Stage 3



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My grand plans to start Stage 3 yesterday were spoiled by my injured foot. I wore a pair of wedge flipflops while doing a lot of walking this weekend and by Sunday afternoon, the muscle in my foot had completely swelled up and I couldn't walk! Yesterday was better but I was kinda limping and today I can walk but it still hurts. I'm going to wait until it's back to normal to do the first Stage 3 workout. I don't want to mess it up even more. I'm hoping that tomorrow or Thursday I can at least do one workout before I head to New Jersey for Thurs night-Sunday night. I have a bridal shower to attend, and I want to look fabulous in the sundress I'm planning to wear :) Thanks to NROLFW, that's definitely doable :)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    OK, here are my Stage 3 results. The weights look a bit odd as I have to add on the bar for dumbbells and barbell (I have those cheap, screw-on weights). I work in kilos but have converted approximately.

    One-armed DB snatch: 8.2kg (18lbs) up to 11.2kg (25lbs)
    DB single-leg Romanian deadlift: 23.5kg (52lbs) up to 31kg (68lbs)
    DB single-arm overhead squat: 4.7kg/8.2kg to 6.2kg/11.2kg (10lbs/18lbs to 13.7lbs/25lbs)
    BB Incline bench-press: From 7.2kg (16lbs) up to 10.7kg (24lbs)
    Reverse wood-chop (using DB): From 8.2kg (18lbs) up to 11.2kg (25lbs)
    BWM: From 3m 30s to 1m 49s
    B Romanian DL/Bent over row: from 23.5kg (52lbs) to 33.5kg (74lbs)
    Rows: from 7.5kg (17lbs) to 12.5kg (28lbs)
    YTWL: From 1.5kg (3lbs) up to 3kg (7lbs)

    All the other stuff done as in the book.

    Right then, off for a spot of cardio :D
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok so I FINALLY did wo 3B! Ok I am really liking stage 3. And the men in the free weight area look at me with much respect LOL
    Last night I went for too much weight on the deadlift/row, I settled on 55lbs. The partial squat I did from a bench and used a 10lb plate. The wide lat pulls I went back down to 80lbs. I was able to use 5lb dbs for the YTWL's, but the last 2 rotations were crap. Used the 10lb weight plate for the back extensions too, then I used a 5lb DB overhead for the crunches and did the side flex on the ball (very tricky, I fell off...twice) but I did get into the pike for the jacknife and fell like a real bad-*kitten* doing it. However, I forgot to do the cobra and did one at the end. I do need to push the intervals a little more. I'm glad they are after WOB and not WOA. It definitely felt like a more upper body and core workout where WOA felt more lower body.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Today was my first day of Stage 3. I did a yoga class beforehand, not sure if it made a difference. I just joined a new gym and was finally able to see my form (old gym had no mirrors). I discovered how much my form sucks! I really need to work on not rounding my back. I was concerned about the jumping in the body weight matrix since I can't do any jumping due to my bone disease. But I did it without the jumping and feel like I got the same workout.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Good for you Elisa - Glad you aren't just skipping out of the BWMs.

    Today for 3A I upped a lot of my weights. My benches have gone from 15 to 25 pounds in the last several work outs and my bent over rows went from 55 pounds to 70 pounds. My BWM is now under 5 minutes - I don't know how you guys get them done so quickly. I squat and lunge deep - Could that be why?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    MissMaggie, Awesome results. Keep up the great work.
    Did 3B2 last night. Increased all weights. Got the BP up to 25lb dbs but the 90 sec plank feels like I'm giving birth at the end (huffing and Lamaze breathing.) The BWM is still hated I did it right last night so my times didn't really go down (3:40 and 4:10) I only waited 5 minute in between.)

