Stage 2



  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Did workout 3a today. Couldn't do the wood chops though. Cable machine was being hogged all night by 2 chaps. :-(. So disappointed.
    Same thing happened to me the other day with reverse wood chops (stage 3). I used a hand weight and just did the motion. I believe you are getting the same benefit! You could also use a kettle ball.
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    Just finished stage 2 this week. Here are my results:

    Started 6/11 to 7/2 with average of 3x a week

    Front squat push press
    45lb oly bar...only 2sets of 6 -> oly bar 1 set of 10, 2sets of 5
    step ups with 5 risers
    2/25lb dumbells -> 2/30lb
    dumbell one pointed row
    2/15lb dumbells -> 2/25lb
    static lunge with 1 riser
    2/15lb dumbells -> 2/25lb
    push ups (can't do them still!)
    2 sets of 8 on bench -> 2sets of 5 on toes/2 sets of 5 on knees (on the floor)
    60 secs each with no change
    cable wood chop
    20lb -> 40lb

    deadlift from box(1 riser)
    95lb -> 105lbs
    split squat
    25lb -> 30lb
    underhand pull down
    55lb -> 85lb
    reverse lunge with reach
    2/10lb dumbells -> 2/12lb
    2/5lb dumbells -> 2/8lb
    swiss ball crunch
    2 sets of 20 -> 2 sets of 20 with 8lb extended arms
    reverse crunch
    2 sets of 20 -> 2 sets of 25
    Lateral flex #3
    2sets of 10right & 10left -> 2 sets of 15right & 15left
    prone cobra
    60 seconds with no change

    For interval training I was on the treadmill and went from 1.5mph to 4.5mph.
    Physical results:
    weight -> lost 4lbs

    thighs -> lost .5"

    calf -> lost .5"

    BF% -> lost .8%

    BF in lbs -> 42.2 to 39.9

    BMI -> 23.4 to 22.8

    I had some problems with my muscles that you can read about here:

    Will be taking a break to get my head back into the game and then time for Stage 3!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    I finished stage 2 yesterday. Results not stellar but improvements were made, so I'm happy.

    Workout A
    Squat push press 30 > 20 for form > 30
    Step up (dramatically changesdnheight of step from stage 1) BW > 8 lb dumbells
    Dumbbell one-point row (love the challenge of this one) 17.5 dumbells > same
    Static lunge 12.5 dumbells > 15
    Push ups ( my nemesis) on weight bench > same
    Cable horizontal chop 15 lbs > same
    Plank 60 secs > 75 secs

    Workout B
    Wide grip deadlift, no box 60 lbs > same
    Bulgarian split squats 15 lbs > same
    Underhand lay pull down 60 lbs > 75 lbs
    Reverse lunge w/ forward reach 10 lbs dumbells > 12.5
    Dumbell Cuban snatch 5 lb dumbells > 8 lbs
    Swiss ball crunch, hands overhead BW > 7.5 dumbell
    Reverse crunch 10 reps > 10 reps
    Lateral flexion version B 10 reps > 10 reps
    Prone cobra 60 secs > 75 secs

    No change in arms or hips
    -.25 inch in waist
    -2 inches in left thigh
    -1 inch in right thigh

    I'll measure weight and body fat on Monday. This last week was really bad food wise, so I'm letting things even out first. :wink:
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Finished Stage 2 on Friday, here are all my results!

    Workout A
    Squat Push Press 30>50lbs
    Step Up- 15ea hand>20 ea hand, still on a weight bench
    Dumbbell one-point row 35 ea hand>20 ea hand
    Static lunge 20ea hand>25ea hand
    Pushup- on weight bench> ON the FLOOR!!! This was huge for me:)
    Plank on weight bench for 60s>floor for 60s
    Wood Chop 20>35

    Workout B
    Deadlift (can't do from a box, only have a smith machine) 100>120
    Split Squat 10>30 (didn't challenge myself enough on the first one)
    Underhand lat pulldown 100>105
    reverse lunge 15es hand>20ea hand
    Prone Cuban snatch 5ea hand>7.5ea hand
    swiss ball crunch 25>30x20reps
    reverse crunch 10reps>15reps
    lateral flexion hanna #3 10reps>15reps
    Prone cobra 60s>90s

    Lost another 9.5" overall!
    over 2" from my calves, .75 from thighs, 1" from hips, 3" from my waist at bellybutton!, 1" from natural waist, 1" from under my breast, .5" from over, and .25 from my neck:)

    Also lost another 4.6lbs:)

    I actually liked stage 2, but I'm really looking forward to stage 3, BWM and all! Here's some pics from the beg of stage 2 to the end of stage 2


  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Great job, avalynsmom. You are having great results.
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Congratulations to all of you just finishing up Stage 2. Great results for all of you... Welcome to Stage3!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Stage 2 Completed!! Workout B Final weights:

    Deadlifts from box: 135lbs,
    Split Squats: 45lb db held to chest,
    Underhand pulldowns: 100lbs,
    Reverse Lung/Reach: 20lb db each hand,
    Cuban Snatch: 10lb db each hand,
    SB Crunch 15 lb weight overhead,
    Reverse Crunch on incline,
    Hanna version 3,
    Prone Cobra 90 seconds.

