
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    I've done ok. I didn't eat at ALL after dinner yesterday (which is huge for me, as I ate at 5 and went to bed at 11). I worked until 9 last night, so that halped get thorugh some of the hours, but it's hard to not grab a snack when I come home at night. I didn't exercise above my usual, but I did walk the doggie for 20 minutes. I do that every day, so I feel like it shouldn't count toward the 15 minutes of cardio, but oh well... :tongue:
    I'm currently in an online class on Wednesday night (2 back-to-back from 6-10 pm) so I'm about to go sit on my exercise bike for 45 minutes or so while I listen to the lecture. I started doing this last semester, and it works pretty well!
    As usual, I'm doing terrible with the water requirement. :blushing: Someday I'll actually drink the eight cups...someday...

    Sounds like just about everyone is doing well on this week's "revamp" instructions. Keep it up!


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    i knew that i would kick some sense into u guys... well im doing well... the only problem is that i have is i have the flu... so anything i eat is going into the toilet... my fiance thinks i have swine flu (lol jerk) but ya so i havent been working out but i am eating well since im not really eating... and ive been drinking a lot of juices and water... so i should hopefully lose some weight this week..

    Oh no! I'm sorry you are sick! Feel better!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    OMG. I just had desert. 100 calorie fat free Jello pudding chocolate and vanilla. My hubby brought it back from the store (I think he was reading my mind b/c I had just read an article in Women's HEalth about craving busters for under 100 calories).
    It was soooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. Hunts make a 70 calorie snack pack, too.
    :) Still under my cals, and I exercised tonight! Yippee!!!
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??
    I am ok with this, but I would rather just make it viewable to friends, not the whole world. :) I'm only friends with one of you guys, so far so...
    expect requests! :bigsmile:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    OMG. I just had desert. 100 calorie fat free Jello pudding chocolate and vanilla. My hubby brought it back from the store (I think he was reading my mind b/c I had just read an article in Women's HEalth about craving busters for under 100 calories).
    It was soooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. Hunts make a 70 calorie snack pack, too.
    :) Still under my cals, and I exercised tonight! Yippee!!!

    Oh that does sound really good! I am always looking for good snacks that stay in my calorie range. I will have to try those. :smile:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sorry guys I did not get to the gym to weigh this weekend was too busy. Man this school year cannot end too soon. I am in the middle or the beginning really of grading 240 essays for finals and then have to give the other part next week but then it is summer! Woohoo!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    OMG. I just had desert. 100 calorie fat free Jello pudding chocolate and vanilla. My hubby brought it back from the store (I think he was reading my mind b/c I had just read an article in Women's HEalth about craving busters for under 100 calories).
    It was soooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. Hunts make a 70 calorie snack pack, too.
    :) Still under my cals, and I exercised tonight! Yippee!!!

    That sounds yummy! :smile:

    Sorry guys I did not get to the gym to weigh this weekend was too busy. Man this school year cannot end too soon. I am in the middle or the beginning really of grading 240 essays for finals and then have to give the other part next week but then it is summer! Woohoo!

    I cannot wait to be a teacher! But I'm going to have little ones so I won't really have to grade a whole bunch of essays!
    It's almost summer... don't worry. :smile:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Ugh....I want to chuck all the books in the college's bookstore at the ladies who work it...!!!! long story..

    anyway, I just got back from my class...6-10pm! and since I had to eat before class, I am now really hungry!! I've chugged down water so I know it's not thirst!

    well I did pretty well today. stayed within my cals, did my 25 min. of biggest loser dvd...

    mel--girl, don't let that attitude control your life! as my teacher said this evening..."It's never too early to NOT give up"! Just keep fighting and doing your best! We're here for you!!!

    hurley--sorry to hear you have the flu!! hope you start feelin' better soon!!

    jomane---yeah, I meant with each other, lol. mine is set to friends only, too! maybe one day I will make it public...maybe...haha

    amy--dont worry, we didn't weigh this week:wink:

    justanothergirl---dang, how do you have the energy everyday to do that much!---***edit---nevermind...i misread! i thought you walked, shredded, AND ran in one day...then i read it again:blushing:

    Later, girls!

