Single Parents... I need your help....



  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I'm a single dad with 2 daughters. I have one of my daughters most of the time and the other almost all of the time.

    I solved my problem by working out at home. I do a morning workout before everyone gets up and then another in the evening. The gym isn't an option for me since time can be very precious between work, making meals, cleaning the house, etc.

    Right now I have an exercise bike, free weights, medicine ball, roller wheel thing and a Bowflex. I had a treadmill, but I got rid of it when I moved into an upstairs condo.

    I'm a big fan of home workouts. There's no excuse that way. And best of all, it CAN work with your busy life as a single parent.

    You can do it!

    Thank you for inspiring me that it can be done! I needed that!
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I'm not a single mom, but I am trying to work out at home with my 6 year old and 10 month old right there while hubby works. I do things like get out and play with the kids in the courtyard, take the dog (and kids) on walks all over our apartment complex property which has lots of hills, push the baby in the stroller around the courtyard while my oldest plays, and even do some of my videos with my oldest doing them right next to me (usually Richard Simmons is the most fun for us to do together). We even play WII together. I do a lot of my stuff between my hubby going to work and before my oldest comes home from school too, that usually gives me an hour or 2. You have to either find the time, or involve your son in your workouts somehow. I always tell myself that part of being healthy is so that I can be around for them, and that's the motivation I need to keep going.
  • leo4js
    leo4js Posts: 22
    Hi currently a single mom of two boys and it's not easy but doable. I use to go to the gym mostly for spinning/cycling but I couldn't afford it anymore so I cancelled it and I just workout at home and the outdoors. Outdoors I ride my bike w my 12 yr old. Play basketball w my 20 yr old and at home I have done a bit of Jillian michaels DVDs.... Huge fan of hers but right now....actually today was my first day w 10 min trainer w Tony Horton by Beachbody . Love it!!!!! I'm sore but I love it! My ultimate goal is to lose 65 lbs and ultimately become a cycling instructor! You can do this !!!!! Youre not alone you have all of your fitness pals right here so add me so we can encourage each other !!!!!
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Thank you for inspiring me that it can be done! I needed that!

    Happy to help.

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress. :)
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I know i'm not a parent, but as a child I think I have something to contribute...
    If your son's old enough, take him with you! I used to work out with my parents all the time before they got too busy with work. At first it was kind of like an "ugh, the gym?? why can't we just watch a movie??" but soon going to the gym became synonymous with family bonding time as well as fun. My mom and I would have competitions, like who could do the most push ups, or who could lift the most weights.

    so.. I think that you should bring him! It'll encourage healthy lifestyle choices (working out vs parking in front of a tv/computer) and it'll be kind of like a fun, bonding time.
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a single mom here! I just started about 2 1/2 weeks ago but, I have managed to lose weight before and I am losing now! YAY. I think you have to find time for you! I know taking away from your son can be hard but in the long run he's gonna get a more fit, motivated, and happier mom. Because I have lost 50+ pounds before my kids have actually told me they like me better when I'm active and happy. (no idea why I put it back on but.. single parent hood is challenging and stressful). I go for long walks when I can I also do videos at home. You must be doing something right tho, you have lost alot. Good luck to you.

    I have lost some because I have a lot to loose... :) Thanks for responding... I feel so guity sometimes... how old are your kids?

    My babes are 11 and 14! So yep they are pleanty old enough to fend for themselves a bit! LOL and right now I leave for and hour and do my walks! Don't feel to guilty you are just working your way to a better version of the already wonderful mother you seem to be! Besides how cool will you be when you can out run him???? He's gonna love it!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Thank you for inspiring me that it can be done! I needed that!

    Happy to help.

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress. :)

    I hope to make progress soon... I have been at a stand still this week...still on track working on it though... I hope to be in a 2 piece this summer as a last hoorah for my age! :)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I know i'm not a parent, but as a child I think I have something to contribute...
    If your son's old enough, take him with you! I used to work out with my parents all the time before they got too busy with work. At first it was kind of like an "ugh, the gym?? why can't we just watch a movie??" but soon going to the gym became synonymous with family bonding time as well as fun. My mom and I would have competitions, like who could do the most push ups, or who could lift the most weights.

    so.. I think that you should bring him! It'll encourage healthy lifestyle choices (working out vs parking in front of a tv/computer) and it'll be kind of like a fun, bonding time.

