Stage 3



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Great job, Mary!! A lot of times we are stronger than we think we are and don't push hard enough. Good for you for pushing yourself harder!! You'll definitely start to see a difference if you continue pushing!!

    I have 4 workouts left and really want to get them done before leaving for vacation in 1.5 weeks. My kids are draining all my energy though!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jen, you should be able to get the workouts completed but I don't think that's what you mean. :bigsmile: It's the "getting ready for vacation" that will take up time. Where you going? We aren't going on vacation until September. I hope to be finished with the program . I don't plan on doing stage 6.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    We are going to Glacier National Forest in Montana the last week of June. I am planning on doing Stage 6 and if I can stick to my plan I should finish mid-September then I'm starting Stronglifts in October. That will make it one year since I started on MFP - that's hard to believe.

    As for the kids, we have 3 of them playing baseball right now and 2 of the 3 are finishing soccer as well. They both have soccer tournaments this weekend, in different locations of course. Baseball is M-TH from 6-8 and since hubby is coaching, I get to chase the 1 year old around for 2 hours while trying to watch the games. It's all good, just really tires me out. I'm not young enough for this anymore. :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Finish Stage 3 last night! WHOOT WHOOT!!! I'll do measurements again in a day or two, I'm kinda of inflated like a balloon today (not as bad as yesterday tho). Here's my final results for weights and such:

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 30 lbs to 35 lbs
    Single Leg Romanian Deadlift - 30 lbs in each hand to 35 lbs (60 to 70 lbs total)
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 60 lbs to 85 lbs
    Single Arm Overhead Squat - 15 lbs above, 30 lbs below to 20 above, 30 below
    Incline Bench Press - 25 lbs each arm to 30 lbs each arm (50 to 60 lbs total)
    Plank - Holding it for 70 seconds to holding it for 90 seconds, whoot!
    Reverse Wood Chop - 50 lbs to 60 lbs
    BWM - Slowest time was 2m 24sec, fastest time was 1m 25sec!

    Deadlift/Bent Over Row - 65 lbs to 80 lbs
    Single Leg Squat (used the box) - 15 lbs in each hand to 25 lbs
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 100lbs to 115 lbs
    Back Extension - Holding a 12 lb medicine ball to a 25 lb plate
    YTWL (bane of my existance) - Stuck with 8lbs the whole time
    Swiss Ball Crunch - Held a 25 lbs plate over my head the whole time

    Definitely happy with the increase in weights for most exercises, I only really stayed the same on crunches and YTWL (and crunches we don't have a 30 lb plate so I'm limited, haha)

    Moving on to Phase 4 probably this week! I'll likely start it tomorrow if I can.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I worked hard today! halfway through this stage and I doubled most of my weights! Yes, I was not pushing at first because I thought my shoulder just would not allow it.

    For my own excitement, I wanted to share some beginning weights and today's lift. :bigsmile:

    sorry if the names aren't correct. I don't have my book near me.

    bent over row 45>75
    one dumbbell deadlift 10 >20 (each hand)

    I can not do the single arm squats because I can NOT hold the weight over my head so I do squats with shoulder presses 3>8 I really want to increase this weight but I am limited on what I can lift above my head and HOLD there.

    the squat and throw the arm??? LOL sorry I can't think of the name 5>15

    incline bench press 10>22.5 (each hand) I attempted 25 lbs each hand but my arms were jelly at this point.

    Just so happy to be really pushing myself now. What was I thinking before now?
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I worked hard today! halfway through this stage and I doubled most of my weights! Yes, I was not pushing at first because I thought my shoulder just would not allow it.

    For my own excitement, I wanted to share some beginning weights and today's lift. :bigsmile:

    sorry if the names aren't correct. I don't have my book near me.

    bent over row 45>75
    one dumbbell deadlift 10 >20 (each hand)

    I can not do the single arm squats because I can NOT hold the weight over my head so I do squats with shoulder presses 3>8 I really want to increase this weight but I am limited on what I can lift above my head and HOLD there.

    the squat and throw the arm??? LOL sorry I can't think of the name 5>15

    incline bench press 10>22.5 (each hand) I attempted 25 lbs each hand but my arms were jelly at this point.

    Just so happy to be really pushing myself now. What was I thinking before now?

    Great job!!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Tomorrow I will be doing my first B workout. I am looking forward to it because I wont have to modify much, if any. I really didn't enjoy A, because of having to modify so much. I was only able to do half of the BWM, once. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised I was able to even do the first set of 24 squats.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    3B is done. Was able to up weight on everything but the dreaded YTWL. I still hate the back extension. I feel like I am going to vomit from being upside down. :ohwell:

    I have also substituted a different an workout because I am not getting anything out of D and E. Biggest achievement last night though was going the full minute at 7.0 on the dreadmill!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello Stage 3!

