

  • Morning's my current weight as of this morning....239 Created by - Free Calorie Counter Original Red Team Member............GO RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I weighed in this morning.......I'm addicted to my scale......I HAVE to see progress and guess what??? Those 3lbs I 'found' earlier in the week?? I LOST THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO----HOOOOO!!!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hurley, you are an AMAZING person and you know and I know that you have the motivation and drive to get this extra weight under control!!! We are all here for you girl!!!! P.S. I LOVE ...........P.S. I LOVE YOU!!! :laugh: Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Hey everyone.... As of this morning I'm at 242. Lucky me found 3 of the 11lbs I've lost so far. :angry: It's's a new week and I've done really well today and plan to workout later this evening!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Count me in.......... June 1 242 July 31 220
  • Hey I've had a horrible horrible week and I was embarassed and ashamed to share it with my red buddies. :cry: I don't know what's going on with me.......I was doing SO WELL. I was eating the right amount of calories I was exercising everyday and then on one stupid weekend trip everything fell apart and all my…
  • You're so right Aisha......but it's still a huge disappointment for me.....Seriously, I haven't been able to step on my scale since Monday b/c I'm so afraid that 11lb weight loss won't be 11 lbs anymore.
  • I'm still here........having a crappy week....but I'm still here. :grumble: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I"m telling you I had a horrible weekend food wise BUT I still managed to 'maintain' which was great but now the weekend is over and I still had a horrible day.....I don't think the scale will be so nice to me this next time. So come on RED TEAM LETS KICK SOME BUTT!!!!!!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Welcome to the club Rob!! You've come to the right place for support and motivation! It's the best place that I've found and I'm totally lovin it and I'm sure you will too!!! Best of luck!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • GREAT JOB!!!! Isn't it an AMAZING feeling to see those 10lbs gone? :flowerforyou: Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • THANKS GIRL!!!!!! :glasses:
  • I was shocked!! I just KNEW after the season that Adam had that he was going to be the one to win. I don't have anything against Kris but to me he sounded like every other person on the radio, whereas Adam was different and unique. Oh well.........the good thing for me is that it's one less reality show to watch so know I…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your words of encouragement. I feel that finding mfp was the best thing that could have happened to me. It's helping me so much to write down EVERYTHING I eat (even the bad stuff) and be accountable for what goes in my mouth. I plan my meals the night before and that's so working for me. I also…
  • Thanks Chrissyh......can't wait to see YOUR kind of numbers on my weight loss ticker!!!!!!
  • As of this morning..... 241!! Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • I lost a couple of more pounds.....yea me!!!! :flowerforyou: Starting weight on the red team: 247 (but 250 on mfp sign up date) Week 1: 243 Week 2: 241 Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • I was thinking the same thing! Is everyone still sleeping??? Wish I was.......had a LONG weekend and my alarm clock rang way too early this morning!! UGGGGHHHH!!!!! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Strawberry Banana Yo Crunch Banana 2 bottled waters :tongue: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Thanks guys......I'm not feeling as bad as I was earlier. And you're was just one day.....and I do plan on getting back on track tomorrow.
  • I don't know what happened.......I have been doing so well......I've been exercising almost everday.....I"ve been staying away from fast foods....and sweets. But today.....I just had a moment of weakness and before I knew it I was getting Taco Villa and the sad thing is that I wasn't even that hungry. I"m so depressed I…
  • I worked out on my honey's exercise machine. He tells me that it's not really weights that I'm using but resistance training. Anyway, I logged it into my exercise section but it isn't showing that I burned any calories. I didn't do very much on it being my first time but I thought I'd get something out of it. Am I logging…
  • Thanks for the advice dclarsh....that totally makes sense.
  • Thanks a bunch librarygirl........ I'm pretty proud of I'm not going to say I haven't 'fallen off the wagon' because I have but I didn't dwell on it and just picked myself up and started again. Thanks again for the encouragement! Means a lot!!!!!
  • Okay folks......I've been here at MFP for a week.....I'm doing really well but I think I could be doing better if I was eating the right combination of foods. I noticed on some other postings that some of you will eat a protein AND a carb that better? If not what is the best food combination to get better…
  • As of this morning.......243!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I gave into temptation. I'm not going to blame the person who brought the cake or anyone else. I chose to walk into that breakroom and have myself a piece of cake. I regretted it afterwards BIG TIME but it's done and there's nothing I can do about it now. I just dealt with it and the following day I worked out harder and…
  • I looked up the calories for this cake and it was around 450 and that was just for a basic cake w/icing whereas this bd cake has candy decorations on at as well, which I'm sure adds that much more calories to it. I've just never had any willpower. I would try to talk myself out of indulging in something bad but then I…
  • You guys are great!!! And WAY TOO FUNNY!! Okay, so I'm drinking my water and I stuck a piece of gum in my mouth.............not as good as cake............but I think my 'craving' has passed.........but trust me if it hasn't I'LL BE BACK!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Okay so there's birthday cake in the breakroom where I work. I've already eaten my lunch but I'm still hungry and that cake is so calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!