morandanny Member


  • I did not use the app. I used the NHS podcasts, but I believe that the programs and splits are the same. Here is the breakdown by walking and running minutes: week 1 Walk 20.5 Run 8 week 2 Walk 20 Run 9 week 3 Walk 19 Run 9 week 4 Walk 15.5 Run 16 week 5 run 1 Walk 16 Run 15 week 5 run 2 Walk 15 Run 16 week 5 run 3 Walk 10…
  • I posted the walking minutes and running minutes separately. I will look back and post the splits for the standard C25K program
  • I found the link to the new podcasts:
  • At the NHS website, they recently release C25K+ podcasts. Some of these focus on improving speed.
  • Well, I re-started the program with week 1 on a treadmill so I could control the speed better. I still walked at 4mph for the 5 minute warm up and warm down. I then ran the 'running' intervals at 8mph and jogged the 'walking' intervals at 6mph. I also kept my 3rd run each week at the full 30 minutes to keep up the stamina.…
  • Congratuations!!! I finished the program a few weeks ago and also wanted to build up speed over distance. On idea is to redo the program from the beginning but going faster. For example, slowing down to a jog instead of a walk in the intervals and running hard on the run portions. Do to some schedule issues I have not done…
  • Thanks for the advice and encouragement. Based on some suggestions that I receieved, I am re-doing C25K but doing everything faster (running faster on the run parts and joging instead of walking on the walk parts, but still doing the 5 minutes warm up and cool down walks at a walking pace. Did the first one today and that…
  • Thanks for the ideas. I should have written that, at least for the moment, I don't have time to build up to the more than hour long runs that the 10K program would require. Since the 5K program topped out at 40 minutes (5 minute walk, 30 minute run, 5 minute walk), I could fit it in my schedule. I like the idea of speed…
  • I don't know how you would quantify this, but I think that I am reasonably fit person. A few times a year I am called on to work at a trade show where my company would have a stand and we meet current or potential clients or just people browsing the exhibition area. We are standing for about 8-9 hours day at these trade…
    in Standing Comment by morandanny May 2012
  • I did it!! I finished the 5K at 26 minutes exactly. Which I think is a good time for a first try. I started too fast and finshed my first mile at 7:30, so I was struggling near the end. I had to walk a short bit but finished running. Thanks to everyone for all the advice and encouragement.
  • I appreciate all the advice. This has gone down an unexpected path though.
  • People use 'bump' to move a topic back to the top of the queue. If you posted a topic and there has not been much of response, you might want to 'bump' it to see if it catches someone's attention.
  • Bump. I thought that I would give this a try to see if anyone had an opinion.
  • This probably would not work for everybody, but I incorporated my commute into my workout. I leave home every morning at 6AM and inline skate 70 minutes into the gym near my office and then either do strength training or run on the treadmill, depending on the day of my workout cycle. Giving the workout a purpose (besides…