    Did workout 1A today, i like it more than stage 2 already lol. was a bit hard to figure the weights out but got there in the end these are my weights for today:

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 22lb
    Single Leg Romanian Deadlift -22lb each hand
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 38lb
    Single Arm Overhead Squat - 16.5 above
    Incline Bench Press - 17lb each hand
    Plank - Hold for 60 seconds (really looking forward to increasing this!)
    Reverse Wood Chop - 22lb (had to do it with a ball as the cable machine was taken)
    BWM - forgot to time myself, oopps lol

    I also did (just for fun) widegrip lat pull downs - 77lb
    underhand lat pulldowns - 92lb (i want to be able to do this with my body weight!)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lu, excellent starting out weights!

    I was feeling skinny this am and not sure why . It's a week before TOM and usually I am bloated for days. Anyway! i took measurements. I've lost 1/2 inch off belly button area and hip!!! I measure right at the groin so I know I am getting the same place each time.

    I am so happy. I haven't lost a doggone pound but for now the measurements are showing fat loss. I know next week those numbers will be back up. UGH. Sometimes I hate my ovaries.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    only two more workouts to go in this stage! I managed to get through one set of the YTWL with 8 lb weights yesterday. That exercise might be more of a nemesis for me than push-ups! I sort of cheated on my B workout yesterday, I only took about 1 minute breaks in between sets and I did all of the core work back to back with no breaks and only did 10 minutes of HIIT. I had played an hour of tennis right before i went to the gym, though, so I just really wanted out of there! At any rate I'm looking forward to my last BWM on wednesday :smile: well, for comes back in stage 5 right?

    Good to see everyone making such good progress! manic, congrats on the inches lost!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ellie, I have 2 more workouts too! Thanks!

    I will be glad to finish with the BWM for a while.

    Today, I had to drop a lot of weight from my previous WOB. Is it because I had too many days between?

    some of the weight I had to drop:

    Barbell Romanian dead lift down from 75 to 70

    Wide grip lat pull down from doing (2-5 in different reps) 84 to 60!!! I couldn't even pull 72!

    I only did one Cobra and could only do 72 seconds and then I finished out with a 60 sec plank.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mary - great job increasing the weights and losing inches!!! It's possible that decreasing weights was due to so many days in between - it could have also just been an off day. It happens. I bet you'll be right back up there on your last workout.

    realrayne - great nsv on the treadmill!!

    Lu - great starting weights!!

    I have two more workouts also and can't wait to be done. I increased all my weights in the last A and B workouts I did. Can't remember what they are and I don't have my sheet with me so I'll have to update when I finish on Friday. Then I'm on vacation for a week and will start Stage 4 on July 2.
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey guys - I am starting stage 3 next week and am kinda getting excited about it. I love that so many of you are posting your numbers as it gives me a good idea of where to start and what to shoot for.
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Finished with Stage 2 and ready to jump on here with Stage 3!
    Glad to see you here and I look forward to learning from you all!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Quick question about the does everyone know what exactly to do? I don't see any descriptions and I think most are intuitive (not the lunge jumps) but I'd still like demos. And are the lunges walking lunges or what???
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Quick question about the does everyone know what exactly to do? I don't see any descriptions and I think most are intuitive (not the lunge jumps) but I'd still like demos. And are the lunges walking lunges or what???

    There is a description in the book - sorry can't remember what page. They are not supposed to be walking lunges, just alternating legs standing in place.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Quick question about the does everyone know what exactly to do? I don't see any descriptions and I think most are intuitive (not the lunge jumps) but I'd still like demos. And are the lunges walking lunges or what???

    Page 228-229

    I can not jump in the air for the lunges so I do HIGH step walking lunges. Acquaintance at the gym , who is a trainer, said high step walking lunges will get the heart rate up as well. Works for me .
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Quick question about the does everyone know what exactly to do? I don't see any descriptions and I think most are intuitive (not the lunge jumps) but I'd still like demos. And are the lunges walking lunges or what???

    Page 228-229

    I can not jump in the air for the lunges so I do HIGH step walking lunges. Acquaintance at the gym , who is a trainer, said high step walking lunges will get the heart rate up as well. Works for me .

    Perfect. Thanks. I haven't been questioning my ability to do something...until now. I'm nervous!
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Ok so I'm finally starting stage 3 today after too many delays because of so many things to attend to. So I have just been on cardio duty for almost two weeks! I hope I can still lift stuff! (nervous about tonight)