Pepsi ... I used to drink 2L a day .... and french fries (especially poutine) .... well ... anything fried ... and chinese food
I would love to join as well
^^^ This is what I do ^^^ My favourite recipe is: and it is sweetened with honey not sugar or HFCS and it stays moist forever ... I had a loaf in my fridge for about 1 1/2 weeks and it was still great.
bump ... can always use more ideas for workouts.
You could try chamomille tea, lavendar scent in a warm bath, or melatonin (only use the ones that melt under your tongue ... the caplets don't seem to work as well).
I also am a single parent ... I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. I find the only time I get to work out is after I put the kids to bed in the evening. I can't afford a babysitter because my ex doesn't pay the child support and I am a stay at home mom so I just work out to a couple of DVD's that I found for cheap at…
you can substitute honey for sugar (sorry not sure of the ratio) or cut the sugar in half and add vanilla or some other extract that is sweet. Flour ... you can substitute oat flour or another type of flour or you could reduce the flour and add ground flax seed (to make up the rest) or something along that line.