Stage 3



  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I also took advantage of Alwyn Cosgrove's FB page this morning to ask why the rest period (105 sec.) is so long in this stage, and his answer was:[/b]

    that's less than 2 minutes. If that's too long, you're not going heavy enough. You need longer rests between heavy sets. It's not a cardio session.

    Good info... thanks! I will definitely lift heavier next session (and change my lifting schedule to Fri and Sun only)... no way I can spend that much time in the gym during the work week.

    I get the concept behind this, I really do. But say, for instance, the bent over row. I do 6 at 70lbs and I can NOT do a 7th rep. No way. No matter if I rest 70 seconds or 105 seconds, it's not changing the fact that 1. I can do 6 the next step and 2. I can NOT do 7 the next set. See what I mean?
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi stage 3 people! I'm back and did workout 1A on Monday after 3 weeks off of lifting (various reasons). Holy Batman my hamstrings are sore!!!!! Thanks for the info on going heavier with the 105 rest period. I was wondering this myself. I have 1B tonight and will up the weights for 2A. Have a great day all!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Holy Batman my hamstrings are sore!!!!!

    Me too!!! I was off for 2 rest weeks on vacation, but Workout A1 was KILLER on my hamstrings. I can barely walk today! :o
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member

    I also took advantage of Alwyn Cosgrove's FB page this morning to ask why the rest period (105 sec.) is so long in this stage, and his answer was:

    that's less than 2 minutes. If that's too long, you're not going heavy enough. You need longer rests between heavy sets. It's not a cardio session.

    Thanks for the info that he has a FB page! I had not even thought to look. I knew that the longer recoveries were for heavier weights, but that doesn't help me when I only have an hour max in the gym. So 60 secs and lighter weights it stays for me. :cry:

    So I did my HIIT and BW Matrix and lunch today. OMG! The BW Matrix is evil. I was doing great with the squats and the lunges, thinking "this isn't so bad", then attempted my first jump lunge and almost fell down! I'm sure others got a kick at my attempts of the jump lunges. I'm positive it was not a picture of grace or coordination.

    But I did them. 3:44 for the first and 3:14 for the second. I can't guarantee that my form was great because I had no mirrors. :-(

    I'm just hoping I can walk tomorrow.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    I also took advantage of Alwyn Cosgrove's FB page this morning to ask why the rest period (105 sec.) is so long in this stage, and his answer was:[/b]

    that's less than 2 minutes. If that's too long, you're not going heavy enough. You need longer rests between heavy sets. It's not a cardio session.

    Good info... thanks! I will definitely lift heavier next session (and change my lifting schedule to Fri and Sun only)... no way I can spend that much time in the gym during the work week.

    I get the concept behind this, I really do. But say, for instance, the bent over row. I do 6 at 70lbs and I can NOT do a 7th rep. No way. No matter if I rest 70 seconds or 105 seconds, it's not changing the fact that 1. I can do 6 the next step and 2. I can NOT do 7 the next set. See what I mean?

    Thanks for sharing, Karen! I agree, though, I am lifting as heavy as I can (in fact, I think I may have overdone it today) and I still don't feel like I needed 105 seconds in between sets. There is no way that i would be able to do more weight on almost all exercises even if I did the full rest time.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Did 3A today and holy hell my lower back hurts! I, too, have been having very sore hamstrings during this stage and I'm wondering if tight hamstrings are causing my low back pain. Anyone else in the same boat? I also thought it would be a good idea to do a 30 minute/3 mile HIIT run yesterday.....I should have rested instead because I was feeling REALLY tired today while lifting. I'm now going to google 'lower back stretches'.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Stage 3 is IN THE BAG! Yay! Biggest gain was the YTWL where I went from doing 5lb's to 8lbs. I never thought a 3lb gain in weight would be such a big deal. Hahaha! Oh and my intervals were pretty easy today. A couple of weeks ago I looked up the next stage where he suggests making the intervals harder and I was like "Psh..yeah. We'll see about that." But I will actually be able to do it. Progress!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I also took advantage of Alwyn Cosgrove's FB page this morning to ask why the rest period (105 sec.) is so long in this stage, and his answer was:[/b]

    that's less than 2 minutes. If that's too long, you're not going heavy enough. You need longer rests between heavy sets. It's not a cardio session.

