Stage 3



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    i'll be honest. today i broke the routine. instead of doing 1 set of 1 exercise then 1 set of another, i did all 3 sets of each exercise and then moved on.

    part of the problem is that even though i dont go to gym that gets too crowded, going from station to station takes time, plus there's no guarantee that someone wouldnt have jumped on my station in the meantime. this definitely took less time when i could do everything near the squat cage.

    I've done that once or twice before. My arms machine for the lat pulldowns is on one side of the weight section and the area where I do non-machine exercises is on the opposite side. Sometimes I set up next to the machine with a mat and just jump off and alternate if I can.

    I do the same thing. I set up the two exercises next to each other, pull over my DBs or my mat next to the cable machine I'm using. If someone wants to use it I let them know that I am switching off and the are welcome to alternate with me. I can usually get my set done while they are supposed to resting. Last night I had a problem because I was switching between planks and the cable machine for reverse wood chops and someone keep stealing the rope. Apparently there was only one rope floating around. Finally the guy got the hint and alternated with me.

    I did 3A3 last night. I was actually able to walk out of the gym after the body matrix, and I could walk today, so YAY progress. I think I'm doing it wrong though. When you do the jumping lunge is it 12 for each leg. For me it's front lunge back lunge for 1, so it works out to 24 jumping lunges all together, or should it be 12 JUMPS making 6 lunges on each leg. My time is still over 4 minutes though :sad:

    Good weights I think: Snatch 20, Row 75, single leg 50, single arm 10/20 (finally correct form), incline BP 50, plank 90 secs still really hurts, and I think the woods chops are 27.5 kg.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did 3A3 last night. I was actually able to walk out of the gym after the body matrix, and I could walk today, so YAY progress. I think I'm doing it wrong though. When you do the jumping lunge is it 12 for each leg. For me it's front lunge back lunge for 1, so it works out to 24 jumping lunges all together, or should it be 12 JUMPS making 6 lunges on each leg. My time is still over 4 minutes though :sad:

    For the jumping lunges, I jump a total of 24 times. I jump into a lunge position with the right leg forward, then I jump up and switch legs in the air so I land with my left leg forward. Alternate that set for 12 times, with a total of 24 actual jumps.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I can't quite pull off the jump, so I'll just make sure it's 24 lunges
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    I did 3A3 last night. I was actually able to walk out of the gym after the body matrix, and I could walk today, so YAY progress. I think I'm doing it wrong though. When you do the jumping lunge is it 12 for each leg. For me it's front lunge back lunge for 1, so it works out to 24 jumping lunges all together, or should it be 12 JUMPS making 6 lunges on each leg. My time is still over 4 minutes though :sad:

    For the jumping lunges, I jump a total of 24 times. I jump into a lunge position with the right leg forward, then I jump up and switch legs in the air so I land with my left leg forward. Alternate that set for 12 times, with a total of 24 actual jumps.


    Finished my fourth round of Day B. Onto stage 4 in about a week or less. Good luck guys.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    finished 3B3, two more days. Taking Monday off but going hiking. I'll be done next Friday, week off than onto stage 4. I felt tired and yuck all day, but hubby made me go. I didn't increase weight but my form was much better, though I'm doing something weird with the bent-over rows with my right arm. finally feels like those cobras are doing something. I'm pulling on those glutes and tightening the abs.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    just finished stage 3. here's how i progressed

    Workout A
    DB snatch 22#->40
    DBsingle leg deadlift 22.5 ->35
    BB bent row 95->107.5
    single overhead squat 12/25 ->15/30
    BB incline Bench 25->35
    plank only hold 1 for straight 90 secs -holding 2 sets for 90 secs
    reverse woodchop 40->67.5
    BWM 1 3:31->3:56
    BWM 2 4:13->4:35

    Workout B
    bb deadlift row: 95 ->105
    pistol: incredibly difficult and barely a leg bend - a bit more balance and deeper bend. still nowhere near to parallel or ATG like they should be
    wide grip lat pulldown: 120 -> 135
    back extension 0->10
    ytwl: the only change in this i i was able to increase the weight on my right side from 0 pounds to 5.
    side plank (i switched this with the hip flexions) 30 sec-45 secs

    with that i'm done. i can't be bothered to repeat these 2 stages again. :noway: i'd rather not dread looking forward to my lifting days as I have been for the past 4 weeks
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member

    with that i'm done. i can't be bothered to repeat these 2 stages again. :noway: i'd rather not dread looking forward to my lifting days as I have been for the past 4 weeks

    Sorry to hear that. I was happy to be done with Stage 2 and I am hoping that I will like Stage 3 better. What are you going to be doing instead?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    with that i'm done. i can't be bothered to repeat these 2 stages again. :noway: i'd rather not dread looking forward to my lifting days as I have been for the past 4 weeks

    Sorry to hear that. I was happy to be done with Stage 2 and I am hoping that I will like Stage 3 better. What are you going to be doing instead?

    i was going to take a break for a month anyway because i got a good deal for some krav maga classes that i need to use up by mid july. since i'm not going to be able to do too much strength training with that, i'm going to supplement the krav maga with some circuit style resistance training where i do 1 minute of a resistance exercise (mainly going to use kettlebells) and then 1 minute of some cardio like jump rope or spin bike

    who knows i might completely change my mind about stages 4 and 5 when i'm done with the krav maga deal, but right now i'm just tired of sucking so bad on these exercises :laugh: seriously, my 1 legged technique is pathetic and i hate going to the gym thinking "time to go do some stuff that i suck at" :cry:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I feel like whenever I get some momentum with my NROLFW workouts, I have week where I can only get one in. I don't have gym clothes today, so I'll do workout 2B tomorrow. Then I have kickball on Thursday and on Friday morning I'm flying up to Boston for 3 days with my boyfriend. So that's only one workout for the week, at least I did 3 last week so I'm not too far behind. I should be able to do 3 workouts the following week to get moving again.