    Thank you sweet pea for your point of view... I think I needed that! I just need to figure out how to make my workouts fun for him! Thank you again!
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Hi there, I'm not a single mum but am one with no me time (I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old). Things that have been working for me are DVDs and Tabata workouts (google it they really work!!) also I do a Mums and Bubs bootcamp and have been doing the bootcamp drills at home. Keep up the good work!!
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi there-I am not a single mom but I understand your struggles. For me I realized that I had to take care of myself if I was going to take care of my family (Husband, 4yr old & 1 1/2 yr old). Although I AM NOT a morning person, I decided that the early morning (between 6 and 7) would be my 'me time' and this is when I had to work out if i was going to get it done. i am in love with everything Jillian Michaels! She kicks your butt in the short amount of time (under 30 min) and you get a good calorie burn (I burn about 300 each time) and a great strength training workout! She is tough but so worth every penny!

    Congratulations on making time for you-you are important and what an awesome example you are setting for your child! keep up the good work!
  • Shanz78
    Shanz78 Posts: 143 Member
    Have you ever tryed HIIT? it stands for high intensity interval training. You work out really hard for 10 or 15 mins and your done. I like Zuzana Light she posts a weekly work out on you tube.
  • turbogirl01
    I'm not a single parent, or a parent at all, but I do Turbofire, which is a FANTASTIC at home workout, and a lot of them are shorter to fit into a busy day. I'm super busy and don't spend much time at home, and it works great for me. Chalene Johnson is also incredibly motivating! Just a suggestion. Don't forget, you're important too! And I'm sure your son will appreciate a happy, healthy mommy, even if that means a few less minutes of time with him a day :D Good luck :)
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    I know i'm not a parent, but as a child I think I have something to contribute...
    If your son's old enough, take him with you! I used to work out with my parents all the time before they got too busy with work. At first it was kind of like an "ugh, the gym?? why can't we just watch a movie??" but soon going to the gym became synonymous with family bonding time as well as fun. My mom and I would have competitions, like who could do the most push ups, or who could lift the most weights.

    so.. I think that you should bring him! It'll encourage healthy lifestyle choices (working out vs parking in front of a tv/computer) and it'll be kind of like a fun, bonding time.

    This is a great response!
  • whallvr
    whallvr Posts: 153 Member
    I am a single mom of a ten year old. I decided to join a gym with kid care, and open swim. It is a lot more, but something we both enjoy especially in the winter when it is hard to get out.
    I also have tapes I do in the morning or after she is in bed, although sometimes we do them together. We also ride bikes and walk.
    Sometimes I ride my stationary bike while we watch a movie together.
    Taking time for yourself is important, but if you can do some things together then you are modeling healthy habits.
    Hang in there. Remember you are doing this for him and you.
  • TLCLuvNLife
    So, Stacey, I'm in the same boat. I'm a single 46 yr old mom raising my now 14yr old daughter who is getting ready to start high school. On top of that, I don't work as I am disabled with Fibromyalgia. I'm desperately seeking a legitimate "work from home" job, (I'm thinking something like medical biling or coding, maybe medical transcription). Other than that, I'm basically doing the same thing you are to try to lose weight. I'm tracking everything on MFP and the Fitbit website, food, exercise, sleep, etc. I've known for a while that I need to lose weight, but it's definitely those candid shots of one's self that really wakes you up and gives you that push that you need to really stick with it. It's really important for your son that you are around for many years to come and even more important to you! I really had some of the same ideas that you did about my weight, but now I know that, although beauty comes from within, it's also nice to feel good about your outside! I do all my workouts at home on my Wii system and Zumba DVDs. I don't think it's necessary for me to join a gym and it sounds like you have a pretty good workout going on at home also. I hope that this helps you! I sent a friend request so that maybe we can be each other's cheering squad! Hang in there, Stacey! You can do it!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Not a single parent. My hat is off to you ... That being said, My wife and I are members of the local "Y"... They do have a child-care section but more than that, our daughter LOVES the pool and swimming is great exercise. She also gets into the "Alpha" room and does the elliptical (she just turned 10) and even some of the band weights. She is not yet old enough to go into the other room. She does not do the childcare thing at that age.. But she certainly looks forward to doing that sort of thing... Really, one of the greatest legacies and lessons you can teach your child is that a lifestyle of fitness is a life-long and worthwhile goal!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Although I'm not single, my husband and I often have crazy enough schedules that it can be hard to find time. Currently, I put my baby (6 months old) in his saucer - used to be in his swing before he outgrew it - and do an exercise video. I've been doing Jillian Michaels and Tae Bo mostly, both tone as well as work cardio. My little guy usually loves watching me (he thinks it's funny!) and even seems to wave his arms and kick his legs with me. Granted, it doesn't always work out for me to get a full hour in, but I can get something at least. And if he cuts me short, I do abs/legs work with him on me (look for baby-and-me workout videos at your library for hints on how to do this)