  • Hello everyone. I am home for the night, then it's back for more tests tomorrow. BTW, Jess, thanks for the encouragement. :smile:
    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a pretty good day yesterday - ate well and worked out a bit. I really should join a gym because I do not have any good means of exercising at home. I have two options for a gym: the one my dad goes to at 5:30 every morning during the week. Or a different one that is open 24/7 (not that I would go at some ungodly hour anyway). I don't think I have the willpower to go at 5:30am during the week with my father. But I don't want to go alone. I have no friends in the area, so I have nobody to go with. Thus, even if I pay for a membership, I will not be able to force myself to go. :frown:

    In the beginning of May I had set a goal that I wanted to either weigh 160lbs by August 25th (start of Fall classes) and/or drop 2 pants sizes. At the time, it seemed reasonable. Considering that I started May 20 pounds away from my goal, and now at the end of May I am nearly 25 pounds away from my goal, I am rather discouraged. I really wanted people to notice a change when I went back to school. :ohwell:
    I know I still have close to 3 months, but things are not going well. I seem to have lost all motivation to succeed at this. Perhaps because physically my body is giving up on me, I see no reason to continue. I do really, really, really want to lose this weight, but part of me just doesn't care. :ohwell:

    Perhaps tomorrow I will not be so bummed. Sorry to put a damper on anyone's chipper mood with my depressed-I'm-going-to-die-soon-anyway-so-what's-the-point disposition.

    Wow this is long. Sorry.

    Lol no one ever wants to go with me to the gym and all of my weight loss buddies are in other states. What I usually do is call one and have a head set in and talk to them while I'm working out. Though people give me weird looks at times because they think I'm talking to myself xD.

    Although I don't usually notice them and talking to friends while working out makes it go by so much faster.

    If the gym is not an option for you though, try walking or biking to where you need to go instead of driving.

    I also take at least a mile walk a day (sometimes I have so many dr appointments that I don't have enough time before work to walk).

    And then I try to bike to work and back. Saves lots of gas and good exercise. My work is a good eight miles a way, and if I can do it at the obese rate I'm at, I have enough courage that perhaps a lot of people could as well.
  • Sorry guys I did not get to the gym to weigh this weekend was too busy. Man this school year cannot end too soon. I am in the middle or the beginning really of grading 240 essays for finals and then have to give the other part next week but then it is summer! Woohoo!

    Hahaha...I feel really bad for what I use to do in high school... They would assign a final term paper essay that we could take home and do research on, write it up, and turn it in. I'd always ask my teacher is there is limit to how many pages we could write and she/he would just say make sure its 4 types pages long...and I would say, yes I know that, but what's the maximum. They would never set one so I'd come back with a 15-18 typed research paper with at least 12 references...

    Yeah, then they got revenge on me and put me in Advance Placement classes were you where not allow to take the final essay home. So you had to come to school with an outline of your paper and write a three to four page essay in 90 minutes. =/

    Man, high school seemed so far away, but it was only three years ago. I'll have my bachelor's here soon then off to law school. Wow, time has flied. I remember the day my now husband told me in high school that he was enlisting x.x
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    you added me..thanks for the add.

    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??
    I am ok with this, but I would rather just make it viewable to friends, not the whole world. :) I'm only friends with one of you guys, so far so...
    expect requests! :bigsmile:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Man, high school seemed so far away, but it was only three years ago. I'll have my bachelor's here soon then off to law school. Wow, time has flied. I remember the day my now husband told me in high school that he was enlisting x.x

    I totally agree with you...time has flown by so quickly. I just had my 10 year reunion last year. It does not seem like it was that long ago. I'm getting old! :laugh: Where are you going to Law school? I have a good freind that just finished Loyola in New Orleans.
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    While I was on my adding "binge" for friends, MFP popped up with a warning "you can only add 5 friends every ten minutes." That seems like a silly limit for a site that's trying to encourage social networking and support! :tongue: Just Kidding. Anyway, though, I left it and got distracted so I don't think I've gotten everyone yet... just didn't want you to think I forogt about you! I'm at work now, so I probably shouldn't spend too much time on here. Just wanted to see how everyone was doing. :) I'll have to go home and ride the bike, cuz I haven't gotten in my cardio for the day! :blushing:

