Stage 3



  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Workout B done. Honestly felt like the biggest waste of my time. Couldn't they have written a better routine than THIS!??! WTH?! Seriously, I'm miffed.

    *Barbell Romanian DL/Bent Over Row - 85# each set (odd, but one of the more credible moves this workout)
    *Partial single-let squat - as written (ridiculously easy - this is a time waster!)
    *Wide-grip lat pulldown - 93# (one of the only exercises I *felt*)
    *No back extension so did prone cobra x 90secs x 3 times
    *YTWL - the most awkward exercise EVER...I only used 5 lbs because I wasn't sure if I was even doing all the movements right (in terms of how to flow from one to the next). And it started burning by the 5th rep of each set. I have 8s next but not I'm ready to do those until I get this movement down confidently.
    *Crunches - I'm sick of the swiss ball, I have a commercial ab bench so I loaded that up with weight and did crunches off that - 60x
    *Did incline reverse crunch for the hip flexion exercise 6x each set, felt weird on my bench
    *Did prone jack knife for the lateral flexion exercise 30x (I really like this move)

    I didn't do yet another 3 sets of prone cobras since I had already done them - was I supposed to? They don't do much for me so I figured why waste another 90 secs x3 plus "rests" in between. Think I'll go do some hip hop abs or something, LOL.

    Overall VERY disappointed in this workout and I think I might sub out some stuff so I can get a better "burn" (as in FEEL the burn) next time.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yes, I did the YTWL standing up with my 3lb wimpy weights. My left arm could easily hold 10-15 pounds . I had months of P/T with no improvement with the right shoulder so I doubt if I will ever get to increase that weight. Once a nerve is damaged (or fried in my case) there's no coming back .

    I was not happy with Workout B. Anyone else? I perspired some but I wasn't heaving.

    I tried 95 pounds on the deadlift. Boy, was that hysterical. I strained so much I almost peed on myself. Picking it up was fine but when I bent over to pull up....... :laugh: I backed it down to just the OLY bar for the 1st set, added 10 more pounds for the 2nd set, and added 5 for the last set. Next time I will add 5-10 more on the sets.

    I got nothing out of the single leg squat. maybe hold weights next time?

    Lat pull down 72 pounds. I tried 84 pounds . I never mastered that weight on stage 1 but a few pulls. Hopefully by the end of stage 3 I can pull 84.

    My gym doesn't have the back extension.

    No problem with the other exercises. I even managed to increase the weight over my head (Swiss ball crunch) from 8 lb ball to 15 pound weight. Definitely will hold 20 pound next time.

    I tried doing my last set of the YTWL standing up last night and it was MUCH better. For some reason being on the incline bench or the swiss ball compresses my chest to the point where I can't breathe when doing the exercise. It's not fun, so I'm doing it standing up from now on. I never did the Cuban Snatch on an inclined bench, I always just did it with my back tilted down about 30 degrees.

    For the single leg squat, I hold a 25lb kettlebell in each hand to make it more challenging and do the version where you dip your foot off a bench.

    I've never been a big fan of Workout B, I don't like how it doesn't really work up a sweat. I also skip the prone cobras because they're kind of a waste of my time. I also skip the lateral flexion or whatever that annoying one is and I do the reverse crunch or the prone jacknife for the hip one. I just go right into the HIIT workout (either run/walk on the treadmill or varying the levels on the stairmaster). Workout A I definitely like, that one kicks my butt.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I did the single leg squat on a bench. 00trayn, I am impressed you used kettlebells. I will fall flat on my face trying to keep balance. My plan next week is to use a plate so I can hold it in from of me.

    I really dislike the cobra but after reading it thoroughly I realized I was not pulling my shoulder blades together. On my last one I squeezed really tight. Guess what? My shoulder blade area is tender.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did the single leg squat on a bench. 00trayn, I am impressed you used kettlebells. I will fall flat on my face trying to keep balance. My plan next week is to use a plate so I can hold it in from of me.