    Elisa, I don't have the coordination to do the jumping lunge, so I stay on the same leg and go front lunge back lunge, front lunge back lunge. Then for the jumping squats just push up onto toes a little.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My form on one armed overhead squat is terrible, and I'm wondering if I should just lower weight so I can get down lower.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    My form on one armed overhead squat is terrible, and I'm wondering if I should just lower weight so I can get down lower.
    Probably not a bad idea.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    This is the second time I've needed 3 days to recover form BWM. I hate this. I'm used to just bouncing back and keeping it moving.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my BWM time went up. i dont understand how people's time can go down :laugh: i'm up to 40 pounds on the snatches, but i really wish my gym had dumbbells in half sizes too. I would have preferred to use 37.5 instead of 40, but alas.

    oh and this workout with my 1 mile running warm up and post workout stretching took me 2 hours and 5 minutes!!!! :mad: no bueno
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    oh and this workout with my 1 mile running warm up and post workout stretching took me 2 hours and 5 minutes!!!! :mad: no bueno
    I can't believe you can do a 1 mile run before this work out - Don't you feel pretty tired going into weight lifting?

    Yeah, part B of the 3rd stage seems to take me close to over 1 and a half hours.. It's long.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Finally I get to join you all for Phase 3 today! I was planning to start last Monday and then I hurt a muscle in my foot and had to take the week off from weight lifting. I just studied all the moves for Workout A and it looks like a tough one. I need to make sure not to do too much cardio for a warmup beforehand, since that BWM looks to be painful for everyone... I really don't like plyo so it's gonna suck, haha.

    These 3 sets of 6 will definitely increase how long is gonna take, but I really hope it's not 2 hours! I'm curious to see what weights I'll end up using. The first workout is always a bit trial and error trying to figure out how heavy to go with being able to complete the number of reps. Only doing 6 should allow me to challenge myself a bit more.

    I'll report back tomorrow with my first workout A results... and my BWM times... mreh...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Did Workout A for the first time last night! It took me about 50 minutes to get through it all, not too bad. But all my major muscle groups are sore this morning! That workouts really hits all of them, and the planks slightly killed my abs.

    Here's how I did:
    One arm DB snatch - 30 lbs
    Barbell bent over row - 60 lbs
    Single arm overhead squat - 15lbs over, 30 lbs under
    Incline Bench press - 25 lbs dumbells in each hand
    Plank - 70 seconds each (I can't hold 90 seconds yet, but getting there!)
    Reverse chop - 50 lbs
    BWM - 2 minutes, 42 seconds and 2 minutes 23 seconds I believe (don't have my paper in front of me)

    The BWM was definitely tough, but my personal trainer used to make me do something like that when I was doing that once a week, so it wasn't as bad. I know I'm gonna have dead quads today though from it. I'm hoping by the end of Phase 3 I get my time under 2 minutes. The jump lunges are the worst. But I survived! Workout B is gonna be tomorrow... oof.
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    I hand not been this sore since Stage 1. BWM kicked my *kitten*! 2 minutes 15 seconds first go round, then 3 minutes, 33 seconds the second time. I just finished my first workout B and I found that one a lot easier, except the YTWL,that was pretty tough. An hour and 45 minutes for workout A and about 2 hours for workout B. I'll probably be able to shave 10 minutes off each now that I know what I'm doing.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Did Workout A for the first time last night! It took me about 50 minutes to get through it all, not too bad. But all my major muscle groups are sore this morning! That workouts really hits all of them, and the planks slightly killed my abs.

    Here's how I did:
    One arm DB snatch - 30 lbs
    Barbell bent over row - 60 lbs
    Single arm overhead squat - 15lbs over, 30 lbs under
    Incline Bench press - 25 lbs dumbells in each hand
    Plank - 70 seconds each (I can't hold 90 seconds yet, but getting there!)
    Reverse chop - 50 lbs
    BWM - 2 minutes, 42 seconds and 2 minutes 23 seconds I believe (don't have my paper in front of me)

    The BWM was definitely tough, but my personal trainer used to make me do something like that when I was doing that once a week, so it wasn't as bad. I know I'm gonna have dead quads today though from it. I'm hoping by the end of Phase 3 I get my time under 2 minutes. The jump lunges are the worst. But I survived! Workout B is gonna be tomorrow... oof.
    Forehead smack!! I've been forgetting to do the lower DB. Thanks for that, 00trayn. And awesome snatch weight.

