

  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a serious source. http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/statistics/crime/cts-data-collection.html Go nuts.
  • I forgot, you have border searches whenever you pass between states to ensure guns don't get moved around.... oh wai.... I fogot about all those border checkpoints you have.... <roll eyes>
  • Hmmm. Information from the CIA factbook & United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime VS some pro-gun redneck website with pay-pay donations. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
  • True... but they can't argue with the facts.
  • If only you did.....
  • How about this one. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/jan/10/gun-crime-us-state Murder rate with firearm statistics per 100,000 US Average - 2.84 per 100,000. Texas - 3.14. per 100,000 Washington - 1.38 per 100,000 New York - 2.64.per 100,00 UK - 0.07 per 100,000. Care to admit you are totally wrong? Just for…
  • How about this one. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/jan/10/gun-crime-us-state US Average - 2.84 per 100,000. Texas - 3.14. per 100,000 Washington - 1.38 per 100,000 New York - 2.64.per 100,00 UK - 0.07 per 100,000. Care to admit you are totally wrong?
  • I've got an idea, how about you do some research on comparative crime rates in nations which don't have legal gun ownership then get back to me.
  • The stats say otherwise. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States
  • Give up, trying to explain to (most, not all - I've seen a few on here who seems intelligent) Americans what "per capita" means is like trying to explain particle physics to a donkey. They have a mental block in understanding how basic statistics works it seems from what I've read on this forum.
  • Anti-gun, Guns in a population with low crime, low poverty & a low propensity for developing mental disorders are not that much of a problem, unfortunately the USA is a cesspit of crime, poverty, mental illness & gross stupidity (very clear from this thread).
  • You wouldn't have the right to vote as a women if it wasn't for unions & the support given back & forth for the women's suffragists. It's amazing how the average person in the world is so incredibly dense that they are against the only organisation in the last 200 years which has really improved their standard of living.…
  • The reason is actually very simple, the republicans are lying to justify massive tax breaks. The optimal tax rate for growth (according to the laffer curve) is around 70% - at 90% it can be sustained for some time, but after a while it starts to impact growth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laffer_curve. FYI - that tax rate…
  • I agree you are not, it's more a plutocracy with extreme corporatist tendencies. But even if it wasn't, the entire concept of "free market capitalism" is flawed, for the reason that unrestricted the end result is one person owning everything - even if our current distorted version of capitalism this is slowly becoming…
  • "previous incidents" plural, implying not a one off. While people do change, if you genuinely think something is going on - then you should say something - you don't have go all public, just speak to the relevant authorities. I'd assume they would question the children & find out if anything is going on, but I don't think…
  • Consumers are wealth creators, They are the ones who create the demand which in turns creates jobs. It's disingenuous for the wealthy to claim the title as wealth creator. The savage irony is, as the spending power the middle-classes/working classes erodes further & further we will no longer be able to maintain cyclic…
  • Quick question. You said it happened before?, so definitive proof exists that this person had done it in the past & this is an established fact?. If so, then I think you are OK to warn the other person. It's not like it's a random accusation against an innocent person (if they have done it before) - I'd be very strongly…
  • I'd hate to live in a developing country like the USA. If you want a good healthcare system (cheaper & better performing) I'd suggest looking at France. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_France The French health care system is one of universal health care largely financed by government national health insurance.…
  • This tbh, can't disagree with any points here. A child isn't old enough to make a decision (like a boob job or circumcision for them-self) & a parent doesn't have the right to mutilate them either. In both cases neither should be allowed until they are 18. I'm sure those in favour of circumcision are against female genital…
  • Well I'm not referencing to the ones who kill people for a start, as killing people during an invasion isn't heroic. In total honesty, even calling them heroes is a stretch - the medic was me meeting the discussion part way. I don't blame them for being indoctrinated to fight for a country which objectively doesn't give a…
  • Exactly, it's complex. Catholicism is so big you will have some small parts which are as extreme as Scientology - but the main-steam Catholic Church isn't the same as the core of Scientology (in regards to possessing cult like traits). Punishment for leaving is a key part, extreme isolationism etc - while I'm sure you will…
  • "Are you so deluded that you actually think ALL soldiers are bloodthirsty criminals who just want to kill people?" - Straw-man, argue with what I said - not what you think I said. To be a hero the purpose for the deployment needs to be recognized. You can't be a hero in a war in which you are supporting the theft of…
  • For a number of reasons, Scientology is a cult, one which directly influences it's members to not associate with people outside of it - it uses various known manipulation techniques (love bombing, social cutting people off, advising against viewing material on-line, information restriction & near slave labour level…
  • Yes it should & yes it does in civilised nations. Only a country of barbarians would deem it acceptable to let the poor die. The developed world has extensive healthcare, social housing, social care & a welfare state to look after the unfortunate, disabled & out of work. I love to hear from right wing conservative…
  • All excellent points - bravo. I'm not afraid to admit that my county has played a part in this conflict, the west is hugely responsible, more-so when Arab's are being expected to pay for the crimes of European Nazism.
  • That's the point. You are a good parent if they would never do that. Not all parents are good, some children are spoiled, some are beaten, abused, live in a violent house-hold. They act that way because they don't know any better.
  • Lol - anti-zionism is anti-semitism....Classic. Just because I think the actions of the Jewish government are disgraceful it doesn't mean I harbour ill regards to Jewish people, or that I'm a racist. Any nation which refuses to sign the none-proliferation treaty is backwards - EVEN IRAN signed the treaty.
  • Nice to see some reason enter the debate.
  • Pretty epic historic revisionism on here. The USA is a colony of immigrants from Europe, you can pretend that America wasn't already populated & claimed but you would be wrong. The problem with America, England, France & every single other developed country is the people - not immigrants. They are simply a political…
  • Because the debt shrank under the last Republican government... oh wa....