

  • Exactly, perhaps doing one a day :o)
  • I agree, you shouldnt be worrying too much :smile: are you after toned (already there), or ripped? :happy:
  • There are lots of exercises to work the lower back/core/obliques that dont need a gym... things that you can do at home. Youre already doing some by the sounds of it? Try reverse crunches, cycles, leg lifts (with small weights on feet/ankles), advanced side planks, plank (with weight on lower back), plank with alternate…
  • Hmmm.. BF analysers, thats a thread on its own! Haha .. which have you got? The Omron?
  • As said, its not clear cut ! It depends on your age too, as you get older your body fat is naturally higher. Whats very good %age for a guy in his forties would be 'normal' for a teenager of similar size! and womens is naturally higher than mens (sorry ladies) so you have to factor in all these things. Bodybuilders on…
  • I do not have scientific quotes/links to throw at you and letters after my name like some others in this thread, and fair play to them, but i have been in the fitness game for 25 years and have encountered lots of different types of exercise, sports etc during this period. I have my own groups/classes and do PT too, and i…
  • Hmm, it varies...but 'normally' i do Box-Fit Monday mornings (90 mins) and Spinning in the evening (60mins), Tuesday normally a short run outside or treadmill (max 4 mile) and 45 mins on gym weights, Wednesday 45 mins gym weights at lunch and Spinning at 6.30pm, Thursday i go for a long run outside in the morning early…
  • Good carbs are fine, but prolonged low carb diets will make you moody, irritable and if training/exercising too you will feel tired. There is no need to cut carbs down that low (50g per day), yes your body can draw energy from fat & protein etc but this will lead to losing muscle mass too if you are training. Carbs are…
  • Spot on !! Feed the muscle, burn the fat :smile:
  • You're very welcome :smile:
    in VO2 max Comment by Tabsta April 2012
  • and what do you mean by 'set it'? Your Vo2 Max is what it is, you cant 'set it'! Do you mean finding out what it is to work out the intensity you want to work at in your training? If so that page wil help...look at the link below the race result calculator 'the Vo2 Max page' Hope this helps
    in VO2 max Comment by Tabsta April 2012
  • I use this for my run group, if you run at all
    in VO2 max Comment by Tabsta April 2012
  • Reading some of these posts makes me realise that a lot of people have no thought for the way their comments can affect people, people they are 'close' to too!! Ive always worked under the guise (from my Grandmothers many sayings) that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.. unless its constructive and asked for by…
  • I think most people find it difficult to talk about a persons weight if they are overweight, but will talk about it if they start to lose weight, because they can add positives to it too :wink: .. a bit like the 'positive sandwich' approach.. and people who are overweight take motivation from positive comments about what…
  • Not sure why you put your tongue out at me.. haha! ..yes the 'happy endorphins' released during exercise will help your moods through the day, and losing weight/achieving something, even if in bitesized chunks, is ALWAYS motivating ...keep me updated :wink:
  • :smile: yeah me too probably, i was once running around a local lake/reservoir and some guys were sat on a bench as a guy ran past, albeit slowly, overweight but trying obviously to make a change and they took the piss out of him, i boiled over and shouted 'at least he's doing something, not sat on a bench eating…
  • Ive not had anything said personally, but a friend of mine who is also an instructor (although still classed as new to it i guess) had a client/customer after a Spin class say 'you dont look like i thought you would for an instructor' ...Ouch!! ..i might add she is a very good instructor, dont be fooled by looks/shape…
  • HRM depends on what you're trying to achieve from your running? I occasionally use mine, but only if im on a particular training run where i need to monitor it closely. The RPE scale is a good way to judge too, either the 1-10 scale or the 6-20 scale as to how you are during your run. If you are wanting to stay in the 'fat…
  • That the best way to relieve the stresses of the day is to beat the crap out of a punchbag.. :wink:
  • Best way is to build up the R/W (run/walk) as you are doing, in minutes from 1/1 to 2/1. 3/1, 4/1 etc, i always suggest this to beginners. Extend the running gradually until you are runnng for 30 minutes non stop and cut out the walking completely, should take 2/3 times a week for 10 weeks maximum, even as a complete…
  • I guess it depends what you ate the night before too? If you had a high carb meal the night before you should be ok for a shortish run with nothing to eat beforehand... i usually have a banana and a drink and go... i did 18.5 miles this morning on nothing but 2 pieces of chocolate ( well it is Easter in the UK :wink: .. i…
  • At the risk of getting slated, just a quick comment on the stuff from page two, if i had 50 highly motivated athletes such as the NY Jets (or as im from England maybe Manchester United F.C. :o) .. then i'd be confident that whatever method i used to train and nourish them it would work?! .. Ive tried varying my eating…
  • Its not a quick fix, it never is, but i would personally concentrate on the cardio for a while, leave the weights or do just a little on each major muscle group, just a couple of times a week. (non isolation kit) and up your cardio. Try the low impact machines such as bikes, rowing machines, eliptical trainers (X-Trainers)…
  • I work on approx 50/30/20, you need carbs to exercise properly and efficiently, you wouldn't go for a long drive without fuelling up would you? As long as the carbs are good carbs and not processed crap then its fine. i do quite a bit of cardio in my job so need the energy..but i also take in about 1.5g per kg of…
  • Surely it has to be a full body look?! .. working in this environment i see so many people work their upper body and ignore the lower, great in jeans/joggers with shirt off etc, but in shorts they look ridiculous (in my opinion)... depends on the sport too i guess, but in my humble opinion there has to be a…
  • If you eat too little your body will hang on to everything it can, especially if exercising too, your body can 'shutdown'. It doesnt know when its going to be 'fed' again, if that makes sense? When you then eat something like the Pizza slice it grabs those calories/nutrients and holds on, hence your saying your weight…