docdrd Member


  • I am in. I weigh in on Mondays. Original starting weight 181.5 (around New Years - it was my highest weight in years) June starting weight 171.6 Current weight 170.4 June goal weight 167.0 Ultimate goal weight 157.0 (though honestly, if I got to 162, I might be satisfied and call it a day :-)
  • Have you tried any of the Kinesio tapes? Is one brand better or are they all the same? My Dr. is recommending I wear some on my wrist until tendonitis heals. Thanks!!!!
  • The side of the box tells you how many servings in a box and tells you the calories associated with a serving. So take that amount and then you have it. And if you are taking multiple servings (for yourself or making the box for your family), you have to estimate portion size. I find it hard to do, but try to guess…
  • EVERYONE who logs into MFP loves seeing stories like this! Congratulations!!!! You look fantastic and you added years to your life! Great work!!
  • What an incredible transformation!! You are saving your own life and setting a great example for your family! Keep it going!! GREAT WORK!!!!
  • Congratulations!! Amazing results thus far!! You are literally saving your own life!
  • Hard to see the changes in your face :-) but clearly you have made amazing progress!! Keep it going!! Congratulations on your success to date!! So impressive!!!
  • You are saving your own life and look GREAT!!! Keep it going!! Congratulations on hitting such an AMAZING milestone!!
  • The difference is astonishing! Great work! You are saving your own life and will be there much longer for your son. Keep it going!
  • I wish you had not pulled the first one out, so I could have compared how it hung on you. The second is more flattering from the side. I can't tell which one I like better head on. Can you post another pic? Either way, you are looking great!! You are going to rock the reunion!!!
  • This is fantastic!! You look GREAT and you added years to your life. Happy 3rd year anniversary. Hope we see you here for many more to come!
  • I am not a Doctor. I just play one on the Internet
  • Sounds like next race you should just tell them see you at the finish line :-) Great job!! Clearly you are getting stronger and faster and I hope this motivates you to continue your hard work!
    in NSV - 5 K Comment by docdrd July 2014
  • I find the only way I can break through those is to add some new exercise that is very different from what I have been doing. That often "shocks" my body and I seem to begin to drop again. Funny thing is, I don't take my own advice very often because I enjoy a few exercises (tennis primarily) and don't want to do others…
  • You are quite literally saving your own life! Great work!! Keep it up
  • Do you see a therapist? This has less to do with weight loss and more to do with you just being pleased with yourself I would think. But my advice is STOP WORRYING about the scale (it is a lying device). Use the mirror and your clothes as the best judge. Your goal should be to be healthy, so set some exercise goals (like I…
  • Congratulations!! Glad you are still focused on moving forward. Terrific work to date!
  • I also drink a lot of caffeine; I start with coffee and shift to Diet Coke instead of Coke Zero, but I will have 4 Diet Cokes a day. I eat half a Curly Wurly candy bar each day (or a couple of bite size Snickers; or Twix) I drink a beer (or two) most nights. I LOVE bread and eat waaaay too much of it when we go out to eat.
  • Truly fantastic work!! And way to keep after it for a long time and not get discouraged. Too many people start and then have the stress fracture and give up. So impressed that you bounced back and then got it done!!
  • Just awesome!! Literally saving your own life. And soon, you will have lost half your body's weight which is just astounding! Keep it going!!!
  • I hate running an absolutely have this problem (about being in my own head while doing it). Some things that have helped me have already been mentioned, especially the DON'T START TOO FAST!! Even when doing a 5K race, I have noticed that taking it slow the first mile makes a HUGE difference for the rest of the run.…
  • You are not a loser! And the first step in healing is to begin to forgive yourself and start liking yourself again. The second step, is to start to exercise again. Do it one day, then do it the next. I think you should go to the gym. FORCE yourself to get in the car and go because once you are in the building, you will…
  • I got knocked into Tom Cruise in a movie theatre. I said Sorry. He said "no problem" and then I said Hi to his wife at the time, Nicole Kidman, who (I think) ignored me. I also shared an elevator with Michael Jordan (in London of all places). Those are my two biggest ones.
  • I have been a MFP member for almost 2 years and this is the single funniest thing I have read since I have been here. APPLAUDING and Bowing in your general direction!! Well done!!!!!
  • I completely agree (and also like avocados, but that is not the point). GO DIET COKE!!!
  • I obviously do not know how a woman's body responds, but how about finding a really good personal trainer and trying to do it with weights and exercise rather than the knife? Seems like both a more sustainable and a more cost effective solution (though clearly one that will not have results as quickly). Obviously, I have…
  • My concern is more over your first two paragraphs than your last ones ones. 76 lbs is a lot for a 7 year old and over 6 hours of practice in a week when he is 7 years old??? Kids should not start lifting until after puberty. In addition, you want to make sure he gets some variation in his activities. Specializing him SO…
  • Remember that it is a lifestyle change and not a crash diet where you might yo yo back. You want it to be slow and steady so that it is something you can maintain over time. You are doing well. Be pleased with those results and keep it going. Cheers!
  • I used to want to lose weight just for vanity and to be faster on the tennis court. Now, I want to lose weight for those reasons, but really I want to just be healthy and to live a LONG life. It is amazing (but not surprising) how one good health scare can change one's outlook on being healthy. Having survived what most…
  • You need to lose weight so you are around for your son too. But even though it is a little late, CONGRATULATIONS on finding the motivation and I am happy to be on your FL and help you stay on course. You are doing this for ALL the right reasons. It would be a pleasure. Cheers!