almost died



  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    You need additional professional help... Please don't be afraid to get it...
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I want to start by saying I'm not a dietician or a nutritional specialist, and, from looking at your food diary, you may want to get in touch with a Dr. who has that backround. Having said that, though, here's my two cents.

    While you're looking to take in high-calorie food, I think you want to be fairly balanced in your approach. Yes, high-fat and high-sugar foods are a surefire way to gain weight, but they're not the healthiest way to do so. Granted, eating some ice-cream, fried foods and candy, even on a daily basis will not hurt you in your situation, but I would reccomend eating real food. Breakfast, for example, can be an egg or two, scrambled or pan-fried, with bacon or sausage, and/or whole wheat toast. Drink whole milk, rather than skim or 1%. Lunch can be a PBJ sandwich on whole wheat bread, or a bagel sandwich- another commenter mentioned avacado- phenomenal idea that works great on all sorts of sandwiches. Dinner can be a burger with all the fixings, or homemade mac n cheese, Grilled Chix BLT pasta….

    As others said- you're not going to be able to eat 2000-3000 calories right off the bat, your stomach is too small… but, as you eat more (say, smaller meals more frequently) your stomach will expand. As mentioned in another post on a different topic- try planning out your meals; figure 6 small meals a day, and plan them out, at regimented times, if necessary. it will help you stay on target, and also help you get in the calories you need.

    one last thing- I know a commenter reccomended soda, but I would suggest, if you want to drink your calories, try 100% fruit juice, like V-fusion, Bolthouse farms smoothies, etc… you get the sweet and the calories, plus nutrients.

    Good Luck! And, if you'd like some great recipes, please feel free to message me!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Liquid calories such as pepsi, milk, and orange juice
    Also look at calorie dense foods such as peanut butter, snickers, and lots of butter

    What a silly suggestion group of food (if you can call it that) sugar & fat? Really? Not to mention the sodium in the pepsi, snickers & butter.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Eat natural peanut butter sandwiches every day and you'll soon hit your goal. Very fat (good fats) and its also calorie dense.
  • annietntgetfit
    All of the advice you have received on here, besides from the people referring you to a doctor or specialist, is absurd. the recovery part of an ED can be the most dangerous (refeeding syndrome is a real risk) and you should be CLOSELY medically supervised. An online forum is not the place to get this kind of advise. Please find a good team that includes a doctor, an RD, and a therapist and don't listen to a bunch of strangers on MFP telling you to drink soda and eat peanut butter.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Please listen to your doctor and follow the plan he/she provided if there is one. The long term health effects from ED are serious. Use MFP for support but follow the plan.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Everyone giving her a list of things like chocolate bars, pizza and ice cream are really not thinking. 1) she isn't trying to develop different bad eating habits, 2) she's not trying to become obese and 3) she needs to learn to eat a healthy diet of the right amount of food.

    So that said, you probably are feeling very stuffed if you went from very low cal to 2000. Try just adding a few hundred extra at a time of good food. I wouldn't avoid fruits and veggies but you'll need to add in some full fat yogurts, peanut butter, meats, avocado, eggs, cheese, nuts and other foods that are good for you as well as have healthy calories.

    Good job on trying to get healthy and if you learn good eating habits now they'll help you the rest of your life!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    All of the advice you have received on here, besides from the people referring you to a doctor or specialist, is absurd. the recovery part of an ED can be the most dangerous (refeeding syndrome is a real risk) and you should be CLOSELY medically supervised. An online forum is not the place to get this kind of advise. Please find a good team that includes a doctor, an RD, and a therapist and don't listen to a bunch of strangers on MFP telling you to drink soda and eat peanut butter.
    Best advice so far!! ED is not to be taken lightly, remember Karen Carpenter??? PLEASE see a specialist ASAP and follow their plan instead of a bunch of well-intentioned but misinformed posters.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Buy a Mass Gainer if you can eat all your calories.
  • kchaney2003
    kchaney2003 Posts: 27 Member
    I would suggest a Registered Dietician, ED support group and a doctor to monitor your progress so they can get you to an ideal weight with back up support from MFP as a sounding board. :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I am just giving a online hug to the OP. you are going to be ok :flowerforyou:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Look at a mass gainer shake if you continue to struggle to eat enough food - they're sold in all the same stores as your usual protein shakes and pack a helluva lot of calories into an easy to drink form.
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    ice cream, pizza, gravy, avocado. You have to talk to a therapist and deal with your emotions. Your eating has more to do with what you are feeling inside than how hungry or not hungry you are. That's often the case with those who are overweight and those who are underweight. I pray that God will give you the strength to get the help you need and place supportive ppl in your life to help you during this difficult time.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    Hayley I was there at 19, now at 40 I'm trying to get back DOWN to my healthy weight. Get a nutritionist or a dietician to help you. There are groups on here of people who are trying to GAIN weight, people with medical issues and eating disorders and people who like you and I, had stressful situations. For me it was my ex-husband and a roller coaster with his mental illness. Food just turned in my stomache making me fill physically ill after eating so I ate very little. I'm big boned so 100 pounds on my 5'8" frame made me look like a drug addict or anorexic. I wound up being hospitalized for a week due to stress and anxiety and that is when I finally realized there was a problem. It was a slow process gaining back 35 pounds, took me over a year and we didn't have the internet and MFP back then to help. Don't load up on a bunch of junk, you can eat healthy food and it may take a while to build up to that 2000 calories a day. Start slow and work your way up a couple hundred extra calories at a time. You can do this. If you can stomache it try things like Muscle Milk which has nutrition but a boat load of calories. My husband used to be a body builder and he drank that stuff every morning. I didn't find it very filling so you might be able to drink a few of those or something similar to help put some weight back on without feeling bloated and yucky. Good luck & hit me up if you need to.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    All of the advice you have received on here, besides from the people referring you to a doctor or specialist, is absurd. the recovery part of an ED can be the most dangerous (refeeding syndrome is a real risk) and you should be CLOSELY medically supervised. An online forum is not the place to get this kind of advise. Please find a good team that includes a doctor, an RD, and a therapist and don't listen to a bunch of strangers on MFP telling you to drink soda and eat peanut butter.