    I really dislike the cobra but after reading it thoroughly I realized I was not pulling my shoulder blades together. On my last one I squeezed really tight. Guess what? My shoulder blade area is tender.

    I'll admit, it takes all my concentration not to fall off the bench, hahaha. I have to tap my foot down sometimes to steady myself.

    I'm doing my last Workout A today! Phase 3 has gone quickly, but it is only 8 workouts total. I'll redo measurements sometime next week, but I'm saving a progress photo update for after phase 4 (i'm doing them every 2 phases). Not sure if I've lost any inches from this phase. I'm currently up 4 lbs on the scale from 2 Friday's ago!!! Ughhh, bad combo of a travel weekend, TOM bloating and somewhat sore muscles. Hopefully I can get that number back to normal before I have to take measurements and such.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hey everyone, I did WOB1 on Wed (eh...don't think I got the deadlift/row quite right--have to look at the instructions for that again, and the single-legged squats are stupid and there's too much back flexion) and WOA2 today. Still found A hard, still hated the motherf-ing BWM, but managed to shave 1:30 off my (slow) time from Monday. I skipped the planks because I was running out of time--I think I'm going to sub them in for the prone cobra in B, since that really seems to do nothing for me and there's already back flexion in that workout. Thoughts?

  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @dandelion - I was trying to think what I could substitute for the cobra because I agree that there is already the back extensions, why do the cobra as well (and it's not really a challenge for me). The plank sounds like a good substitute! I'm considering substituting back squats for the partial single leg squat as well. Though, I may try it one more time on a step with some weights.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    @dandelion - I was trying to think what I could substitute for the cobra because I agree that there is already the back extensions, why do the cobra as well (and it's not really a challenge for me). The plank sounds like a good substitute! I'm considering substituting back squats for the partial single leg squat as well. Though, I may try it one more time on a step with some weights.

    I do the partial squats on a high step with now 30lbs db and it definitely works that quad and core with stabilizing.

    Final weights for stage 3 are a little disappointing in some areas.
    DB snatch 10-25
    1 leg Romanian 30-60
    Bent-Over Row 50-80
    1 arm squat: no change 10/20
    Incline BP: 30-50
    Plank 90 sec all sets
    Reverse wood chop 25-60
    BWM Times are all over the damn place but average 4 min.

    dead/row: 45-80
    Partial leg squat: BW-30
    Wide-lat Pull: 80-90
    Back ext: 10-25 (not sure how to make this one difficult)
    ytwl: 10-10 no change :(
    I need more challenging ab work, was doing pikes instead of jack-knives and the hardest flexions.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Great numbers, Sam.

    I think I need to repeat this stage even though I dread WOA and find WOB LAME! It seems like I started to low in the weights. I have done 2 WOA and 1 WOB. What do yall think? Just start over with a heavier weight or really increase the weights on the last 5 workouts?
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Great numbers, Sam.

    I think I need to repeat this stage even though I dread WOA and find WOB LAME! It seems like I started to low in the weights. I have done 2 WOA and 1 WOB. What do yall think? Just start over with a heavier weight or really increase the weights on the last 5 workouts?

    Mary - why would you need to start over? You've only done 3 workouts so far, big deal. Increase your weights if you can, if you can't oh well. Everyone is able to tolerate different weights due to difference in background/training/body and strength so no comparing and calling anything too light. If it's heavy for you, that's all that matters. If you can push it harder - push it! Nothing will hold you back!! :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    oh no, not comparing numbers. I wasn't happy with my lifting the first workout and it seems the 2nd time around was where I should have started out and increase from there. I am not happy with how low I started out.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I wouldn't start over. I started with low weights for me too. I usually do the first workouts of every stage because you need to adapt to the movement and figure out your form. Maybe do an extra workout or 2, he does say to feel free to add a week. Just realize you will be coming back to these exercises again in Stage 5.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Just did my second B workout. Think I may try to up my weight from 5 to 8 on the YTWL next time. Only the last rep felt impossible so I could probably struggle through at least a few. I actually don't really mid B, I was happy to have a workout that was more focused on the upper body as I felt like the prior stages, and workout A of course, were very leg heavy.