    Someone also mentioned gyms with a kid zone/child care. I used to take advantage of that at 24 hour fitness, I don't think it cost much above membership costs. You can also put your child in a stroller and go for a nice brisk walk (or a jog, if you have the right kind of stroller) or, if he's old enough, even a trip to the playground can be a nice workout for you. Involve him in your routine as much as you can!

    I understand the guilty feeling we get as moms whenever we take away some of that precious time with our little ones. But I know that when I get my workout done first thing in the morning, I have a much better day, and I am a much, much better mommy. My older kids now like to try working out with me (or wait until I'm done then try to do what they saw me do), so I'm also setting a good example of a healthy lifestyle. It's never to soon to do that!
  • fvgirlca
    fvgirlca Posts: 10
    I also am a single parent ... I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. I find the only time I get to work out is after I put the kids to bed in the evening. I can't afford a babysitter because my ex doesn't pay the child support and I am a stay at home mom so I just work out to a couple of DVD's that I found for cheap at Walmart. I figure that something is better than nothing. I also try, if it is not raining (I live just outside of Vancouver, BC), to walk if my destination is close enough that my 4 year old can make it instead of jumping in the car.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm not a single parent, but my husband works LONG hours so sometimes I feel like it. During the week with his school and your work, he has homework time right? IMO, A 10-year-old needs to start learning to do things on his own too. I assume you help with his homework? Give him an hour at the table or in the office or where ever he does his homework. Tell him to try by himself for 1 hour and after that you will come check his work and help him with any problems he has. Doing it by himself will give him a huge self-esteem and confidence boost. Set a timer, go do your home work-outs DVDs or Wii Fit or Kinect or whatever and when the timer goes off, stop and go back to him. You don't need a gym membership to be fit and healthy. Or at least I hope not because then I am screwed. I don't have the money for a gym membership right now, at least not until I am off maternity leave. Anyway, if he doesn't have an hour of homework I'm sure he can keep himself occupied for an hour. Does he have chores?

    You're not alone, there are other parents out there in your position. My husband and I are both American's living in Germany. Our nearest family is in California. With my husband working long hours I often feel I am raising my son totally alone. Not the same as a single parent, but when daddy leaves before baby wakes up and comes home after baby's in bed, then doesn't get up with him at night, well.... yeah, it's lonely. Are you a member of a church or community organization? Often times people just need to be asked for help. All the best to you!
  • chris2365
    chris2365 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm a widowed mom w/two boys, 8 and 11. When they were smaller and I was much more fit, I would do DVDs (trying not to kick the 4-year old little one). They figure it out soon enough. And you're not taking time from them, you're giving their kids a grandma by keeping yourself healthy.

    And all kids are different but my kids are totally fine being home by themselves for 45 minutes or so while I go for a walk. Again, you have to know their maturity level and whether they can handle it or not. But when I look at the level of responsibility I had at the age of 8 or 9 as a latchkey kid; a bit of time without you may be completely doable for him.

    And a big thumbs up on involving him. Just Dance on Wii or Kinect, shooting hoops, playing soccer, whatever. It's all good!