    Having googled refeeding Syndrome either 1) the OP's doctor is being very irresponsible in not providing further guidance; or 2) the doctor knows the OP's history better than we do and believes she will be fine, whatever she eats, or he/she would have done more than to say how many calories to eat.

    I am very concerned that this is not the first time i've seen anorexics on mfp trying to recover with very little support from their doctors.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Liquid calories such as pepsi, milk, and orange juice
    Also look at calorie dense foods such as peanut butter, snickers, and lots of butter

    What a silly suggestion group of food (if you can call it that) sugar & fat? Really? Not to mention the sodium in the pepsi, snickers & butter.

    - what is wrong with fat and sugar? Especially when someone needs to get their calories up?
    - there is not a lot of sodium in soda at all
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    Liquid calories such as pepsi, milk, and orange juice
    Also look at calorie dense foods such as peanut butter, snickers, and lots of butter

    What a silly suggestion group of food (if you can call it that) sugar & fat? Really? Not to mention the sodium in the pepsi, snickers & butter.

    - what is wrong with fat and sugar? Especially when someone needs to get their calories up?
    - there is not a lot of sodium in soda at all

    I guess the reason lies in trying to nurture a healthier food consumption pattern for the OP that she can sustain for the rest of her life. Relying on high sugar and high fat initially is okay, but what happens once she starts maintaining? Its best to look for better and healthier options first before resorting to foods that are just merely high in calories such as what was suggested is chocolate bars, pizza etc. Nothing wrong with it in moderation.

    From what i understand of the disorder quickly consuming such high calories can be a bit rough on the system. I definitely agree with everyone suggesting getting a RD or nutririonist. That also coupled with an ED therapist, as the disorder has as much to do with food as well as pyschology.

    Good luck OP, it'll take time, ups and downs but i'm sure you'll get there, just be persistence and know ur end goal....that is a better and healthier you!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Eating some high calorie junk food will not hurt you, I'm sure. Please don't make that all of what you eat in an attempt to just get to calorie goal. For ED'rs, refeeding really IS a serious issue and it can have dire consequences.

    Your organs have been damaged. Your liver, stomach, kidneys, heart. These things will NOT react well to shock-treatment through large amounts of fast weight gain through junk food. Your body needs to be eased back into gaining weight. Be kind to yourself here - getting back up to a certain weight is important, but so is making sure that your organs are not being overwhelmed with suddenly having to process huge amounts of unhealthy food.

    Please, please find a new doctor, or get a second opinion, or talk to the nurse when the Doctor steps out of the room. He is making an egregious mistake by not giving you a real plan to help gain your health back. Please.

    I am so grateful to hear that you are in recovery. Believe me, that is not an easy thing. You are brave and you are strong. You can do this. You really can.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    My wife was like that when she was worried about things. Eat what you want and stuff you like and don't worry about it. The stress from worrying will upset your stomach. It's not best for a maintained diet but eat some sinful stuff like ice cream and fried food.
    Most of us have to cut back on that but you can enjoy yourself, for now.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Liquid calories such as pepsi, milk, and orange juice
    Also look at calorie dense foods such as peanut butter, snickers, and lots of butter

    What a silly suggestion group of food (if you can call it that) sugar & fat? Really? Not to mention the sodium in the pepsi, snickers & butter.

    - what is wrong with fat and sugar? Especially when someone needs to get their calories up?
    - there is not a lot of sodium in soda at all

    I was going to ask exactly the same thing - surely gaining some weight is more important at the moment than worrying how much sodium you are eating