    I don't feel like I'm getting much out of the one legged squat as I can't really go own far without knee pain. I've watched myself in the mirror to make sure my form is right and it seems good and my stability is fine so I guess I just have to blame it on my joints. I'm not sure what adjustments I should make to this to make it more effective, any ideas?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I wouldn't start over. I started with low weights for me too. I usually do the first workouts of every stage because you need to adapt to the movement and figure out your form. Maybe do an extra workout or 2, he does say to feel free to add a week. Just realize you will be coming back to these exercises again in Stage 5.

    Mary, I agree with Sam and Jen. No need to start over, but you can always add a couple workouts on the end.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sam, those are great numbers!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just did my second B workout. Think I may try to up my weight from 5 to 8 on the YTWL next time. Only the last rep felt impossible so I could probably struggle through at least a few. I actually don't really mid B, I was happy to have a workout that was more focused on the upper body as I felt like the prior stages, and workout A of course, were very leg heavy.

    I don't feel like I'm getting much out of the one legged squat as I can't really go own far without knee pain. I've watched myself in the mirror to make sure my form is right and it seems good and my stability is fine so I guess I just have to blame it on my joints. I'm not sure what adjustments I should make to this to make it more effective, any ideas?

    Ellie, have you tried the one legged squat on a box? I admit, though, I am not getting much out of it either. I will add a plate Monday when I work out to see how it goes.

    Ok, ladies, I won't repeat this stage. I say that today after bwm yesterday. :bigsmile:
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Can't wait to join you all next week!
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    I'll be starting Stage 3 on Thursday! I'm excited! Meanwhile....twiddling my thumbs.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Finish Stage 3 last night! WHOOT WHOOT!!! I'll do measurements again in a day or two, I'm kinda of inflated like a balloon today (not as bad as yesterday tho). Here's my final results for weights and such:

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 30 lbs to 35 lbs
    Single Leg Romanian Deadlift - 30 lbs in each hand to 35 lbs (60 to 70 lbs total)
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 60 lbs to 85 lbs
    Single Arm Overhead Squat - 15 lbs above, 30 lbs below to 20 above, 30 below
    Incline Bench Press - 25 lbs each arm to 30 lbs each arm (50 to 60 lbs total)
    Plank - Holding it for 70 seconds to holding it for 90 seconds, whoot!
    Reverse Wood Chop - 50 lbs to 60 lbs
    BWM - Slowest time was 2m 24sec, fastest time was 1m 25sec!

    Deadlift/Bent Over Row - 65 lbs to 80 lbs
    Single Leg Squat (used the box) - 15 lbs in each hand to 25 lbs
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 100lbs to 115 lbs
    Back Extension - Holding a 12 lb medicine ball to a 25 lb plate
    YTWL (bane of my existance) - Stuck with 8lbs the whole time
    Swiss Ball Crunch - Held a 25 lbs plate over my head the whole time

    Definitely happy with the increase in weights for most exercises, I only really stayed the same on crunches and YTWL (and crunches we don't have a 30 lb plate so I'm limited, haha)

    Moving on to Phase 4 probably this week! I'll likely start it tomorrow if I can.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I am so tired this week. Could not get up yesterday or today, I've got to get up tomorrow to get 3A done. It's been a crazy couple of weeks and it's just going to get worse with my boys starting baseball.

    00trayn - great job!! Those are great improvements.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    2B done! I really and I mean really pushed myself to make this workout work for me:bigsmile: I realized I was not pushing myself like I should have been. I thought the muscle would appear with little effort plus I didn't think I was that strong.

    I do not like the single leg squat so I substituted back squat. The wide grip lat pull I have wanted to do 84 pounds. Today I did EVERY time . The first time I could do 5 of the 6. 2nd time 4 out of 6 . 3rd set only 2 out of 6 but I would finish the set out with 72 pounds.

    I kept pushing the weight up with each set , and I am feeling the muscles tightening up.

    I WILL get strong and leaner!