doing a quick skim on your diary, you need to change WHAT foods your eating, and up your protein, big time. I eat more cals than you, though I consider myself in the "moderate" activity level. I started at 227, and I started my cals at 2500, but…
  • I split them cause that's what I read in the book. He says if you can't hold the whole amount of time, do what you can, then rest for the amount of time you already held (so do 60s, rest 60s) then complete the set. Planks have been the hardest for holding the whole time, for me. 60s was hard enough, but 90s? I can't talk…
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • Started stage 3 today..... well THAT was fun!! lol, for the first time since starting NR, I forgot to alternate sets until I was about to sit and do the dumbbell bench presses.... so I'm sure it'll be a little easier next time! Started at a good weight for all the moves I think, but I'll have to increase next time of…
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • Thanks! I just started stage 3 today, and well, I'm excited about it, and I have a feeling the changes may be even greater this stage!! But man oh man...... bwm is no joke.... lol:)
    in Stage 2 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • Ok, I ran your numbers through Fat2fit and through Scooby, and with Fat2Fit, they recommend 1984-2208 (moderately active to very active) and scooby has a TDEE of 2440 for a moderate activity level (3-5hrs) and 2716 for very active (5-6hrs). A 10% cut (since you're so close to goal weight, I don't think you'd want to go too…
  • I'm guessing any of the more knowledgeable people on here would probably want your numbers (height, age, current weight, etc) to help you figure this out BUT I will say that I don't think 2000 or even more calories would be too much for your workout level. I only do New Rules 3x/wk, and sometimes I walk my dogs 2x/wk, but…
  • I take my phone with me in the gym and use the timer on it. I couldn't wear a watch and lift, it'd get in the way! And I have left my phone in the car by accident and had to count seconds, and it works, but sometimes I lose track when all the blood in my body is not in my head! lol
  • There's a good possibility your weight is just where it should be! Also, if your inches are going down, but you're not losing, then you're just a more muscular person at the same weight! He gave an example of that exact same thing in the book. Imo, your weight is less important than your body fat %, which had to have gone…
    in Stage 3 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • Finished Stage 2 on Friday, here are all my results! Workout A Squat Push Press 30>50lbs Step Up- 15ea hand>20 ea hand, still on a weight bench Dumbbell one-point row 35 ea hand>20 ea hand Static lunge 20ea hand>25ea hand Pushup- on weight bench> ON the FLOOR!!! This was huge for me:) Plank on weight bench for 60s>floor…
    in Stage 2 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • My cals are set higher than yours, and even though I do eat bread, I don't eat a lot of it. I usually have a piece of toast with my breakfast, and sometimes a peanut butter sandwich later in the day, but just a half sandwich, so only one piece of bread. There are days where I'll add in whole wheat pasta if I'm super low on…
  • I can't hop forward, if I start too close to the bench, I take my foot down and then step forward and try again. When I hop, my foot cramps up!! Yeah, I definitely think the split squat is supposed to be like that, with your leg on a bench or high box or whatever, that's the diff in the pics in the book too. And like I…
    in Stage 2 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • I use a bench for mine, and I have no problem putting my foot upside down, but if I don't step far enough away, my foot cramps up, so I have to make sure my working foot is far from the bench. I use a low step (not aerobics step cause my gym doesn't have them, just a low step thing they have) for my static lunges, and the…
    in Stage 2 Comment by avalynsmom July 2012
  • I still use my numbers from Fat2Fit, because they work for me. They're pretty close to Scooby's numbers, but over by a couple hundred from NRoL calculations. I tried to go down to what he calls maintenance, which is only 150 difference, and it didn't work for me. And I eat the same every day, workout or not:)
  • Ok, here's my opinion/experience, fwiw. When I started em2wl, I felt like it made more sense to just set my goals to my bmr and eat back exercise cals so I wouldn't eat too much on non workout days. I tried that for awhile, but I was more hungry on non workout days/lesser workout days, and the scale wouldn't budge. I went…
  • This is the smoothie recipe I make every day that I love! This recipe makes 2 servings, each with 35g protein or more, and about 370cals or more, depending on your protein powder 1/2c plain Greek Yogurt 1/2c nonfat milk 2T Natural creamy peanut butter 3/4c oatmeal (previously cooked) 2 scoops Chocolate Protein powder…
  • I'd have to agree with more protein and limiting the lower protein/less filling snacks. I eat more than you in a day, but even if I did like 1800, I would still eat the same things I eat now, just a little less. And I never feel deprived, even though I rarely indulge in higher cal snacks. One of my fav snacks is vanilla…
  • Ok, so the whole package of chicken is, let's say, 2.06lbs. There are 3 whole chicken breasts in there (boneless skinless) I cut each chicken breast in half lengthwise (and for me, I take one piece and cut it into chunks, the other I leave whole) which would make a total of 6 servings. 2.06/6=.343 of a lb. .343x16=5.488,…
  • I don't even weigh my meat, and I just estimate, but I use the raw meat ounces. I've always heard you count the weight raw. But I don't weigh it, I just estimate, so I'll take a package of chicken breast, for example, look at the total pounds, divide that my how I cut it up/how many servings I get out of it, and then…
  • I personally put the total weight. So if it's 20lb dumbbells, I put 40lbs. But, that's just on my personal log sheet. I also use a website to log all my workouts, and on there, it says to use the individual dumbbell number, so that's what I do there. As long as it's consistent and YOU know how much you lifted, that's what…
  • Thank you:) I'm super proud of all of it. Each workout I push myself and think it's gonna be too hard, and it's not:)
  • Thank you so much:) I've been sharing pics with my friends to inspire them to quit worrying so much about the scale. Even though I have 50-60+lbs I'd like to lose, if I can fit into a smaller size, who cares what the scale says!