    Sub three minutes is AWESOME time kbresso. keep it up. I can't walk for 2 days after BWM, ugh. I hover around 1.5 for both workouts too.

    I increased across the board last night, second WO B. BO/RDL 70, Partial squat 30, wide lat pull 85, Back extension 25 plate (Going to keep it there for the remainder) YTWL 5 (bt with much better form, not looking forward to 7.5 which is the nxt size DB :( )
    It finally felt like I got something out of the cobra. I turn my hips out and was able to pull my upper body back further. I felt powerful on the intervals. I had "send me an Angel on repeat on my ipod and rocked it out LOL
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I am set to start Stage 3 on Sunday and I am kind of freaking out over how long it is taking everyone. I use the fitness center at my job after my shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The problem is that if I am not done and out of there by midnight, I get LOCKED IN. As it is, I have been doing my HIIT for Stage 2 in the parking lot. :grumble:

    Looks like I am going to have to start work early so I can leave earlier. :ohwell:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I am set to start Stage 3 on Sunday and I am kind of freaking out over how long it is taking everyone. I use the fitness center at my job after my shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The problem is that if I am not done and out of there by midnight, I get LOCKED IN. As it is, I have been doing my HIIT for Stage 2 in the parking lot. :grumble:

    Looks like I am going to have to start work early so I can leave earlier. :ohwell:

    i'll be honest. today i broke the routine. instead of doing 1 set of 1 exercise then 1 set of another, i did all 3 sets of each exercise and then moved on.

    part of the problem is that even though i dont go to gym that gets too crowded, going from station to station takes time, plus there's no guarantee that someone wouldnt have jumped on my station in the meantime. this definitely took less time when i could do everything near the squat cage.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Last workout A for this stage.

    I increased about everything to 5-10 pounds above where I started, and my BMW rep time is down to 4:45. Progress feels good.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    i'll be honest. today i broke the routine. instead of doing 1 set of 1 exercise then 1 set of another, i did all 3 sets of each exercise and then moved on.

    part of the problem is that even though i dont go to gym that gets too crowded, going from station to station takes time, plus there's no guarantee that someone wouldnt have jumped on my station in the meantime. this definitely took less time when i could do everything near the squat cage.

    I've done that once or twice before. My arms machine for the lat pulldowns is on one side of the weight section and the area where I do non-machine exercises is on the opposite side. Sometimes I set up next to the machine with a mat and just jump off and alternate if I can.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Did my first Workout B today! I don't know if it's just me, but it wasn't nearly as difficult as Workout A. I think I need to reassess my weights for some of it. Except for the YTWL... UGH! I used 8 lb weights. I totally underestimated how hard that one is. I started with 12, and then went to 10 and then settled on 8s! Plus I was still sore from Monday's Workout A, so my range of motion for all the exercises was somewhat limited.

    I'm planning to do the HIIT workout part today, my muscles were too stiff to run properly after yesterday's workout. Given the unpredictable weather, I suspect kickball will be canceled so I'll get to hit the gym instead.

    Deadlift/Bent Over Row - 65 lbs (definitely can go higher next time)
    Single Leg Squat - 15 lb kettlebells in each hand (couldn't squat very far with sore legs!)
    Lat Pulldown - 100 lbs (where I left off last time this was in the workout schedule)
    Back Extension - Held a 12 lb medicine ball and did 10 reps... thinking I need to use the weight plates next time
    YTWL - 8 lb weights in each hand... ugh!
    Swiss ball crunch - Held a 20 lb weight overhead and did 15 reps each
    Hip Flexion - Prone jacknives are baaaackkkk... 10 reps each
    Skipped prone cobra, no where to lie down to do it! My gym doesn't have much free space in the weights area and it was full.