    Good info... thanks! I will definitely lift heavier next session (and change my lifting schedule to Fri and Sun only)... no way I can spend that much time in the gym during the work week.

    I just take the rests when I need them. Sometimes I only rest 60 sec. and for the ab section, I just plow through all of the exercises and rest for a minute before starting them again.
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Did 3A today and holy hell my lower back hurts! I, too, have been having very sore hamstrings during this stage and I'm wondering if tight hamstrings are causing my low back pain. Anyone else in the same boat? I also thought it would be a good idea to do a 30 minute/3 mile HIIT run yesterday.....I should have rested instead because I was feeling REALLY tired today while lifting. I'm now going to google 'lower back stretches'.

    Your hamstrings can absolutely give you lower back pain!! Most people that have lower back pain have tight hamstrings/glutes/backs of their legs. I'm a massage therapist, so I know how to avoid it thankfully (I stretch for at least 10mins after every workout) Do some hamstring and glute stretches, a lot! And if you can find a foam roller, foam roll away baby!
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Stage 3 is IN THE BAG! Yay! Biggest gain was the YTWL where I went from doing 5lb's to 8lbs. I never thought a 3lb gain in weight would be such a big deal. Hahaha! Oh and my intervals were pretty easy today. A couple of weeks ago I looked up the next stage where he suggests making the intervals harder and I was like "Psh..yeah. We'll see about that." But I will actually be able to do it. Progress!

    Congratulations!!! :drinker:

    When are you starting Stage 4? :smile:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Stage 3 is IN THE BAG! Yay! Biggest gain was the YTWL where I went from doing 5lb's to 8lbs. I never thought a 3lb gain in weight would be such a big deal. Hahaha! Oh and my intervals were pretty easy today. A couple of weeks ago I looked up the next stage where he suggests making the intervals harder and I was like "Psh..yeah. We'll see about that." But I will actually be able to do it. Progress!

    Congratulations!!! :drinker:

    When are you starting Stage 4? :smile:

    Monday! I can already tell you I'll be planking my life away during stage 4 because there is NO way I can do 120 seconds! With 3 sets, that will be 6 sets of 60 (until I can consistenly hold longer than that). Quick question, it says 2-3 sets of each lift. Um...that's a BIG difference. I'm planning on doing 3 sets because the A workout doesn't have anything "special" (HIIT, BWM) after it. Do most people do 3 sets? I'm sure this has been asked/answered a ton on the stage 4 thread....:P
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    I also took advantage of Alwyn Cosgrove's FB page this morning to ask why the rest period (105 sec.) is so long in this stage, and his answer was:[/b]

    that's less than 2 minutes. If that's too long, you're not going heavy enough. You need longer rests between heavy sets. It's not a cardio session.

    Good info... thanks! I will definitely lift heavier next session (and change my lifting schedule to Fri and Sun only)... no way I can spend that much time in the gym during the work week.

    I get the concept behind this, I really do. But say, for instance, the bent over row. I do 6 at 70lbs and I can NOT do a 7th rep. No way. No matter if I rest 70 seconds or 105 seconds, it's not changing the fact that 1. I can do 6 the next step and 2. I can NOT do 7 the next set. See what I mean?

    Thanks for sharing, Karen! I agree, though, I am lifting as heavy as I can (in fact, I think I may have overdone it today) and I still don't feel like I needed 105 seconds in between sets. There is no way that i would be able to do more weight on almost all exercises even if I did the full rest time.

