Laura021967 Posts: 42
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
So, last weekend...........which was Memorial Day Weekend my honey and I decided to take a little weekend trip. I was worried b/c I would get out of my routine but thought to myself I'll just be REALLY careful when we go out to eat and I'll be okay. Plus we had planned on doing a LOT of walking at the zoo and other activities we had planned. So, I get back on Monday and I weigh in and OMG....I've actually lost a pound! I WAS SO EXCITED!! Well, since that day it's been downhill.....I haven't exercised since last week and my eating habits have gone out the window. Get this...... in the past week my daily calorie intake has been anywhere between 3000 to almost 5000!!! YES I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what has happened??? I mean before my trip on average I was consuming maybe 1500 at most a this.....I'm so discouraged. :frown:

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  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    first of all, congratulations on your loss.

    second of all, according to your profile, you've only been using this site for a month. don't be so hard on yourself. its taken you so many years, possibly your entire life to establish those bad eating habits. its going to take more than a month for a new life style to become ingrained. just keep at it. pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

    best of luck to you
    :heart: aisha
  • Laura021967
    Laura021967 Posts: 42
    You're so right Aisha......but it's still a huge disappointment for me.....Seriously, I haven't been able to step on my scale since Monday b/c I'm so afraid that 11lb weight loss won't be 11 lbs anymore.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Laura! don't stress! start planning out your day ahead of time with what you will eat. i started doing that and it makes a BIG difference for me! and if you need a kick in the rear just let the red team know and we'll take care of it :laugh:

    you can do this!

    think about that beautiful dress you'll wear!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    O my laura! im alittle hurt u didnt come to us for ur problems!! red team is here for u! we all go off track thats why we are all here for eachother for motivation... you cant change the past but u can always change ur future... set your self a goal!!! mine is that sexy bathing suit at sears that i want! whats yours?
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    You're so right Aisha......but it's still a huge disappointment for me.....Seriously, I haven't been able to step on my scale since Monday b/c I'm so afraid that 11lb weight loss won't be 11 lbs anymore.

    your going to have some let downs. Even if you have gained some of the weight back, its not the end of the world. As callous as that sounds, you need to remember that in terms of weight, nothing is permanent. There are going to be some drawbacks. just work twice as hard to make up for it. As time goes on and you become more accustomed, this setbacks will become less and less frequent.

    one thing that i always preach on this site is to forgive yourself. you made a mistake. it happens. now learn to forgive yourself for it and move on.

    Don't forget that we're here for you if you ever need a kick in butt. and like jlhcrh3 said, don't forget about your dress!
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