

  • Does the company slim in 6 delivery to the uk? had a look on the website and its looks quite good! cant find an option to deliver to the uk though. only options for Cananda nad the us x
  • I used to hate going to the gym too. but Ive found that the moe i went the more i got used to it. now i find that if my session in the gym isnt long enough (bearing in mind the longest session i do is an hour) then i feel like I havent dont enough. If I can start to enjoy the gym im sure you'll be able to. so dont give up…
  • I know exactly how you feel. my first week on here i lost 3lb! but ive since lost the motivation. i havent done any exercise this week and dont know where my motivation has gone! hat feeling like this but dont know what to do to kick myself into gear! krista
  • no its not on there. ive had it appear once or twice but most of my foods i have saved its not there. ill get in touch with mike. see what he says. thanks anyway xx
  • thank you molsongirl. that really helped. do you know by any chance if there is a prob with deleting stuff from you food database. I never get the option to delete. only to edit. Ive got some things on there twice now which id rather delete if possible. xxx
  • Thank you both. think i might have a look into a getting a hear rate monitor too
    in Davina Mccall Comment by Krowe May 2009
  • Hi Everyone. just after a bit of advice, Im planning of having a good go on my Davina Mcalls fitness dvd tomoz but dont know how to work out the calories? Do I just record it as general exercise? there is one section which is full on lunges, squats and weight lifting all combined together! how am I supposed to record that?…
    in Davina Mccall Comment by Krowe May 2009
  • Dont worry about the 2lbs!! your body is going to fluctuate all the time. the best thing to do when exercising is measure youself. Ive been exercising since January and ive actually gone haveier on the scales but ive lost 2 1/2 inches from each leg! plus my boobs have gone firm again! so I know thats gona adda 1lb or 2…
  • I am on a mission to lose weight and need help and support. I have a major sweet tooth and need everyone to remind how fat and unhealthy they are. lol I piled on the weight when I changed jobs last June. I went from a job where I was running around like a maniac all the time to a job where I sit down. As you can imagine…
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