    Totally agree with you, ladies. I'm going as heavy as I can complete in 6 reps. The rest time still seems too long. I wish it WOULD make a bigger difference if I rested would be nice to get that "7th" rep in :)
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    My morning lift got preempted by family matters so I was wondering how I'd get to the gym.
    HOWEVER I uncharacteristically went in to the gym in the evening. It was busy in there and I had to muscle my way in to use the machines.
    Did 3B tonight so I'm still on track to finish Stage 3 on Sunday before I leave for a 10 day holiday!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    My morning lift got preempted by family matters so I was wondering how I'd get to the gym.
    HOWEVER I uncharacteristically went in to the gym in the evening. It was busy in there and I had to muscle my way in to use the machines.
    Did 3B tonight so I'm still on track to finish Stage 3 on Sunday before I leave for a 10 day holiday!

    Great job!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Did 3A today and holy hell my lower back hurts! I, too, have been having very sore hamstrings during this stage and I'm wondering if tight hamstrings are causing my low back pain. Anyone else in the same boat? I also thought it would be a good idea to do a 30 minute/3 mile HIIT run yesterday.....I should have rested instead because I was feeling REALLY tired today while lifting. I'm now going to google 'lower back stretches'.

    Your hamstrings can absolutely give you lower back pain!! Most people that have lower back pain have tight hamstrings/glutes/backs of their legs. I'm a massage therapist, so I know how to avoid it thankfully (I stretch for at least 10mins after every workout) Do some hamstring and glute stretches, a lot! And if you can find a foam roller, foam roll away baby!

    Thanks! I appreciate your insights! I've been stretching all day, focusing on my hamstrings, glutes and psoas muscles.....I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Your hamstrings can absolutely give you lower back pain!! Most people that have lower back pain have tight hamstrings/glutes/backs of their legs. I'm a massage therapist, so I know how to avoid it thankfully (I stretch for at least 10mins after every workout) Do some hamstring and glute stretches, a lot! And if you can find a foam roller, foam roll away baby!

    Would you mind giving some specific suggestions for stretches? I could really use some help in this area as well.

    My first workout B today. I'm looking forward to it.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Lori - I did my first workout B today. I didn't love it. My hamstrings were still moderately sore from Tuesday's Workout A, so the deadlift/row was pretty tough @ 75 lb., even with less weight than I know I can deadlift (105 lb.), and less weight than I know I can row (85 lb. in Workout A on Monday). So it was frustrating.

    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    I think I liked back extensions OK too, but I did them just with bodyweight (arms crossed at my shoulders), and I think I'll need to add weight next time. YTWL was OK, but awkward as hell, especially the W. It was hard to remember to keep my elbows close on the starting position.

    Abs & Prone Cobras just seemed to take FOREVER with 3 sets, and then HIIT put my total workout time (including a 3-min. stretch and 10-min. warmup before I lifted) to 1 hr., 45 minutes. Which is ridiculous. I think I'm going to start putting the BWM (Workout A) and HIIT (Workout B) on the days after I lift so I can be in & out of the gym in 90 minutes.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Karen so with you on the time! Do not dig how long it took me at the gym! I had to break it up into 2 visits! Anywho...I am so not diggin workout B which I did for the first time yesterday. Lots of awkwardness, and hamstrings were still sore from workout A as well!!! Um...guess I just can't wait til its over. Maybe I'll do like you and break the workout up so I can get out of the gym...I don't have 2 hours at a time ya know?

    Strangely I do like that BWM. It hurts sooooo good! Happy Friday all!
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Okay finished workout A this morning. I LOVE IT!!! Though I think I might have went to light on some.

    My snatch I did 15 but I think I can bump that up to 20.
    Deadlifts 20lb dumbbells - might bump that up to 25
    Row - 55 probably bump to 65
    Dumbbell single arm 15 up to 20
    Dumbbell Incline press 15 to 20

    I forgot to time my first set of the Matrix and when I tried to time the second my phone went off. Oh well.

    My legs are sore now, but I feel so energized!!!
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Finished 4A!
    I'll report the final stats after I do 4B.

    Keep lifting ladies!