    I just realized that Stages 4 and 5 are the same as 2 and 3. That disappoints me a little bit. Workout A in Stage 3 kicks my butt, but I'm not 100% crazy about Workout B in Stages 2 and 3. I was expecting 7 completely different stages of workouts, so repeating 2 twice seems like a bit of a letdown. I am really happy with the progress I'm seeing though. My arm and back muscles are definitely looking good and my stomach is getting flatter. My clothes definitely have been fitting better, I even wore my new bikini to the pool yesterday and didn't really think about how I looked in it the whole time. It wasn't perfect, but after having lost 60 lbs total, I don't expect it to look like I'm a Victoria Secret model.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Good for you. Rock that 2 piece girl! 60 lbs is an amazing accomplishment! So glad to hear you are seeing results too. If you think about, stage 1 was twice as long as the others. I think we staggering the stages and increasing intensity to keep our bodies guessing and keep the progress moving. Makes sense to me, so I'm going with it.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Starting Stage 3 tonight. It better take less than 2 hours or I am going to find myself locked in the fitness center!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Starting stage 3 tonight! You guys are seriously freaking me out about the BWM! We will see how it goes.....
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Starting stage 3 tonight! You guys are seriously freaking me out about the BWM! We will see how it goes.....

    Haha, it is tough, and you'll probably be sore after doing them tonight, but I wasn't sore the second time I had to do them. I have super tight leg muscles so I don't sink into the squats and lunges too far for the jumps, but I make sure I'm feeling them! The foam roller was my friend the day after, haha.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Workout 1A went well last night. I like that it is more upper body oriented and fewer lunges. I HATE lunges! The biggest problem that I had was with the One hand overhead Squat. I was going to start at 10#/20# but my body said HELL NO! Weent down to 5#/10# and it was still torture. It really hurt my back. It feels like it is twisting in the wrong way. I could not squat to parallel because my back hurt so bad. By the third set I was lifting my lower arm a bit and that helped, but damn! Me no likey.

    Naturally the BWM licked my *kitten*, but I was happy that my time went down slightly from set 1 (04:08) to set 2 (04:03).

    Not particularly sore today, but I feel like I worked hard. I can not wait to get through this stage so I can take some pictures and measurements!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Okay, yes, the one arm overhead squat killed, I really felt that in my back too! I was making some strange faces and possibly randomly swearing under my breath. But the BWM-now we're talking full on random uncontrollable swearing as I forced my body to complete all of that nonsense! Good thing they don't allow kids in the weight area.....I managed 430 the first set and 440 the second. My legs felt like such jello I was barely able to shuffle out to my car afterwards! My leg strength may have been slightly off from running a 10K monday, but still! All I can say is it is a good thing I have other commitments that will keep me from working out for the next 2 days.

    I guess I will see how I feel saturday if I do B then or wait until sunday. Excellent workout overall, though, really felt this one!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Managed to get Workout 2B in yesterday, so I guess that puts me at the halfway point for Stage 3. I managed to increase my weight on a few exercises (up 10 lbs for the deadlift/row and up to 20 lb kettlebells in each hand for the partial single leg squats). I did run/walk intervals for the HIIT at the end. At least this time I wasn't too sore to do those, after Workout 1A killed me, I had to save the 1B intervals for the day after I did the strength part of the workout because I could barely walk, hahaha.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    FInished the A workouts I was really cranky and not feeling my best, but I got through it, though I will admit to skipping BWM. I think I may try doing tonight but I did a fair amount of cardio today and I have 1000 cals left over today after eat 1500 already.

    Final weights for Workout A
    1 arm snatch 10 to 25
    Bent over Row 50 to 80
    One legged dead lift 30 to 60
    Incline DB Bench Press 30 to 50
    1 Armed squat (done wrong the first 2 workouts) stayed 10/20
    Plank 90 seconds
    Reverse wood chop 45 to 70
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Now to go read the Stage 4 thread.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I got my *kitten* handed to me last night doing Stage 3 Part A...good lord I'm sore today.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    First B workout last night. I ended up super-setting most of it so I could finish before the fitness center closed. I like the A workout a lot better. I had to do the dreaded YTWL standing up because I bruised my chest (don't ask :blushing: ) and could not lie on the bench. Also, for some weird reason, I am afraid of the back extention machine. I feel like I am going to flip over it so I can not get in the right position. I am going to have to work on that.

    Still liking Stage 3 more than Stage 2. I am actually feeling sore!