    Congrats Anna! Awesome job!!! :)
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok - success on Stage 2 finally! :) I found that if I go to a different branch of the YMCA where I workout - they have different equipment. So I went to the "slow one" and they had the bench and risers in the weight room - yay! :) So on Saturday I did workout B with the bulgarian split squat - I used the bench and 3 risers and it was so much easier than trying to balance myself on the weight bench. and today I did Workout A and did the bench and 4 risers for the raised back leg static lunge. That went really well too - I actually felt it in my hamstrings and glutes today. Yay! :)

    So now that it is almost over - I'm figuring out how to do it. :) Oh -well - I will know it for Stage 4 right? :)

  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Oh and Avalynsmom - your stats are awesome! :) Your pics really show change too. I hope that I have those results when I finish in another week! :)
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Thanks! I just started stage 3 today, and well, I'm excited about it, and I have a feeling the changes may be even greater this stage!! But man oh man...... bwm is no joke.... lol:)
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Congrats to all of you moving on!! great results!

    I have had a 10 day vacation break from NROL but i got in 2 weights days while i was here a long with 3 10k's and a mountain climb.. so it wasnt a total exercise break.. just a program break..

    So i'll be back into it this week!
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Workout A
    Squat Push Press 15 > 15lbs
    Step Up- 40 ea hand >40 ea hand, single step riser > double step riser
    Dumbbell one-point row 20 ea hand >25 ea hand
    Static lunge 65 curl bar > 85 curl bar
    Pushup- floor/knees - riser (regressed here) I wanted the correct form.
    Plank on floor 60 seconds > no change
    Wood Chop used heavy exercise bands > same

    Workout B
    Deadlift box 65>85
    Split Squat 25 each hand >25 each hand (did this ALL wrong)
    Alternative to Lat Pull down 15 > 20 (this was no joke)
    reverse lunge 65 curl bar >85 curl bar (did this wrong too, didn't do with dumbbells nor the reach) UGH!
    Prone Cuban snatch 5ea hand> 10ea hand
    swiss ball crunch 35> 35 10reps
    reverse crunch 10reps> 10reps
    lateral flexion hanna #3 10reps>10reps
    Prone cobra 90s
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Just finished stage 2 today, I'll have to post my numbers later. I should have finished a while back but was away for a few weeks and it took longer than it should have!

    I'm jumping right into stage 3 Friday because we leave for vacation next weekend. I figure I'll rest that week and get 1/2 thru 3 before leaving.

    I feel tons stronger and can see some changes. I haven't measured or weighed for a while but my clothes are feeling about the same- kind of bummed! I feel like I have so much muscle underneath a few fat layers.....ESP in my thighs- grrrrrr! I'm staying the course and need to watch my diet a bit better!

    Great to see the progress in the thread
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member

    I just started Stage 2 and did workout B today but did not finish I got through the 2 set of underhand pull downs and had to go get the kids. I am thinking I will need to split B day into two days... but I wonder if this will make the routine less effective? What do you ladies think?
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Hi all,

    I will be starting Stage 2 on Monday but I am thinking of hiring a trainer at the gym to go over all the exercises to make sure I get the form correct. It seems during Stage 1 my form was all wrong with the lat pulldown, so I want to make sure that everything goes well.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member

    I just started Stage 2 and did workout B today but did not finish I got through the 2 set of underhand pull downs and had to go get the kids. I am thinking I will need to split B day into two days... but I wonder if this will make the routine less effective? What do you ladies think?

    The book says that you can do the intervals the next day if you want. I am thinking that for my last Workout B, I am going to move all the mat work (the last 3 exercises) and the intervals to the second day. I simply do not have that kind of time to spend in the gym, not to mention, I am physically not capable of doing intervals after that training routine!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I did 3 A today and added in the intervals i didnt get a chance to do on the last B..

    FSPP - 45lbs
    Step up - 43 lbs total
    one pt row - 12's
    static lunch - 12's
    push up - elbows in using 3rd rung of smith machine
    Plank - split the 60's into 4 30's
    chop - 60 lbs.

    Treadmill - 3.5 (low) 2 min and 7(high) 1 minute x 4 times.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    wow.. today is the first day I've felt any muscle pain from stage 2!!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    You guys that are doing the woodchop with such heavy weights, are you guys using a machine or dumbbells?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I use the pulley machine with the adjustable height (although this one doesnt look adjustable).
    like this:
    I'm currently at 60lbs,