    It's almost FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :drinker: Jodie
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    well in update on my sickness is im feeling a lot better... i think im returning to work tomorrow... but i have a lot of homework to do and im soooo lazy! lol i think im over doing this sick thing lol...

    but i made a promise to myself if i make the team im going to start 6 am work outs then homework during the morning then work till 11... it will be a good motivation...

    but im starting fresh on monday... i am excited to get back on track... but i havent been eating much during this week... i think ive eaten once a day if that... just cause my stomach is still upset...
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    please read...

    so i was talking to my friends trainer and i was telling him about our group... that we all want to lose weight... well he said that excuses are going to be the biggest he said since we are all starting to be able to view eachothers food diary we should have a weekly random viewing each week and the person must post everything that they ate (including that skittle you saw from a bag that was left over) and if someone cheats there is a punishment... (an excersize you might not like or anything i havent decided yet) but im not going to say what day and everyone has to be completely honest! no lieing this is for u not me...

    whos in?

    and also i need to know who is still in this group...
    cause it seems like we have lost some people...
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    please read...

    so i was talking to my friends trainer and i was telling him about our group... that we all want to lose weight... well he said that excuses are going to be the biggest he said since we are all starting to be able to view eachothers food diary we should have a weekly random viewing each week and the person must post everything that they ate (including that skittle you saw from a bag that was left over) and if someone cheats there is a punishment... (an excersize you might not like or anything i havent decided yet) but im not going to say what day and everyone has to be completely honest! no lieing this is for u not me...

    whos in?

    and also i need to know who is still in this group...
    cause it seems like we have lost some people...

    Love it! Im in!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hope you all have a great weekend! I am off to go and visit my sister and mom for the weekend. I will check in on Sunday night!
    Chat with all of you later!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hello ladies! :flowerforyou:

    my oh my what a day. had to drive all the way back to school (45 min. drive) just to get a book that I was supposed to be able to get yesterday, but they sold it to someone else. and I am going crazy. I live with *the* most IMPOSSIBLE woman on the face of the earth (my grandmother). I live with my parents, but we took her in 5 years ago because she couldn't live by herself anymore and none of her other kids would take her because they knew what we didn't..:grumble: Sorry, I know that I sound like the meanest person on the face of the earth, but people just don't understand the type of person she REALLY is. so I am totally stressing because of her and the things she does/says, and anyway it's a long story. I tried to walk out all my frustration and anger this evening but it's impossible because I have to come right back home to it! but enough about that...(sorry just had to do a bit of venting, she's driving me up the wall!)

    I ate pretty well today. I did indulge some. I had all the cals and stuff, so I don't feel bad about it. It was a chocolate cake, but with a twist.

    1 chocolate cake mix
    1 can pumpkin (the small, not the real big one)

    mix it up and bake! veggie in a choc. cake? who'da thunk it??
    anyway, it was delish!! (if you don't like pumpkin, stay away, b/c you can still taste the pumpkin some..and if you're sensitive to the taste it will probably seem like it's all pumpkin)
    and the texture is somewhere between brownies and cake. but it was sooooooo moist and wonderful. and I kept it at ONE serving!

    So, I got my cardio in, drank about 6 glasses (enough to be peeing regularly but not every 5 seconds!!), and ate pretty well. I feel pretty good. but I am hoping tomorrow I might be able to get more exercise in. I also have a TON of homework to get done by midnight tomorrow! eep! I also babysit tomorrow, and she keeps me very busy!! lol.

    Sorry this is long...I hope you all had a great day today and another one tomorrow!
    Tomorrow's friday, already! I can't believe it!
  • Laura021967
    Laura021967 Posts: 42
    I'm still here........having a crappy week....but I'm still here. :grumble:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    so tempted!!!!

This discussion has been closed.