

  • Hi! Also newish here but just want to give encouragement. Your body has probably been under a ton of stress from what you've put it through, so this may be tough physically and psychologically as you begin to heal. Have you considered scaling back the running while you make this transition and start lifting weights? As a…
  • All of the advice you have received on here, besides from the people referring you to a doctor or specialist, is absurd. the recovery part of an ED can be the most dangerous (refeeding syndrome is a real risk) and you should be CLOSELY medically supervised. An online forum is not the place to get this kind of advise.…
  • Like the above person said, a probiotic may help, just do your research and buy a legitimate, effective brand. If your doc prescribed a stimulant laxative, I would seriously reconsider taking it or go talk to a different health professional. Those can end up making the problem worse in the long run. A bulking laxative or…
  • Thanks Amy! Yes, sounds like we are in a similar space :). I totally relate to lusting after that willow-y long-limbed look. HA! I am a short little square, time to embrace it! Also, I did the paleo/primal thing too. And I really researched the **** out of it. Honestly, the basic tenets are pretty sound, I just think like…
  • Look for a multi with the USP seal. (more info here: Supplements aren't regulated, so this ensures you aren't taking a very well-marketed sugar pill.
  • I started RI30 mid-October. I'm on level 3 day 3 today. I'm trying to do each level at least 6 -7 times before moving on and I'm also incorporating 1 rest day per week and 1-2 run days. So it will probably end up taking 40 or so days to finish, but that's fine with me. The progress is not straightforward at all so I'm sort…